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Journal article
Irrigation water management practices in smallholder vegetable crops production
The case of the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
Smallholder irrigated vegetable production in the Central Rift Valley region of Ethiopia is instrumental in ensuring the year-round availability of fresh vegetables in the local market in the country. However, a number of problems constrain irrigated vegetable production in the region. Therefore, asurvey was conducted with the objectives of assessing...
2014 - Melkassa Agricultural Research Center
Magazine article
My farm
Traditional products from Mangalița and Bazna meat, old local swine breeds
The two pig breeds, Mangalița and Bazna, have been ignored for a long time because of their low prolificacy and low carcass yield. However, there are rearers who appreciate them and fight to bring them back to the public’s attention. One of them is the agronomist Ioan Tătăran, from the...
Learning for rural change
11 stories from Zambia
Many rural development initiatives attempt to improve the lives of small-scale farmers. Some succeed, some fail – but all of them can offer valuable lessons for the future. In a two-phased documentation workshop, a group of experts working in IFAD-funded projects in Zambia described, analysed and wrote down some of...
2014 - Centre for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture ( ILEIA)
Magazine article
Agricultura familiar: mercantilización y su repercusión en la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional familiar
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cómo el proceso de mercantilización asociado a la agricultura familiar puede influir en la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de las familias. La primera parte introduce el tema, estableciendo cómo las consecuencias de la modernización agrícola orientan hacia una mirada diferente a la pequeña producción...
Costa Rica
2014 - Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Journal article
Social construction of markets by family farming in Unaí
Capabilities and limitations
Access to markets is considered a major constraint to the development of family farming. This article aims to analyze the access of family farmers in the municipality of Unaí, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil to two markets: the fair of family farming, and the sale of products for Brazil’s National...
2014 - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)
Instituto Nacional de Bienestar Rural y de la Tierra (INDERT)
Como institución responsable de promover la integración armónica de la población campesina al desarrollo económico y social de la nación, el Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Rural y de la Tierra deberá adecuar la estructura agraria promoviendo el acceso a la tierra rural, saneando y regularizando su tenencia, coordinando y creando...
2014 - Instituto Nacional de Bienestar Rural y de la Tierra (INDERT)
Sources of life. Seeds and family farming in Brazil
Family farmers in the Paraná region of Brazil are conserving local and traditional seeds and promoting diversification of varieties. They are supported by organisations such as AS-PTA. Access and use of these seeds creates autonomy, food sovereignty and sustainable livelihoods. The government's PAA program is playing a major role in...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Resilience programming among nongovernmental organizations
Lessons for policymakers
This food policy report reviews resilience processes, activities, and outcomes by examining a number of case studies of initiatives by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to enhance resilience capacity, and draws implications for policymakers and other stakeholders looking to strengthen resilience.
Resilience building relies on integrated programming—a cross-sectoral approach with a long-term commitment...
2014 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Journal article
Characterisation of smallholder irrigation schemes in Chirumanzu district, Zimbabwe
The study was conducted in 2011 at Hamamavhaire and Mhende irrigation schemes in Chirumanzu district in Zimbabwe to determine the typology of the farmers using different irrigation technologies. A structured household survey was carried out on a sample of 79 respondents drawn from farmers using the sprinkler (n=32), flood (n=39)...
Magazine article
Tataia Gică, the main character in the story of traditional products of the Covurlui Valley
Every time we rediscover traditional products we gladly remember the flavours from our childhood. Who had the chance, at least once, to visit a sheepfold, knows that is a special place, where fresh raw cheese, sour cream with hot polenta and butterfried lamb are just a few of their specific...
Journal article
Systematization of agroecological experiences in the territory of 'Semiárido Nordeste II', in State of Bahia, Brazil
This article aims to describe and analyze the process of systematization of experiences of family farmers in the territory of Semiárido Nordeste II, located in state of Bahia, Brazil, as well as to provide clues about how they contribute to strengthen the agroecology in that region. The Brazilian semiarid region...
2014 - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)
Journal article
Los sujetos sociales en el agro pampeano actual
Estudio de caso en el partido de Pehuajó (provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina).
El sector agropecuario argentino ha experimentado profundas transformaciones en las últimas décadas. Si bien existen controversias respecto de cuáles son los cambios que refieren a procesos novedosos o a tendencias de larga data en el sector, lo que es evidente es que en la actualidad existe una realidad compleja que...
2014 - Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas (Caicyt-Conicet)
Lineamientos Estratégicos INDAP - 2014-2018
Por un Chile rural inclusivo
Lineamientos estratégicos de INDAP, período 2014-2018. Abarca temáticas desde el contexto histórico de la institución hasta el plan de gobierno de la presidenta Michelle Bachelet. La agricultura familiar campesina, el mundo rural e Indap, la economía rural, los pueblos originarios, el potenciar el desarrollo de jóvenes y mujeres, el cuidado...
2014 - Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)
P4P’s Women’s Empowerment Pathways
Roadblocks and Successes
This report discusses how WFP has approached gender mainstreaming in its Purchase for Progress (P4P) initiative, and examines how P4P contributed to empowering smallholder women farmers over a five-year pilot period. It documents how WFP went beyond adopting symbolic gender considerations to embrace a transformative agenda in the drive for...
2014 - World Food Programme (WFP)
IYFF-2014 National Committees. Promoting the future of Family Farming
Progress in raising awareness and advocacy in favour of family farming during 2014, by IYFF-2014 National Committees. International Year of Family Farming IYFF-2014.
2014 - World Rural Forum (WRF)
Magazine article
Mărginimea Sibiului – a symbol of the tradition and faith of a community
“Mărginimea Sibiului” Association of Traditional and Ecological Products Producers was founded on 30 March 2011, at the initiative of a few kind producers from Sibiu County. Coordinated by the president Gheorghe Budrală, the association has 28 members now. “Mărginimea Sibiului” Association aims to valorise the traditional food heritage, and this...
If Not Us Then Who
If Not Us Then Who is a US registered charity, 501(c)(3) that supports a global awareness campaign highlighting the role indigenous and local peoples play in protecting our planet. We work in partnership with communities to make films, take photographs, curate content, commission local artists and host events. Our work aims...
2014 - If Not Us Then Who
Youth and agriculture: Key challenges and concrete solutions
Rural youth are the future of food security. Yet around the world, few young people see a future for themselves in agriculture or rural areas. Rural youth face many hurdles in trying to earn a livelihood. Pressure on arable land is high in many parts of the world, making it...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Public procurement serving family farming: analysis of the obstacles and opportunities for farmers and institutions in Wallonia
Several projects have been set up in the Walloon Region of Belgium to use public procurement to support family farming. Report of a seminar that brought together representatives from these projects and representatives of Southern farmers networks to discuss lessons learned. Looks at problems and challenges from the farmers perspective...
2014 - Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires
The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2014
Opportunities and challenges
This new edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture highlights the significant role that fisheries and aquaculture plays in eliminating hunger, promoting health and reducing poverty. Never before have people consumed so much fish or depended so greatly on the sector for their well-being. Fish is extremely nutritious...
Total results:21020