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Adapting to climate change under threats of violence: A comparative institutional analysis of incentives for conflict and collaboration
Research on climate and conflict often emphasizes violence and its drivers, overlooking the prevalence of collaboration in shaping social relations. Addressing this gap, this study undertakes a comparative institutional analysis of community-level responses to climate threats in violence-prone settings. The research explores conditions that incentivize either cooperation or conflict, refraining...
The development of global environmental concern during the last three decades
The environmental concern of a country's population is an important prerequisite for addressing environmental problems, foremost reducing CO2 emissions and limiting global warming. In this paper, we analyze the development of environmental concern by using the newest wave of the environmental module of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) for 29 countries....
Blog article
World Wetland Day: IRRI’s role in preserving Bangladesh’s Haor wetland ecosystem
In the Haor wetlands of Bangladesh, rice is a key source of food and livelihood for millions of people. Working with partners, IRRI is helping advance rice cultivation in the region while protecting these threatened ecosystems through sustainable farming innovations.
2025 - International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
Effects of agricultural plastic films on crop growth and soil health in tobacco fields: A comparative study
In recent years, the impact of microplastics on soil microorganisms and crop growth has gained significant attention. However, the effects of agricultural plastic films on crop growth and soil health in tobacco fields are not clear. In our study, we conducted field experiments to investigate the effects of six types...
Global Economic Prospects
Emerging and Developing Economies in the 21st Century
Global growth is expected to hold steady at 2.7 percent in 2025-26. However, the global economy appears to be settling at a low growth rate that will be insufficient to foster sustained economic development. Emerging market and developing economies are set to enter the second quarter of the 21st century...
2025 - World Bank
Status and trends of inland fisheries in Europe
Globally, inland capture fisheries continue to play crucial roles, contributing significantly to human health, livelihoods, cultural economies. Despite producing over 12 percent of the world’s fish, they face challenges such as environmental degradation and competition for water, remaining undervalued in decision-making and policy discussions. Inland fisheries remain important within Europe,...
2025 - FAO
Data-driven strategies to improve nitrogen use efficiency of rice farming in South Asia
Increasing nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in agricultural production mitigates climate change, limits water pollution and reduces fertilizer subsidy costs. Nevertheless, strategies for increasing NUE without jeopardizing food security are uncertain in globally important cropping systems. Here we analyse a novel dataset of more than 31,000 farmer fields spanning the Terai...
Impacts of City Life on Nutrition: Evidence From Resettlement Lotteries in China
Urban environments are thought to improve food security, by offering enhanced access to markets and income opportunities. Yet this idea is hard to test empirically due to an abundance of confounding factors and selection issues. This study leverages a resettlement program in China to provide the first quasi-experimental estimate of...
2025 - Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Harvest Loss in China
Rice, Mechanization, and the Moral Hazard of Outsourcing
This open access book examines food security in China with a specific focus on rice harvesting. As the most populous agricultural developing country, China’s food security is closely related to the world’s food security. An urgent issue internationally, data show that every year, about one-third of food is lost and...
2025 - The University of Tokyo Studies on Asia (TUTSA)
Journal article
Agri-Food Marketing in Bottom of the Pyramid-Subsistence Markets in Developing Economies: A Stocktaking and Reflection of Previous Research Conducted
The article is a stocktaking and reflection of research conducted over a two decade period in developing economies on agri-food marketing, set in bottom of the pyramid-subsistence market contexts. The article is based on previously published research provided by the author, research work conducted that was not published formally and...
2025 - Higher Colleges of Technology, Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
Policy brief/paper
The United Nations working group on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas
In October 2023, the Human Rights Council created the Working Group on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas, composed of 5 independent experts. The Working Group started its activities in May 2024. The Working Group is mandated to promote the United Nations Declaration on the...
2025 - The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
Bangladesh: Poverty Amidst Plenty
Only comprehensive policy interventions and targeted initiatives can address systemic inequalities and ensure equitable development in the fisheries sector of Bangladesh.
The fisheries sector has emerged as a significant contributor to Bangladesh’s economy and food security. With abundant water resources and strategic policies, Bangladesh has become a leading producer in the...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Exploring the off-farm production, marketing and use of organic and biofertilisers in Africa
This scoping study provides valuable insights into the status of organic fertilisers and biofertilisers (OFBF) production and marketing in 12 selected African countries. The study specifically focusses on the (potential of) off-farm production and marketing of OFBF; on-farm nutrient recycling (e.g. use of manure, compost) is explicitly not considered. Data...
2024 - DeSIRA LIFT
Agro-industry versus agroecology?
Two macroeconomic scenarios for 2050 in Andhra Pradesh, India
This book presents the first macroeconomic scenario of a full transition to agroecology in 2050. It is for Andhra Pradesh, a state in southern India with 53 million inhabitants and 9.3 million farmers in 2020. The "Community-managed Natural Farming" scenario is compared to an industrial food and agriculture intensification scenario...
2024 - FAO
Blog article
Indigenous Terra Madre 2024 – Abya Yala Peoples : Our ways of life and knowledge are the best incubator for solutions to the global food crisis
Indigenous Terra Madre 2024 - Abya Yala Peoples : Our ways of life and knowledge are the best incubator for solutions to the global food crisis
● The ancestral peoples of Abya Yala, children of the Earth, are custodians of 80% of the planet’s biodiversity.
Indigenous Terra Madre 2024 - Abya Yala...
2024 - Slow Food
Fact sheet
Reseña de Agricultura Familiar - El Salvador
La agricultura familiar representa más del 80% de las explotaciones agrícolas en América Latina y el Caribe, llegando a ocupar entre el 12 y el 67% de la superficie agropecuaria. Así también, es la encargada de producir más del 70% de los alimentos en la región (FAO, 2014). La reseña...
El Salvador
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Newsletter article
Antigua & Barbuda: A Portrait of Risk and Resilience
The Caribbean island nation has done well to provide social security to its small-scale fishing community. It must make them resilient to face the effects of climate change.
Over the past decades the fisheries sector of Antigua and Barbuda has been interwoven into the social, cultural and economic aspects of national...
Antigua and Barbuda
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Parasitisme et gestion de la pature en production caprine
Le pâturage répond à la fois aux exigences légales en matière d'élevage et aux besoins vitaux des animaux. Malheureusement, il est aussi une source d'infestation parasitaire, ce qui peut nuire à la santé des animaux et à la productivité du troupeau. Pour protéger les chèvres contre les parasites, il est...
2024 - Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL)
Integración del Enfoque de Género en Cambio Climático, Resiliencia y Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres
El presente resumen regional fue elaborado con las contribuciones de nueve agencias del Sistema de Naciones Unidas con presencia en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC): PNUMA, UNDRR, PNUD, OIT, ONU Mujeres, CEPAL, UNICEF, ACNUR y OIM. Estas agencias son integrantes de la Coalición Basada en Temas (IBC) en Cambio...
2024 - Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA)
Resultados económicos de modelos productivos porcinos. Informe Nº 90. Enero 2024
Este documento elaborado en el marco del Proyecto “Caracterización de gestiones económicas de sistemas de producción agropecuarios de pequeña y mediana escala” (vigente desde enero del 2020) presenta estimaciones sobre comportamientos de resultados económicos de modelos productivos y tiene como propósito aportar información que favorezca la inclusión de productores, mejore...
2024 - Centro de Información de Actividades Porcinas (CIAP)
Total results:21453