Búsqueda en la base de datos
Sistemas importantes del patrimonio agrícola mundial (SIPAM). La biodiversidad agrícola y los ecosistemas resilientes. Prácticas agrícolas tradicionales e identidad cultural
Durante siglos, los agricultores, pastores, pescadores y silvicultores han desarrollado sistemas agrícolas diversos y adaptados localmente, y los han gestionado con técnicas y prácticas ingeniosas que han perfeccionado con el paso de los años. Han sido los responsables de aportar a la humanidad una combinación esencial de servicios sociales, culturales,...
Algeria - China - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Japan - Mexico - Peru - Republic of Korea - Spain - Sri Lanka - United Republic of Tanzania
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
La agricultura de montaña es agricultura familiar
Una contribución de las zonas de montaña al Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar 2014
La agricultura de montaña adopta muchas formas -tan diversas como los paisajes de montaña del mundo– pero continúa siendo en gran medida una agricultura familiar. Estas actividades agrícolas de montaña han alimentado y sustentado tradicionalmente a familias individuales aunque, hoy en día, han comenzado a expandirse cada vez más hacia...
2015 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Actas de conferencia
Sistemas Ingeniosos del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial: Un Legado para el futuro
Durante milenios, comunidades de agricultores, pastores, pescadores y poblaciones de los bosques han desarrollado sistemas agrícolas complejos, diversos y localmente adaptados. Estos sistemas han sido manejados con combinaciones ingeniosas de técnicas y prácticas de eficacia comprobada, que usualmente han llevado a alcanzar la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades y la...
Family Farming in Spain Yearbook 2024
Social emergency. Without family agriculture and livestock there will be no future for the rural world
Society is increasingly aware of the strategic nature of food. The agri-food sector is postulated as one of the pillars of our democratic societies, due to its leading role in the production of healthy, safe and sustainable food. However, farmers and ranchers suffer serious problems that make their profession difficult....
2024 - UPA (Unión de Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos de España)
Artículo de revista especializada
Managing uphill cultivation under climate change
An assessment of adaptation decisions among tribal farmers in Nagaland state of India
Tribal farmers in the Himalayas are vulnerable to climatic changes, as their rain-fed cultivation systems, practiced on steep, sloping terrain, are susceptible to changes in rainfall while at the same time being the primary means of livelihood. Soil and water conservation practices (SWCP) can improve the resilience of these cultivation...
2024 - International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Artículo de blog
Opportunities and challenges for coffee production in Papua New Guinea’s highlands
Coffee is one of the most important smallholder cash crops in Papua New Guinea. It accounted for $156 million of export earnings, 13% of agricultural export revenues, and 1.4% of total export revenues in PNG in 2021. According to the PNG Rural Household Survey 2023, approximately 55% of sampled households in the...
Papua New Guinea
2024 - IFPRI
Artículo de revista especializada
Pastoralism in Changthang, Ladakh: Adaptations, Challenges, and Pathways for Sustainability
In the Changthang region of Ladakh, India, pastoralism serves as the cornerstone of both the local economy and the local way of life. However, recent socioeconomic shifts and environmental constraints put this economic structure, which has been expertly adapted to the difficult trans-Himalayan geography, in danger of becoming unsustainable. To...
2024 - Sher E Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, India
Artículo de revista especializada
Opportunities and barriers for using climate information services for resilient agriculture: Insights from the baseline study in Chitwan, Nepal
The earth is warming, and the frequency of extreme weather events have been rapidly growing globally with unprecedented consequences to farming communities. In principle, weather and climate information services (WCIS) can help farmers better manage their activities and farm level outcomes by supporting their decision-making with relevant and usable information...
2024 - ICIMOD
Diversité des exploitations agricoles d’oasis de montagne : une analyse par le travail, les revenus et le couplage entre cultures et élevage
Les oasis de montagne d’Afrique du Nord subissent de plein fouet les effets du changement climatique, qui amplifient l’ensemble des contraintes agronomiques : foncier exigu, aridité structurelle, etc. Dans cette étude, l’objectif est d’analyser les différentes dimensions du couplage entre cultures et élevage et leurs effets sur le fonctionnement des systèmes de...
2024 - CIRAD
Good Practices for the Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas
Euromontana kicks off the year with the publication of its annual booklet of good practices for sustainable mountain development. This publication showcases 10 inspiring initiatives from across Europe (EU and non-EU) collected by Euromontana throughout 2023 to promote initiatives that drive sustainable change in mountain areas.
The booklet covers key issues for...
Austria - France - Germany - Italy - Norway - Poland - Romania - Spain - Switzerland
2024 - Euromontana - European Association of Mountain Areas
Artículo de blog
Opinion: Restoring mountain ecosystems in the Himalayas is a global imperative
The Hindu Kush Himalaya faces a critical need for the restoration of its diverse ecosystems, underpinned by the indispensable stewardship of Indigenous communities and local efforts
Mountain ecosystems, including rangelands, wetlands, peatlands and both alpine and temperate forests, are unique habitats characterised by complex geography and rich biodiversity. These ecosystems are integral to the cultures and traditions of diverse Indigenous communities, providing essential goods and services such as food, water, climate regulation and cultural aesthetics. Despite their high economic...
2024 - International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Artículo de blog
Bhutan explores controlled burning of mountainsides
Reviving the traditional practice could protect pastureland ecosystems in the Himalayas from destructive climate change-driven wildfires
ildfires have raged across the mountains of the Hindu Kush Himalaya this year. The Indian state of Uttarakhand lost over 1,500 hectares of forest while Nepal saw hundreds of forest fires in March and over a thousand in April.
As frightening and destructive as these fires have been, for over 10,000 years, everywhere from the Central...
2024 - Dialogue Earth
Two Women Q Graders Helping Producers Making Better Coffee
The journey of coffee from farm to cup involves numerous intricate steps, each crucial in determining the quality and price of the final product. At the heart of this process is the grading and pricing of green coffee, a task undertaken by professionals known as Q Graders. Anete Dinne, a...
2024 - Slow Food
Heritage, Sustainability, and Coffee Drying in the Philippines’ Cordillera mountains
Born and raised amidst the lush landscapes of the mountain provinces of the Philipines, Daniel Jason Maches and Jaymar Garcia, two Indigenous youth, have always been connected to the land. They’ve witnessed their parents tend to the earth, cultivating crops that sustained their families for generations.
2024 - Slow Food
Harvesting Change: Women at the Helm of Puebla’s Coffee Picking
Saddle up and prepare for a journey through the picturesque northern mountains of Puebla, Mexico. After ascending 1,000 meters, you arrive at Rancho La Victoria, a historic coffee farm nestled amidst the mountains...
2024 - Slow Food
Empowering indigenous communities through coffee: The Story of Akha Ama
It was among the indigenous cultures of the mountains of Thailand, that the social enterprise idea was born. Hence Akha Ama Coffee, a coffee roastery and shop in Chiang Mai that only sells coffee from indigenous communities, with whom it trades directly. The manager, Lee Ayu, is not just a...
2024 - Slow Food
Strengthening multi-stakeholder agroecology platforms in Vietnam: A landscape analysis
Using multi-stakeholder platforms offers a promising approach for sharing agricultural innovation, reducing transaction costs, and catalyzing development through stimulating stakeholder engagement in the innovation process to accelerate food systems transformation. Agriculture-related multi-stakeholder platforms (AMSPs) are major players to intervention strategies of agricultural development programs. However, AMSPs face multiple challenges that...
Viet Nam
2024 - Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Artículo de revista especializada
Governance, Mobility, and Pastureland Ecology. An Eco-Anthropological Study of Three Pastoral Commons in Northeastern Andalusia
Community-based natural resource governance is increasingly valued by the leading international organizations that promote environmental conservation and sustainable development. At the same time, the ecosystems of the northeastern Andalusian mountains are intrinsically related to the long-standing presence of pastoralism and its different communal forms that have favored a very particular...
2024 - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Spain
Artículo de revista especializada
Social Innovations and the Mountain Economy: The Case of 100% Valposchiavo and Its Influence on Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises
This article examines how social innovations influence the economic growth orientation of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in mountain regions. Social innovations can help mountain regions solve local challenges by creating novel ideas to improve the situation. This, in turn, can have various effects on the mountain economy. However, there...
2023 - Institute of Geography & Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED)
The guardians of the Blue Mountains coffee
Accompanying the indigenous peoples of the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve in asserting their rights and commercializing their promucts, while safeguarding the environment, are the focus of the 30-year work of the Keystone Foundation, promoter of the Slow Food Nilgiris Coffee Coalition community together with Aadhimalai Pazhangudiyinar Producer Company Ltd. Specifically, the purpose of the local Coffee Coalition community is to accompany the producers of the Kurumba and Irula peoples in marketing the coffee they harvest in the forest.
The indigenous tribal communities of the Nilgiri Reserve base their economy on the collection and cultivation of forest products (including coffee), handing down their cultural, agricultural and linguistic traditions from generation to generation.
Accompanying the indigenous peoples of the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve in asserting their rights and commercializing their promucts, while...
2023 - Slow Food
Total results:355