Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Artículo de revista
Rural broadband: an EU priority

Many rural areas in Europe are still deprived of high speed (30+ Mbps) internet connections, which holds back the potentials of farmers, rural businesses and entrepreneurs to grow their activities. Next generation broadband access for rural areas is an increasingly clear priority for EU rural development policy.
2015 - European Commission

Fabrication d’une ruche traditionnelle Rwandaise longiforme

Le Rwanda possède un climat favorable, une flore mellifère riche et variée propice au développement de l’apiculture. La présente fiche explique comment construire une ruche modèle traditionnelle qui se compose d’un cylindre allongé fabriqué avec des tiges de Pennisetum (Urubingo), de bamboo ou de papyrus. Ce modèle longiforme est très...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Tunisia's olive production could halve by 2030 due to climate change

As world leaders gather in Paris for the UN climate conference, eyes turn to how global warming is devastating parts of North Africa
Tunisia's 3,000-year history of olive farming is under threat with warnings that production is at risk of halving by 2030 because of the extremes of climate change, from floods to droughts.

Pour une sécurité alimentaire des Villages Ruraux intégrés (2ère partie)

En 2011, un programme de coopération technique intitulé « Appui à la viabilisation des Villages Ruraux Intégrés dans le cadre du rapatriement et de la réinsertion du Burundi- composante sécurité alimentaire agricole » a été mis en œuvre par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture(FAO) avec l’appui financier...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Sitio web
Centro Universitario Agroecología de la Universidad de Cochabamba (AGRUCO)

AGRUCO, es un centro universitario de excelencia en investigación participativa revalorizadora, formación posgradual e interacción social con comunidades indígenas, originarias campesinas y municipios que pertenece a la Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Pecuarias, Forestales y Veterinarias de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón. Contribuye al Desarrollo Endógeno Sustentable, a partir de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2015 - Aroecología Universidad Cochabamba

Proalimentos - madres agricultoras

En este video, lanzado en honor al día de las madres, el Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos) rinde un homenaje al esfuerzo de las mujeres agricultoras del Ecuador por brindar frutos de calidad a sus familias. En Ecuador, las madres agricultoras no solo alimentan su familia, sino que que...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos)

Artículo de revista especializada
Generational dynamics in agriculture: reflections on rural youth and farming futures

This short article reflects on the articles on rural youth in the Maghreb collected in this volume. It first offers some general remarks on the importance of a research and policy focus on the problem of generational succession in agriculture, then some comparative observations from recent research in Indonesia that...

Revista especializada
Nature & Faune Journal: Sustainable Soil Management (Key to Food Security and Nutrition in Africa)

This special issue of Nature & Faune journal, with its exciting variety of papers dealing with issues related to sustainable soil management in Africa is an important contribution towards promoting sustainability on the continent.
Benin - Cabo Verde - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Gambia - Ghana - Mozambique - Nigeria - United Republic of Tanzania
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista
Défendre l’agriculture familiale

L’agriculture familiale est la meilleure garante de la sécurité alimentaire. C’est la forme d’agriculture qui assure l’emploi, la rémunération et l’alimentation d’une bonne partie des populations du monde et qui est la plus soucieuse du maintien des ressources naturelles puisque sa survie et sa reproduction en dépendent directement. 
2015 - DSA-be

Artículo de revista especializada
A quarter of a century in transition: The state of the red meat supply chain in Slovenia

This research comprises an in-depth analysis of the Slovenian pig meat supply chain where the models of supply chain relationship in pig production were scrutinised. The data was collected in an extensive nation-wide survey including 152 respondents. Besides the structural characteristics of farms the focus was on vertical relationships and...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations

III Semana del desarrollo rural territorial en los países del SICA

En el marco de la XLV Reunión Ordinaria de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de los países del SICA, realizada el pasado 26 de junio, los Mandatarios acordaron dar un impulso adicional al Desarrollo Rural Territorial, haciendo un llamado para trabajar de manera más integrada e intersectorial. En este...
2015 - Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA)

Artículo de boletín informativo
Information system brings hope for soils in The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Decades of archived soil research have now been transformed into an accurate, up-to-date, and fully functioning information system – based on state-of-the-art digital soil mapping techniques. The new Macedonian Soil Information System or “MASIS” – formally launched here today – was developed with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Manual de la huerta agroecológica

ProHuerta un programa inclusivo
El ProHuerta garantiza a las personas el aprendizaje y participación de todos, independientemente de sus condiciones sociales, personales o culturales, con una mirada sistémica donde las diferencias de la diversidad le dan el valor agregado.
2015 - Instituto Nacional Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

Artículo de revista
Successful business starting with four geese

In the village of Chinelnic, Bistriţa County, a small settlement sheltered by the hills, a zoo technical engineer started a duck and goose farm where the fowl live in semi-freedom and they are fed as natural as possible. In 2014, after 20 years of pilgrimage in the city, Radu Marica...
2015 - national rural development network

Artículo de revista especializada
Des serres et des hommes : des exploitations motrices de l’expansion territoriale et de l’ascension socioprofessionnelle sur un front pionnier de l’agriculture saharienne en Algérie

Biskra est célèbre pour ses dattes qui représentent la principale production agricole. Au milieu des années 1980, des serres sont apparues en marge des oasis, ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles dynamiques agraires. Ces dynamiques sont portées par des arrangements entre différents acteurs qui mettent en commun leurs facteurs de...

Actas de conferencia
CFS High-Level Forum on Connecting Smallholders to Markets

The objective of the Forum was to bring together a wide range of stakeholders to discuss policy implications, challenges and lessons learned from concrete examples of how farmers have found opportunities to engage in beneficial and sustainable linkages to markets. This contributed to reaching a common understanding of such opportunities...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

From slash and burn to ‘slash and mulch’

In semi-arid cropping regions of West Africa, fallow periods are getting shorter. As land becomes more scarce, farmers are not able to give their soils enough time to rest. This is leading to depletion of soil organic matter, severely threatening soil fertility and damaging soil structure. In the worst cases,...
Burkina Faso
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

The future of food – the future of biodiversity?

A major symposium on the the global impacts of UK food consumption. Food for humans and conservation are in conflict. The challenge for humanity is how is to produce more food for more people on less land and with less environmental impact. Feeding people should not come at the expense...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Artículo de revista
Winter Harvest: Supporting the Development of Organic Winter Growing

In Austria, apart from corn salads, hardly any organic vegetables are available during the winter from domestic production. As a result, most of the vegetables on sale are imported or grown through high-energy intensive production. To address this problem, a project has been developed called winter harvest: seasonal, energy-extensive and...
2015 - IFOAM EU Group

Documento de trabajo
Synopsis: Coffee value chains on the move: Evidence from smallholder coffee farmers in Ethiopia

Important changes to Ethiopia’s coffee sector have occurred in the last decade. The adoption of improved production, harvest, and post-harvest practices has been increasing with positive impacts on coffee productivity and incomes. Upstream marketing has improved, along with large investments in processing capacity, shown by the extended coverage of wet...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Total results:20389