ابحث في قاعدة البيانات
وثيقة مؤتمر
Large Plantations versus Smallholdings in Southeast Asia: Historical and Contemporary Trends
This paper seeks to build on and provide empirical evidence concerning a: over the long term, in most of tropical Asia and Southeast Asia, it is not large farms that replace small ones, since, on the contrary, what is clearly occurring is a transition from plantation to smallholders for an...
مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
República Dominicana: Grupos campesinos piden mayor atención a las mujeres en el campo
La Comisión de Mujeres de la Articulación Nacional Campesina (ANC) aprovechó la celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujeres Rurales para llamar la atención de las autoridades en el país sobre la situación de las mujeres dominicana, en especial de las mujeres del campo que se encuentra en desventajas e...
Dominican Republic
2015 - Comisión de Mujeres de la Articulación Nacional Campesina (ANC)
مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Facultades de fortalecimiento institucional contenidas en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, son fundamentales para lograr un sector moderno
El Viceministro de Desarrollo Rural de Colombia, Juan Pablo Díaz Granados, en un Foro sobre “Asociatividad con Visión de Cadena”, señaló que uno de los objetivos en los que está trabajando el Ministerio es la creación de dos entidades: “una para la administración de tierras y otra para promover el desarrollo...
2015 - Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural
مقالة في مجلة
Horticultural production cooperation in the Lisbon region
In the Lisbon region which is characterized by small and fragmented farms, individual horticultural producers recognized the benefits of cooperation and invested in joint improved production capacity.
The Portuguese region where the project has been implemented is dominated by horticultural production. Average holding size is very small and producers recognized the...
2015 - Romanian Rural Network
نشرة إخبارية
Farming Matters - Rural–urban linkages
Rural–urban linkages connect people in cities with people in the countryside on a daily basis. The links are tangible and include markets, migration flows, knowledge exchange, leisure and tourism, ecosystem services, food production and consumption. To support sustainable, fair and resilient food systems, a supportive political and institutional environment is...
2015 - Centre for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture (ILEIA)
L'agriculture une histoire de famille
L’agriculture familiale est la forme d’agriculture majoritaire sur la planète. Sur 570millions d’exploitations agricoles dans le monde, 500millions sont des exploitations familiales et assurent plus de la moitié de la production agricole mondiale!
2015 - Actions des organisations agricoles pour la défense de l’agriculture familiale
وثيقة فنية
Rural development and the future of small-scale family farms
Renewed attention has recently been given to the importance (and the position) of small-scale family farms through the International Year of Family Farms (IYFF). However, public policies are deficient, investments are lacking, and many of the 500 million smallholder farmers receive little to no support. Standard typologies that distinguish “commercial...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
EE 101: "Sustainable Farming through Agroecology" by Stephen Gliessman with Mark Bittman
Lecture: "Sustainable Farming through Agroecology" by Stephen Gliessman with Mark Bittman
2015 - Edible Education
مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Syria, FAO discuss developing agricultural cooperation
Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Eng. Ahmad al-Qadri said work with FAO will focus on promoting future cooperation between both sides through setting joint programs targeting agricultural sector in Syria to achieve positive outcomes. During a meeting with UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Assistant Director-General for North Africa and...
Syrian Arab Republic
Mercados públicos de alimentos en Chile y recomendaciones para la inclusión de la agricultura familiar campesina
La Agricultura Familiar Campesina (AFC) ha demostrado ser clave para avanzar hacia sistemas alimentarios más sustentables y saludables, en la región y el mundo, lo cual ha elevado su protagonismo en lo más reciente, al punto que FAO declaró el 2014 como Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar. La AFC...
2015 - Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH)
وثيقة عمل
Terms of Reference for the National Guidelines for the Governance of Agricultural Systems Based on Family Farming
The present guidelines will promote specific policies for family farming, will take a rights-based approach and will respect the Guiding Principles of equality, comprehensiveness, social participation, transparency, environmental sustainability, consistency and multiculturalism.
وثيقة مؤتمر
XIX Conferencia Regional de Cooperativas de las Américas: Cerrando brechas hacia la visión 2020
El Encuentro es un espacio para intercambiar experiencias, reflexionar sobre lecciones aprendidas y debatir sobre qué hacer para fortalecer las organizaciones cooperativas. La agricultura familiar es uno de los actores clave de este tipo de organización empresarial y, por tanto, está integrada en estas reflexiones. Participan cooperativistas del sector agropecuario...
2015 - Cooperativa de las Américas (COOP)
UCAR - 2014: Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar
UCAR - MAGyP: El 2014 fue el Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar. En Argentina el 75% de las explotaciones agropecuarias son a través de la agricultura familiar, generando el 64% del empleo en el sector agropecuario.
2015 - Unidad para el Cambio Rural (UCAR)
مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Agricultores familiares de Tarabuco y Betanzos cuentan con agua de calidad para la época seca
Los efectos del cambio climático inciden cada vez más de forma negativa en la vida de las familias de las zonas semiáridas del país. Las lluvias escasas y la época de seca prolongada se convierten en un problema para las familias del área rural, resultando en dificultades para acceder al...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2015 - Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe (FAO/RLC)
مقالة إخبارية
Small Scale Farming is the Answer to feeding the world
On October 16, World Food Day was observed. The theme for this year’s observances was ‘Social Protection and Agriculture’. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), the choice of topic aims to highlight the role social protection plays in reducing chronic food insecurity and...
2015 - Kaieteur news
مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Proalimentos incluye otra fruta en la alimentación escolar
El Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos), entidad adscrita al Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), benefició a 108 familias productoras con la compra de 1.002.536,25 unidades de naranja, por 80.202,84 dólares.
Los pequeños productores de los cantones Flavio Alfaro, Junín, Santa Ana, Jipijapa y Bolívar entregarán 13.367,15 gavetas con...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (PROALIMENTOS)
وثيقة عمل
Identifying the “family farm"
An informal discussion of the concepts and definitions
The definition of family farm varies across countries and contexts. We reviewed 36 definitions and uses of the term “family farm” by academics, government and civil society organisations that describe the characteristics that make family farms unique. After reviewing these concepts we conclude that the majority of definitions recognize the...
Zimbabwean Smallholder Support at the Crossroads
Diminishing Returns from Green Revolution Seed and Fertiliser Subsidies and the AgroEcological Alternative
This research report is the first piece of research being conducted in Zimbabwe by the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB). It follows on from initial engagements with Zimbabwean civil society organisations (CSOs) regarding seed policy and is a preliminary scan for orientation and the identification of possible areas for further...
2015 - African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)
موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Seed systems smallholder farmers use
Seed can be an important entry point for promoting productivity, nutrition and resilience among smallholder farmers. While investments have primarily focused on strengthening the formal sector, this article documents the degree to which the informal sector remains the core for seed acquisition, especially in Africa. Conclusions drawn from a uniquely...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Kenya - Malawi - South Sudan - Zimbabwe
The Philippines and FAO
Improving food security and strengthening disaster resilience
Since 1945, FAO and the Government of the Philippines have demonstrated a strong commitment to working together towards the eradication of hunger and poverty. FAO established a representation in the country in 1978 and continues to support the Government’s priorities for agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural development, including nutrition. Recent...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Total results:21434