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Fact sheet
Empowering Smallholders and Family Farms in Europe and Central Asia
Smallholder and family farming has come to dominate agriculture in the lower and middle-income countries of Europe and Central Asia as a result of the land reforms implemented in the 1990s. Food security in the region is under threat as many of the small farm units are presently not economically...
2014 - FAO
Journal article
Identification and measurement of factors affecting competitiveness of agricultural extension projects in the Amazon
Factors influencing the competitiveness of 21 agricultural extension projects were identified and measured. The data used are from a total of 21 extension services projects carried out by Project INCAGRO in the regions of Amazonas, San Martín, Loreto and Ucayali. The factors that explain the variability of the competitiveness with...
2014 - Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana
Working paper
Vanuatu and FAO
Partnering to improve food security and income-earning opportunities
FAO has a long history of cooperation with Vanuatu, a Pacific Island Country which joined the Organization in 1983 and, as of 2014, hosts a country office. Over the past three decades, FAO cooperation with Vanuatu has focused on agricultural data collection, strengthening capacities for local food production, developing market...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Magazine article
The European Union and France: ambitious promoting family farming policies
Shortly after the end of the Second World War, the six founding countries of the European Union implemented a common agricultural policy (CAP) with a view to increasing productivity, ensuring a fair standard of living for the agricultural community, stabilising markets, guaranteeing food supply and ensuring reasonable prices for consumers....
Agroecology: farmer's perspectives
The video outlines three case studies of farmers utilizing agroecological practices in their farming systems. It focuses on complex adaptive rice systems in the Easter part of the island of Java, Indonesia; on a large-scale farm in the Netherlands applying sustainable soil management practices; and on social aspects of agroecology...
Brazil - Indonesia - Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Magazine article
Place de l'agriculture itinérante familiale dans la foresterie communautaire au Gabon
Production forestière; Systèmes et modes de culture
L'agriculture itinérante reste un système de production partagé par une grande majorité de groupes ethnolinguistiques au Gabon. Elle s'exprime généralement dans un rayon de cinq kilomètres autour de l'unité de résidence. Au Gabon, cette zone est précisément celle destinée à accueillir depuis fin 2013 les premières forêts communautaires. Les préceptes...
2014 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)
Journal article
Constraints to farmers’ labour group productivity in Eastern Kogi State, Nigeria
Smallholder farmers in rural Nigeria face farm labour shortages and the need to find ways of dealing with this problem is therefore apt for food security and socioeconomic improvement. In an attempt to deal with this problem, Nigerians rural farmers constitute themselves into farmers’ labour groups in other to meet...
2014 - Kogi State University
Declaración sobre agricultura familiar - Parlatino
En este documento, los legisladores de los países miembros del Parlamento Latinoamericano reunidos en Panamá durante los días 25 y 26 de agosto del 2014 adoptan de común acuerdo la Declaración sobre agricultura familiar Parlatino.
2014 - Parlamento Latinoamericano (Parlatino)
Journal article
Wild leafy vegetable use and knowledge across multiple sites in Morocco
A case study for transmission of local knowledge?
There are few publications on the use and diversity of wild leafy vegetables (WLVs) in Morocco. In order to address this gap, we conducted ethnobotanical field work in Taounate, Azilal and El House regions.Ethnobotanical collections, free listing, qualitative interviews and a 7 day food frequency questionnaire.More than 30 species in...
Outer Islands Food and Water Projec
The Outer Island Food and Water Project (OIFWP) came into force in September 2014. Targeting the four outer islands of Abebama, Beru, North Tabiteuea and Nonouti, OIFWP promotes improved household food security and nutrition as well as clean water through rainwater harvesting and community planning and action activities.
OIFWP aims to...
2014 - International Fund for International Development (IFAD)
Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar
AMARC ALC y FAO promueven cápsulas radiales para difundir el Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar para incentivar la participación de los pequeños agricultores familiares.
2014 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Conference paper
Effectiveness of information and communication technologies in dissemination of agricultural information to smallholder farmers in Kilosa District, Tanzania
Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) have the potential to act as effective information dissemination channel that facilitates sustainable relationships between farmers and other stakeholders in agriculture sector. Past and on-going efforts in fostering dissemination of agricultural messages have not had the desired impacts of transforming the agricultural systems and impacting livelihoods....
United Republic of Tanzania
2014 - Makerere University
Programme de Développement et d’Investissement Agricole au Gabon (PRODIAG)
Le développement agricole est un des fondements de l’économie gabonaise. Le PRODIAG est un des pilier de ce cadre stratégique et fait suite au Projet d'Appui au Développement de l'Agriculture Périurbaine mis en œuvre par l’IGAD (Institut Gabonais d’Appui au Développement), ces dernières années. Il vise à poursuivre les expérimentations...
2014 - Etat Gabonais
World reference base for soil resources 2014
International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps
The first edition of the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) was released at the 16th World Congress of Soil Science at Montpellier in 1998. At the same event, it was also endorsed and adopted as the system for soil correlation and international communication of the International Union of...
2014 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Boletín de agricultura familiar para América Latina y el Caribe, Enero-Marzo 2014
Así como los pequeños agricultores de los Andes supieron conservar y mejorar la quinua durante miles de años, los agricultores familiares alrededor del mundo han transmitido de generación en generación conocimientos y habilidades, preservando y mejorando muchas de las prácticas y tecnologías que pueden apoyar la sostenibilidad agrícola. Por eso...
Brazil - Chile - Costa Rica - Haiti - Mexico - Paraguay
2014 - Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe (FAO/RLC)
Les agricultures familiales à Madagascar
un atout pour le développement durable
Document de valorisation des acquis et principales recommandations d’une semaine d’animation et de débats sur les Agricultures Familiales à Madagascar, où la très grande majorité des exploitations agricoles sont familiales (près de 99% selon le recensement agricole de 2004/2005).
2014 - FOibem-pirenena momba ny FIkarohana ampiharina amin’ny Fampandrosoana ny eny Ambanivohitra - FOFIFA (Centre National de Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural)
Slow Food Presidia and Sustainable Development
The concept of sustainable development made its first official appearance in 1980, in the World Conservation Strategy produced by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Today, the universally accepted definition of sustainable development comes from the report Our Common Future, published by the World Commission on Environment and...
2014 - Slow Food
Policy brief/paper
Inclusive business models in agriculture?
Learning from smallholder cane growers in Mozambique
Amidst the increasing corporate investment in African farmland the term ‘inclusive business model’ has become a catchphrase touted as an opportunity for incorporating smallholder farmers alongside large-scale commercial farming projects. Inclusive business models require an enabling institutional and regulatory framework. Such frameworks now exist at the international level: the African...
2014 - Future Agricultures Consortium
Cómo cultivar sus hortalizas aromáticas en casa: agricultura urbana
La presente cartilla técnica contribuye a la capacitación en agricultura urbana y ofrece un medio de consulta para los productores urbanos que ya están cultivando alimentos en sus casas y quieran mejorar sus huertas y sus hábitos alimenticios, contibuyendo a la seguridad alimentaria, a la economía familiar, creación de espacios...
2014 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)
Family poultry nutrition and feeding - The free range system
The video explains the feed resources and feeding practices in the free range poultry production system. Suggestions are made for increasing the feeding opportunities of free range poultry and the importance of proper protein and fiber supply for preventing feather pecking is highlighted. Ensuring sufficient protein and fiber supply will...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:20575