Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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A Journey to Imja Lake: Climate change in the land of the Sherpa

In the Everest region of Nepal, the Sherpa people are already facing the harsh impact of climate change in the Himalayas. Changes in snow and rainfall patterns are affecting food production and communities face an ever present threat of flooding. A Journey to Imja Lake tells this story by taking...
2010 -

Des situations diverses : Aires marines protégées et communautés de pêche artisanale - Articles extraits de la revue SAMUDRA

Ce recueil d'articles donne un aperçu du cadre juridique et des processus de la CDB. Il documente et analyse les expériences et les points de vue de communautés locales du Panama, du Mexique, d’Espagne, du Chili et d'Afrique du Sud.
2010 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Policy brief/paper
Cinco áreas esenciales para movilizar el potencial de los servicios de asesoría rural

Ha surgido una renovada atención hacia el papel tan importante que desempeñan los servicios de asesoría rural (extensión) en los procesos de desarrollo. Este documento resume la publicación titulada ‘Cómo movilizar el potencial de la extensión agraria y rural’ que se elaboró para la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Investigación Agrícola...
2010 - Foro Global para los Servicios de Asesoría Rural (GFRAS)

Case study
Syrian Arab Republic: Thematic study on land reclamation through de-rocking

Land reclamation through the removal of surface and subsurface rocks and stones by heavy equipment, known as ‘de-rocking’, was the main intervention funded in five of the seven projects. IFAD’s objective was to assist the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic in enabling poor rural people to improve their incomes...
Syrian Arab Republic
2010 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Perspectives de genre : Sélection d'articles de Yemaya

Collection d'articles parus dans la revue Yemaya détaillant les difficultés rencontrées par les femmes dans le secteur de la pêche. Articles sur les femmes de  communautés de pêche  divers pays : Brésil, Chili, Mexique, Canada, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Île du Prince Édouard, Nouveau-Brunswick, Nouvelle-Écosse, Philippines, Indonésie, Inde, Pakistan, Thaïlande, Sénégal, Bénin, Ouganda,...
2010 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Journal article
Evaluation of women farmers’ perception of the impact of Women-In-Agriculture programme on yield, income and decision-making power in South-eastern Nigeria

One of the reasons that necessitated the establishment of Women-in-Agriculture (WIA) Programme in 1989 was the perception that women farmers were not having adequate access to extension services compared to their male counterparts. Feminists argued that the inadequate access to extension services resulted in women farmers having poor farm yields,...
2010 - University of Abuja

Policy brief/paper
Agricultural mechanization and the smallholder farmers in Nigeria

The majority of Nigeria’s smallholder farmers are often too poor to employ modern tools, such as tractors and ploughs, even with substantial government support. In this respect, an agricultural mechanization policy would need effective targeting with regard to particular farming activities and types of farmers for which different forms of...
2010 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Linking people, places and products

A guide for promoting quality linked to geographical origin and sustainable Geographical Indications.
Promoting the links between people, places, and agrifood products can be a tool for sustainable rural development in many rural communities of the world. In fact, origin-linked products show quality attributes linked to the geographical places and people as a result of specific local know how and natural resources, and...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Buenas prácticas agrícolas para agricultura familiar

Cadena de las principales hortalizas de hojas en Argentina
El presente manual pretende ser una herramienta para contribuir al desarrollo de la pequeña agricultura comercial, brindando recomendaciones que permitan acercar los niveles tecnológicos y productivos de este grupo, a los de una agricultura empresarial.

Conference paper
Market-chain innovation enhances smallholders’ access to markets: Insights from the sweet potato sub-sector in Uganda

Smallholder farmers in developing countries such as Uganda are faced with the difficulty of accessing sustainable markets. Such farmers include those growing sweet potato, and are becoming increasingly marginalized as urban markets demand better quality, quantity and sustainable supply of agricultural commodities. Research and Development (R&D) actors on the other...
2010 - Mukono Ronal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MUZARDI)

História das agriculturas no mundo

do neolítico à crise contemporânea
O livro, de autoria dos professores franceses Marcel Mazoyer e Laurence Roudart, foi traduzido e publicado pela Editora da UNESP e Núcleo de Estudos Agrários e Desenvolvimento Rural do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (NEAD-MDA), em 2010. Segundo o engenheiro agrônomo Felipe Gavioli (2011), o livro se inscreve nos denominados Estudos de...
2010 - Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), Brasil

Magazine article
Small Farms in the United States

Persistence Under Pressure
Ninety-one percent of U.S. farms are classified as small—gross cash farm income (GCFI) of less than $250,000. About 60 percent of these small farms are very small, generating GCFI of less than $10,000. These very small non-commercial farms, in some respects, exist independently of the farm economy because their operators...
United States of America
2010 - United States Department of Agriculture

Conference paper
Unveiling opportunities of farming trees in Malawi: Economic impact of integrating trees on smallholder agriculture

The aim of this research is to raise and provide empirical evidence for promoting tree farming in Malawi. It addresses questions such as: Is tree farming a viable system for small-scale farmers in Malawi? Trees have multiple products for subsistence use and are also a source of income security to...
2010 - University of Malawi

Working paper
What is a 'smallholder'?

Class-analytical perspectives on small-scale farming and agrarian reform in South Africa
This paper argue that a class-analytic perspective centred on the key concepts of ‘petty commodity production’ and ‘accumulation from below’ is essential for understanding the differentiated character and diverse trajectories of small-scale agriculture within capitalism. The paper explores the policy implications of such a class-analytic approach, and proposes that land...
South Africa
2010 - Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)

Fact sheet
The Future of the Rural Development Policy post-2013. Debate on the National Rural Network in Portugal

In response to the challenge launched by the European Network for Rural Development (EN RD), the Portuguese Rural Network held a wide debate on the future of the Rural Development Policy. This debate was organized around the questions posed: • What should be the objectives of the future rural development policy? • How...
2010 - The European network for Rural Development

Working paper
Smallholder agriculture in East Africa

Trends, constraints and opportunities
Despite the importance of smallholder agriculture in East Africa, the strategic, conceptual and empirical analysis in the context of the crisis, which would guide policymakers and development practitioners in their efforts to revitalise agriculture in the aftermath of the crisis, is sparse. Moreover, recent studies tend to examine specific constraints...
Ethiopia - Kenya - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2010 - African Development Bank

Fact sheet
Public Debate on the future of the CAP post 2013 - Malta

From the findings that emerge from both the general public as well as the main stakeholders of the agricultural sector it is clear that there is a convergence of attitudes on a number of key issues related to the sector, although the findings among the general public must be read...
2010 - The European network for Rural Development

Áreas de diversidad: Áreas marinas protegidas y comunidades de pesca artesanal: Recopilación de artículos de la Revista SAMUDRA

Esta colección de escritos proporciona una visión general de la estructura juridical para documentar y analizar las experiencias y opiniones de las comunidades locales en Panamá, México, España, Chile y Sudáfrica.
2010 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Visual Soil Assessment (VSA)

Soil type and the effect of management on the condition of the soil are important determinants of the productive performance of maize cropping, and have profound effects on long-term profits. Land managers need reliable, quick and easy tools to use in order to help them assess the condition of their...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Magazine article
Gran empresa agraria o agricultura familiar: ¿hacia dónde deben orientarse los recursos públicos?

Propone que en lugar de que las 40 mil hectáreas de la cuarta etapa de Chavimochic sean repartidas entre 10 o 20 grandes empresas, éstas sean distribuidas entre, 400 empresas que manejen, cada una, 100 hectáreas, u 800 que manejen, cada una, 50 hectáreas, o en miles de empresas familiares....
2010 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)
Total results:21451