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Statement of the Indigenous Peoples, local communities and family smallholders
We know the forests, and the forests knows us
This publication contains the Statement of the Indigenous Peoples, local communities and family smallholders from the XIV World Forestry Congress held in Durban, South Africa, 7-11 September 2015
Políticas públicas y agriculturas familiares en América Latina y el Caribe
Nuevas perspectivas
Este libro reúne un conjunto de estudios de caso y un análisis transversal de las políticas públicas para la agricultura familiar en once países latinoamericanos, complementados por un ensayo interpretativo acerca de las implicaciones para políticas públicas derivadas de los principales eventos internacionales del Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar...
Argentina - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica - Cuba - Ecuador - Mexico - Nicaragua - Peru - Uruguay
2015 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
Blog article
Hardy cattle boost Zimbabwe farmers’ incomes
FAO assists Zimbabwe’s smallholder farmers boost livestock production
The European Union (EU), FAO and the Government of Zimbabwe launched a major programme to assist smallholder farmers boost productivity and engage in commercial agriculture through integrated farming approaches. The 4-year US$19 million programme is managed by FAO and focuses on smallholder irrigation and livestock production support activities. As part...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Journal article
Onion production for income generation in small scale irrigation users’ agro-pastoral households of Ethiopia
Conceptually, the benefits of irrigation are realized through improvements in agricultural productivity. At household level, the agricultural production increases could be followed by improvements in income generation and food consumption patterns. The goal of this research was to examine the relationship between irrigation, income generation and household consumption patterns for...
2015 - Ethiopian Institutes of Agricultural Research
Comercialización de fibra de alpaca
Este video presenta el modelo asociativo de comités distritales implementado en 4 distritos de Melgar para mejorar la comercialización de fibra de alpaca.
2015 - Soluciones Prácticas
Bénin : Le nouveau travail de Rose
Au Bénin, le stock de poissons des lacs et des zones humides s’est épuisé du fait de la surpêche et de la destruction des mangroves et des habitats naturels. Aujourd’hui, ces lacs ont été revalorisés et les pêcheurs et vendeurs de poissons trouvent d’autres moyens de gagner leur vie.
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Ukraine: new system eases farmers’ access to pre-harvest financing
For farmers in Ukraine, securing affordable pre-harvest financing for producing their crops just got easier.
Thanks to the efforts of Ukraine's Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and FAO, a pilot project in the country's Poltava Oblast has issued the first “crop receipts”...
Blog article
Israel y Paraguay firmaron una declaración de cooperación agrícola
El ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería de Paraguay, Jorge Gattini, y su par israelí, Yair Shamir, firmaron una declaración conjunta de cooperación agrícola, que ayudará a los esfuerzos del Gobierno Nacional paraguayo a tecnificar los cultivos de los productores de la Agricultura Familiar.La Declaración Conjunta fue firmada durantela Exposiciónde Tecnología...
Israel - Paraguay
Magazine article
Necessary steps in the development of farms
Vincenzo Sposato, the owner of the “Le conche” farm, took over the family business in 2009. The investment made with the support of EAFRD resulted in improvement of agricultural productivity, diversification by focusing on breeding and reproducing pigs and developing new distribution channels for the products; All this led to...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network
Magazine article
Production diversity and dietary diversity in smallholder farm households
This paper tries to respond the question of how to make agriculture and food systems more nutrition-sensitive. Many of the undernourished people in Africa and Asia are small-scale subsistence farmers. Diversifying production on these farms is often perceived as a promising strategy to improve dietary quality and diversity. This hypothesis is...
Ethiopia - Indonesia - Kenya - Malawi
2015 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
Le Réseau AMAP Ile-de-France
Depuis 2004, le Réseau AMAP Ile-de-France accompagne le développement du mouvement des AMAP dans la région. Il soutient aussi depuis 2009 l'installation de nouveaux paysans en agriculture biologique de proximité, avec ses partenaires du Pôle Abiosol.
2015 - AMAP
Programme for the Restoration of Livelihoods in Northern Uganda (PRELNOR)
Northern Uganda is home to 20 per cent of Uganda's entire population, but it accounts for 38 per cent of Uganda's poorest. The Acholi sub-region and Adjumani district have suffered more from recent internal conflicts than other areas in the north. Living in the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps has...
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Report of the ICSF-BOBLME India (East Coast) workshop: implementing the FAO voluntary guidelines for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries in the context of food security and poverty eradication (SSF guidelines), 6-7 March 2015, Chennai, India
The workshop titled, ICSF-BOBLME India (East Coast) Workshop on Implementing the FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) was organized by ICSFin collaboration with BOBLME project.The workshop was the third in a series of consultations held in 2015...
Case study
Farmer Field Schools and Empowerment
Gender equality, social inclusion and community empowerment - experience from Jordan and Tunisia
Between 2004 and 2014, FAO has developed over few thousands FFS in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region primarily on good agricultural practices and IPM, covering ten countries3 under the Regional Integrated Pest Management Programme in the Near East (GTFS/REM/070/ITA). The main objective was to improve food security...
Jordan - Tunisia
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Magazine article
Association for direct marketing of local agricultural products
Can Perol Baix Llobregat SL was formed in 2008 through the association of six Spanish families from the Catalonia region, with the aim of developing a direct marketing business that consisted of high-quality agricultural products sold to consumers in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The idea of establishing the company...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network
Blog article
Proyectos ganadores buscan la mejora sustentable de los sistemas agrícolas familiares
Este artículo informa que en el marco de la Convocatoria 2015, se recibieron 146 perfiles de proyectos, de los cuales, previa evaluación de un panel de expertos, 17 fueron invitados a presentar sus propuestas finales. Las propuestas fueron evaluadas por su calidad científica y tecnológica así como por su impacto...
Magazine article
Focus on funds on rural development
Before submitting the project, Agroserv Ltd - from SLOVAKIA, had 2 466 hectares of agricultural land at its disposal, but nevertheless, its capacities were not fully used: the machines and the technologies used were obsolete, whereas the company did not have the capacity to manage efficiently animal production and the...
Working paper
Gender, Assets, and Agricultural Development
Lessons from Eight Projects
Ownership of assets is important for poverty alleviation, and women’s control of assets is associated with positive development outcomes at the household and individual levels. This research was undertaken to provide guidance for agricultural development programs on how to incorporate gender and assets in the design, implementation, and evaluation of...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Somos la tierra
Historias y retratos de la agricultura familiar en la Argentina
Somos la Tierra es una campaña multimedial para visibilizar la importancia de la agricultura familiar en la Argentina. Fotografías, filmaciones, entrevistas e investigaciones realizadas en decenas de viajes, miles de kilómetros recorridos, multiplicidad de voces, diferentes culturas y costumbres, gran cantidad de productos, paisajes impactantes, problemáticas comunes y particulares, viejos...
2015 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Argentina (INTA)
Eyes on their fingertips: some aspects of the arts, science, technology and culture of the fisherfolk of Trivandrum, India
Eyes on Their Finger Tips deals with the traditional marine wisdom of a set of people and the rarest of rare experiences they have had at sea. Through these numerous chapters he takes us into the seas of the fishers. It is a voyage which we cannot make in reality....
Total results:20975