Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

The external references on this page are provided for informational purposes only - they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by FAO.

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Case study
Conservation Agriculture

Case studies in Latin America and Africa
The document is based on testimonies and experiences of farmers and extensionists in Latin America and Africa. The cases demonstrate the need for policy environments, institutions, and practices to be integrated to meet the demand for food, to reduce poverty, and to utilise resources in an environmentally, socially, and financially sustainable...
Brazil - Costa Rica - El Salvador - Honduras - Kenya
2001 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Journal article
Desafíos de la pequeña agricultura familiar frente a la globalización

El tema de la pequeña agricultura familiar ha sido objeto de atención reciente por parte de los medios de opinión pública de casi todos los países de la Región. La prensa incluye información sobre la crisis en que dicho sector está envuelto, como resultado de los altos costos de producción,...
Costa Rica
1997 - Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA)
Total results:142
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