Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Beef and Sheep Report 2015

The annual published Beef and Sheep reports contain the main findings of the sector, emphasising the comparative analysis of the competitiveness of the production of beef and sheep, among the participating countries. The 2015 report provides an update of global world maps and charts, a continuation of the country page information...
2015 - agri benchmark

Planning Communication for Agricultural Disaster Risk Management: a Field Guide

Reducing risk and increasing resilience to natural disasters and climate change requires access to knowledge, information and the active participation of vulnerable population. Planning Communication for Agricultural Disaster Risk Management is a field guide to orient ADRM teams and concerned stakeholders for the design and implementation of communication for development...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

International Year of Soils 2015

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has been nominated to implement the IYS 2015, within the framework of the Global Soil Partnership and in collaboration with Governments and the secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. The IYS 2015 aims to increase awareness and understanding of...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Countries to look at ways of encouraging innovation on the region’s family farms

Farmers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are constantly innovating, adapting their farming techniques to cope with unfavourable weather or environmental conditions. But their efforts are far from systematic, and there is little government support for what they do. A discussion at the 39th session of the European Commission on Agriculture,...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Declaration of The International Forum for Agroecology 2015

27 february 2015
The statment begins: "We are delegates representing diverse organizations and international movements of small-scale food producers and consumers, including peasants, indigenous peoples, communities, hunters and gatherers, family farmers, rural workers, herders and pastoralists, fisherfolk and urban people. Together, the diverse constituencies our organizations represent produce some 70% of the food...

Innovative Short Food Supply Chain management

Short Food Supply Chains (SFCs) have potential to improve farm incomes, promote sustainable farming systems and contribute to local economic development. There are many different forms of SFC in Europe, but they share a common characteristic of reduced numbers of intermediaries between the farmer or food producer, and the consumer....
European Union
2015 - European Commission

Global food policy report 2014-2015

The report summarizes the major food policy issues, developments, and decisions in 2014 and highlights challenges and opportunities for 2015. It calls for a renewed focus on middle-income countries, which are home to the majority of the world’s hungry and malnourished and covers other issues that are integral to achieving...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Blog article
Jujuy adhiere a la Ley de Agricultura Familiar

La Legislatura jujeña aprobó por unanimidad la adhesión a la Ley Nacional 27.118 de Reparación Histórica de la Agricultura Familiar, con el fin de construir una nueva ruralidad en la Argentina.  Con la presencia de asociaciones de pequeños productores, agricultores familiares y funcionarios, se aprobó por unanimidad en la legislatura provincial...

Conference proceedings
Family Farming & Research

This document was produced as a result of the “International Encounters on Family Farming and Research“ held in Montpellier, June 1-3, 2014. The conference brought together three hundred participants from the different continents representing family farmers, policy makers, the private sector, as well as teachers and researchers. Research agendas relating...
2015 - Agropolis International

Agricultura e desenvolvimento rural sustentável: desafios da cooperação técnica internacional

A presente iniciativa buscou reunir uma gama de temas gerais que fossem importantes para toda e qualquer área temática da cooperação internacional, sem se esquecer de dedicar uma parte á agricultura, tema central da ação do IICA. A Parte II, com foco na cooperação voltada á agricultura e ao desenvolvimento...
2015 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)

Case study
Agricultura familiar agroecológica en el norte del gran Córdoba

La experiencia vivida en la localidad Villa los Llanos-Estación Juárez Celman tiene por objetivo conocer la realidad de la agricultura familiar integrando conceptos productivos agroecológicos y sociales a través del metodología que implica la observación y el diagnostico. Observación que fue realizada de una forma no estructurada, llevada a cabo a...
2015 - Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Magazine article
Bringing ‘life’ back to our food system

By prioritising human and non-human life over economic profit, and cooperation over competition, citizens of the city of Cordoba have been able to transform their food system into a thriving network of local food producers and consumers. Women have been at the forefront of this movement.
By prioritising human and non-human life over economic profit, and cooperation over competition, citizens of the city of Cordoba have been able to transform their food system into a thriving network of local food producers and consumers. Women have been at the forefront of this movement.
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Journal article
Environmental impacts and constraints associated with the production of major food crops in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

Many environmental factors constrain the production of major food crops in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. At the same time, these food production systems themselves have a range of negative impacts on the environment. In this paper we review the published literature and assess the depth of recent research (since...
2015 - Food Security

Blog article
Mejoran las oportunidades de inclusión para los agricultores

El artículo informa que el Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos), entidad adscrita al Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca del Ecuador, ha implementado un nuevo modelo de rueda de negocios  para fortalecer la inclusión de micro, pequeños y medianos productores. El propósito es brindar a los agricultores un mercado...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos)

Innovations Instead of Assistance for Farming

For several years, insuring harvests against the climate hazards that regularly destroy farmers’ crops in developing countries has for several years been a major tool in the fight against poverty, mainly in Africa and Asia, where between 400 and 500 million farmers survive on very low incomes. This system, which...
2015 - EurActiv

Diálogo de políticas públicas agrícolas en las Américas: A la luz de la agenda de desarrollo post-2015, política agrícola y la integración regional en Centroamérica

Frente al reto de contar con políticas e instituciones acordes para enfrentar las tendencias, desafíos y oportunidades del futuro, es oportuno establecer un mecanismo de diálogo entre los países miembros del IICA para conocer, analizar e identificar lecciones que puedan ser aplicadas a las distintas condiciones de cada uno de...
2015 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)

The 2015-2016 El Niño event

Expected impact on food security and main response scenarios in East and Southern Africa
El Niño is a periodic climate phenomenon defined by anomalously warm sea surface temperatures in the eastern and central tropical Pacific Ocean which affect local weather worldwide and generally leads to increased drought risk at global level. In 2015, since July a strong El Niño is being observed with increasing...
Angola - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Kenya - Malawi - Namibia - Somalia - South Africa - South Sudan - Zimbabwe
2015 - European Commission

Blog article
10 formas de incorporar el conocimiento tradicional indígena en la conservación ambiental

Lo cierto es que el conocimiento tradicional indígena es reconocido y conservado de manera desigual y heterogénea. En algunos países, especialmente donde estos pueblos son mayoritarios, ha sido incluido en sus principales instrumentos jurídicos. Y es ahí donde podrían ser incorporados en los proyectos de conservación ambiental que se desarrollen. Es...
2015 - Universidad Pública de El Alto

The land, a common good

Land as a common is an exploration of Terre de liens, an original organisation of the contemporary rural world. Through testimonies of various people involved in Terre de liens - farmers, board members, volunteers, staff members-, we discover an innovation in-the-making. Throughout the film, the farmers deliver their own vision...
2015 - Access to Land

Blog article
El 4% de producción agrícola cuenta con certificación ecológica

De 3,8 millones de hectáreas agrícolas existentes en el país al menos 152.000 que representa el 4% cuentan con la certificación de que es ecológica porque no se usa químicos o semillas transgénicas, reconoció el director general de Seguridad Alimentaria, Lucio Tito. La certificación fue realizada por el Consejo Nacional de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Total results:18126