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Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010
Country Report: Singapore
The reporting framework for FRA 2010 is based on the thematic elements of sustainable forest management acknowledged in intergovernmental forest-related fora and includes variables related to the extent, condition, uses and values of forest resources, as well as the policy, legal and institutional framework related to forests. More information on...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
The Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative
The Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative is a commitment from the countries and organizations of the region, supported by the Food and Agricultural Organization from the United Nations (FAO), to contribute to creating the conditions that will allow eradicating hunger permanently by 2025.
The Initiative started during the Latin American Summit...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Linking people, places and products
A guide for promoting quality linked to geographical origin and sustainable Geographical Indications. 2. ed
Promoting the links between people, places, and agrifood products can be a tool for sustainable rural development in many rural communities of the world. In fact, origin-linked products show quality attributes linked to the geographical places and people as a result of specific local know how and natural resources, and...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Newsletter article
Can Payments Improve Environmental Services on Farmland?
This paper presents a single case of an extensive study amid a package of activities to preserve the oasis, involving local farmer organisations, NGOs, the local Government and business community. Local authorities and NGOs assume that farmers have forgotten traditional methods and need training and awareness-raising to motivate farm workers...
Central Asia: Acting locally – cooperating regionally
Sustainable use of natural resources in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
In close cooperation with the German Development Service (DED) and the Centre for international Migration and Development (CIM) a number of projects have been carried out in recent years, ranging from direct support of communities to the promotion of trans-border cooperation and regional partnerships. The successes of the initial years...
Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan
Technical paper
Cultivating Sustainable Livelihoods
Socioeconomic Impacts of Conservation Agriculture in Southern Africa
Conservation agriculture holds promise for communities in southern Africa. This technical brief is an analysis of the socioeconomic impacts of conservation agriculture in the region.
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Technical paper
The Status of Conservation Agriculture in Southern Africa
Challenges and Opportunities for Expansion
This technical brief provides information on the status of conservation agriculture in southern Africa and discusses challenges and opportunities for expansion of this farming technology in the region.
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Journal article
Mujeres y agroecología
Nuevos sujetos políticos en la agricultura en familiar
En ese artículo se analiza la existencia de una nueva fuerza política en los movimientos campesinos y de agricultores familiares en Brasil. Está formada por campesinas, agricultoras familiares, trabajadoras agrícolas, que, en medio de movimientos sociales identificados con la agroecología y organizados en la "Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia" (ANA), están...
Working paper
Smallholder agriculture in East Africa
Trends, constraints and opportunities
Smallholder agriculture continues to play a key role in African agriculture. This paper investigates trends, challenges and opportunities of this sub-sector in East Africa through case studies of Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania. In these agriculture-based economies, smallholder farming accounts for about 75 percent of agricultural production and over 75...
Ethiopia - Kenya - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2010 - African Development Bank Group
Journal article
Determinants of micro irrigation adoption for maize production in smallholder irrigation schemes
Case of Hama Mavhaire irrigation scheme, Zimbabwe
This study is an assessment of the determinants of micro irrigation adoption for maize production in smallholder irrigation schemes. The focus of the study was on Hama Mavhaire irrigation scheme in Midlands Province, Zimbabwe. An assessment of the major production constraints in the scheme was carried out, factors that influence...
2010 - Bindura University of Science Education
Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel
Inclusão Social e Desenvolvimento Territorial
O Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel (PNPB) é um programa interministerial que tem como objetivo a implementação da cadeia de produção do biodiesel no Brasil. As principais diretrizes do programa são: • implantar um programa sustentável, promovendo inclusão social através da geração de renda e emprego; • garantir...
2010 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)
Rural Poverty - In Their Own Words: Mongolia
Global food security and climate change are among the most pressing issues the world will face in the 21st Century, according to the Rural Poverty Report 2011, prepared by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The report shows that climate change will have its greatest economic impact on poor...
2010 - IFAD
Conference proceedings
Technology adoption by smallholder farmers: Lessons from the soyabean research/promotion program in Zimbabwe
Agricultural research programs in universities in sub-Saharan Africa generate technologies few of which are adopted by the smallholder farmers. A technology that demands significant additional inputs be they financial or physical is less likely to be adopted compared to one that generates significant socioeconomic benefits. In Zimbabwe, smallholders’ food security,...
2010 - University of Zimbabwe
Portuguese Organic Farming - Overview
Portuguese agriculture has undergone many changes, especially after joining the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1986. The application of the Community Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the National Strategy for Agricultural Development led to the facts summarized below: In what concerns the farm structure, between 1989 and 1999, the number of...
Journal article
Exploring the flexibility of polish family farms during transition
Based on farm panel data was empirically investigate the determinants of Polish farm households’ flexibility from 1994 to 2001. we focus on scale flexibility (adjustment in production volume) and scope flexibility (adjustment in product mix).The findings of our fixed-effects regression provide evidence that smaller farms are more flexible, both with regard to scale and scope...
Conference proceedings
Report of the Africa Regional Consultative Meeting on Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries: Bringing together Responsible Fisheries and Social Development
The African Regional Workshop on Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries: Bringing together Responsible Fishing and Social Development was held in Maputo, Mozambique, on 12–14 October 2010. It was organized by FAO in collaboration with the Mozambique Institute for Small-scale Fisheries, IDPPE (Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Pesca de Pequena Escala). The...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Global strategy to improve agricultural and rural statistics
The purpose of the Global Strategy is to provide a framework for national and international statistical systems that enables them to produce and to apply the basic data and information needed to guide decision making in the twenty-fi rst century. This Strategy is based on three pillars. The first pillar...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Blog article
Operation Pollinator: Helping Farmers Preserve Biodiversity and Secure Food Supply in Europe
Pollinating insects are crucial for many natural habitats and the production of the majority of food crops. However, the number of pollinating insects has declined significantly across Europe, and the rest of the world, which exacerbates an already insecure food supply. According to a EU-funded research project, pollination services provided...
France - Germany - Hungary - Italy - Portugal - Spain - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Case study
The remarkable history of polder systems in The Netherlands
The traditional polders in The Netherlands have been formed from the 12th century onwards, when people started creating arable land by draining delta swamps into nearby rivers. In the process, the drained peat started oxidizing, thus soil levels lowered, up to river water levels and lower. Throughout the centuries farmers...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Magazine article
Adding value to traditional rural products: Spanish almond processing business benefits from EAFRD assistance
Rural businesses are often aware that they receive a much smaller portion of their products’ final retail price than those further up the supply chain. Capturing more of this farm-to-retail price spread, is a goal of many producers and ‘value-added’ products offer a mechanism to increase rural incomes. Value-added means...
Total results:21020