ابحث في قاعدة البيانات
دراسة حالة
Overcoming the constraints of agriculture
Senegal, like all Sahelian countries, suffers from the combined effects of population growth and climate disturbances that affect its productive bio- system and induce degradation. This is manifested in different forms depending on the physical environment and production systems in different eco-geographic areas. Several factors are responsible for the degradation...
2010 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa
Organic agriculture and climate change
This article discusses the mitigation and adaptation potential of organic agricultural systems along three main features: farming system design, cropland management and grassland and livestock management. An important potential contribution of organically managed systems to climate change mitigation is identified in the careful management of nutrients and, hence, the reduction...
دراسة حالة
Agro-ecology and water harvesting in Zimbabwe
British colonial rule and the white Rhodesian Government made Zimbabwe one of the world’s most inequitable countries. The Land Apportionment Act of 1930 gave white settlers control of more than 51 percent of the country’s land, leaving areas less fertile and more arid to the native population. Despite the land...
2010 - Oakland Institute and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
وثيقة فنية
Evaluación de la sustentabilidad de la producción familiar de cerdos a campo: un estudio de seis casos en la zona sur del Uruguay
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo generar una metodología específica para evaluar la sustentabilidad de la producción familiar de cerdos a campo, y obtener líneas de interpretación de su sustentabilidad mediante un análisis relativo y horizontal de seis casos en el sur de Uruguay.
2010 - Universidad de la República
دراسة حالة
Organic Agriculture In Protected Areas - The Italian Experience
This publication is a summary of research carried out by the Italian Association for Organic Farming(AIAB)1 for the Ministry of the Environment, the purpose of which was to analyze Italian experiences of organic farming in National Parks in order to draw conclusions which could then be useful for the further...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
خطوط توجيهية
Pacific Food Security Toolkit Building Resilience To Climate Change Root Crop And Fishery Production
This Food Security Toolkit, designed specifically for Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), aims to improve Pacific Islanders’ ability to produce and access safe and nutritious foods that meet their dietary and cultural needs. Targeting food security in the Pacific region is a critical action in the face of climate...
Cook Islands - Fiji - Niue - Papua New Guinea - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Tuvalu - Vanuatu
The Market For Organic Products In Asia-Pacific
This paper presents the general trends of demand and supply of organic products in Asia and the Pacific. This regional market is put in perspective within the global agrifood market and the current economic conditions that may have a great impact on the development of organic agriculture in Asia and...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
مقال صحفي
Aspectos prácticos para utilizar materia orgánica en cultivos hortícolas
Existe en el ámbito agrícola poca información y claridad técnica sobre el uso adecuado de materia orgánica (MO), sobre la manera de calificar su calidad e inclusive sobre las categorías o tipos de MO que se pueden utilizar. La materia orgánica del suelo es un elemento crucial para la regulación...
2010 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
مقالة في مجلة
¿Y cómo va la pobreza en el sector rural?
Existen dos criterios para poder cuantificar el número de personas que se encuentran en extrema pobreza: por un lado, el enfoque indirecto de la línea de pobreza, según el cual, una persona es considerada pobre extremo si su gasto o ingreso no cubre el valor de una canasta mínima de...
2010 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)
مقال صحفي
Best practices 2010
The aim in the activities of the Rural Network is to showcase the results achieved in the development of the Finnish countryside and to pass on best practices to be utilised further in other contexts. The many ideas and innovations produced by the numerous participants of the Best Practices 2010...
دراسة حالة
Analysis of climate change and variability risks in the smallholder sector
Case studies of the Laikipia and Narok Districts representing major agro‑ecological zones in Kenya
Smallholder farmers in Kenya grow most of the country's food, vegetables and fruit. These farmers face formidable challenges in increasing production, preserving natural resources and addressing the impact of climate change in food production systems. Meeting these challenges is vital to sustained livelihoods and reduction of poverty, especially in the...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)
وثيقة مؤتمر
Improving smallholder irrigation performance in Malawi
The paper reports work aimed at improving livelihoods of smallholders by providing investors, policymakers and implementers with concrete knowledge and tools to make informed investment decisions on small-scale irrigation water management interventions. The projects reported assessed promising irrigation interventions and their ‘market potential’, analyzed which technologies ‘fit’ in major agroecological...
2010 - University of Malawi
مقال صحفي
Family farms in the Pampas region of Argentina
The use of production factors of production and their relationship with new family dynamics
The objectives of this work are, in a first place, know the relationship between family farming of the Pampas region of Argentina with the different factors of production trying to verify whether, in the context of this región increasingly specialized in the production of soybean, embedded in global marketing channels,...
2010 - Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Making ARD More Pro-Poor Improving Accessibility and Relevance of Results to the Poorest
The Food Security Thematic Programme (FSTP) is a programme of the European Union (EU) that aims ―to improve food security in favour of the poorest and the most vulnerable, and contribute to achieving the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG), through a set of actions which ensure overall coherence, complementarity and...
2010 - Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich,LEI – Part of Wageningen UR
وقائع مؤتمرات
Expert Consultation on Nutrition Indicators for Biodiversity 2. Food consumption
The development of nutrition indicators for biodiversity is a collaborative international process, led by FAO together with Bioversity International and other partners. The task is part of the Cross-Cutting Initiative on Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition. The initiative was launched on the basis of a recognized link between biodiversity, food...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
مقال صحفي
Drought trends and impacts on agricultural production and natural resources in the context of climate change
Every single day, scientific evidence of climate change mounts all around the world and in Turkey. In the 20th century, the average temperature increased by 0.6°C all around the world and by 0.95°C in Europe. According to the latest developments, the consequences in the Mediterranean Basin would be more severe...
2010 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)
التّعلّم الإلكتروني
Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis
This course provides a definition of vulnerability and illustrates the three critical dimensions used to define it. It also presents the most commonly used methods to assess vulnerability, and provides examples and criteria for selecting the appropriate vulnerability indicators.
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Securing sustainability through the conservation and use of agricultural biodiversity
Current agricultural practices are regarded as one of the most significant drivers of biodiversity loss. At the same time, the goal achieving global food security remains a long way off; indeed, the number of malnourished has recently risen to over 1 billion people. The world desperately needs an agricultural production...
2010 - United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010
Country Report: Bahamas
Sustainably managed forests have multiple environmental and socio-economic functions important at the global, national and local scales, and play a vital part in sustainable development. Reliable and upto-date information on the state of forest resources - not only on area and area change, but also on such variables as growing...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 - Country Report: Barbados
Sustainably managed forests have multiple environmental and socio-economic functions important at the global, national and local scales, and play a vital part in sustainable development. Reliable and upto-date information on the state of forest resources - not only on area and area change, but also on such variables as growing...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:20476