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Campanha incentiva empoderamento e garantia de direitos das mulheres rurais
Mulheres rurais, mulheres com direitos! Esse é o nome da campanha que será lançada hoje em Brasília com o objetivo de empoderar essas trabalhadoras que, apesar de fundamentais na dinâmica camponesa, ainda não são devidamente valorizadas, nem tampouco remuneradas na proporção do esforço que empreendem em nome de um desenvolvimento...
2017 - Reunião Especializada sobre Agricultura Familiar no Mercosul (REAF)
Article de blog
Future of CAP: Climate change on your plate
Climate change can still be rather abstract for many amongst us. We hear about melting poles, a global increase in hurricane intensity or rising temperatures. For many Europeans this phenomenon does not seem to affect their daily lives. But this is not grasping the full picture. The food you consume...
European Union
2017 - European Commission
Strengthening the strategic role of women in rural communities
The Common Agricultural Policy, particularly in its second pillar, contains measures and resources to improve gender equality and women’s access to work and economic activity. The gender equality gap is wider in rural areas than in cities.
More and more women are finding empowerment through agriculture. In turn, they guarantee the survival of...
European Union
2017 - EurActiv
Soil experiments for children
This SoilLAB Activity Book is designed to give children an insight into conceptual knowledge about soil. Practitioners, leaders and teachers must support children’s learning through offering opportunities for them to: teach them how to operate a range of tools safely; encounter creatures, plants and objects in their natural environments and...
2017 - FAO
Article de revue spécialisée
Doing more with less
In essence, ‘doing more with less’ is about reducing the pressure on existing resources and avoiding economic and environmental costs associated with excessive resource use. Avoiding over-exploitation can ensure that resources are still available to future generations. At the same time, promoting more efficient resource use can ensure that sustainable...
European Union
2017 - ENRD
VIIth International Conference of La Via Campesina
La Via Campesina International Conferences are the highest-level space for proposing and making decisions within the movement. From July 16th to 24th, 2017, La Via Campesina will gather in Derio, Biskaia in the Basque Country to re-affirm the commitment of member organizations to build a common path towards food sovereignty...
2017 - La Via Campesina
Improving Feed for Increasing Smallholders Income
A new project implemented by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), in collaboration with the Tunisian Office of Livestock and Pasture (OEP), aims to improve the red meat value chain by eliminating feed gaps and providing adaptation strategies to drought. The project promotes:
Development of business...
2017 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Traditional Knowledge (Conocimiento Tradicional Última versión): Costa Rica
Traditional Knowledge, Costa Rica
Costa Rica
2017 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Article de blog
Nueva Ley de Alimentación Escolar se aprueba en Guatemala
La ley contempla un aumento a la asignación por estudiante, menús saludables y adaptados localmente, compras a la agricultura familiar y huertas escolares pedagógicas.
Más de 2.2 millones de niños y niñas de Guatemala que asisten a 33.000 centros educativos públicos se beneficiarán con la nueva Ley de Alimentación Escolar aprobada recientemente por el Congreso Nacional.
“Se trata de un gran paso adelante que institucionaliza y formaliza por primera vez el programa de alimentación escolar y que...
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Article de blog
The EU must take the lead in linking agricultural trade to the SDGs
Trade in agriculture must now also play a central role in implementing many of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed by the United Nations in autumn 2015. The SDGs will have a direct and profound effect on trade in agriculture. Agriculture, in turn, will have a key role in...
2017 - EurActiv
Article de blog
Inspirational ideas: Staying in tune with farm performance
Teagasc (Ireland) has developed an online benchmarking tool to help Irish farmers identify the areas which need improvement on their farm. Dairy, cattle, sheep, tillage and pig enterprises can use the “eProfit Monitor” to analyse key financial and physical data from their farm and compare this to results from other...
2017 - EIP-Agri
Políticas para mulheres rurais brasileiras são apresentadas no Chile
A importância do enfoque de gênero para a gestão de riscos de desastres ambientais e mudanças climáticas esteve em foco nas estratégias discutidas durante uma reunião técnica que aconteceu dias 22 e 23 de fevereiro, no escritório regional da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e a Agricultura (FAO)...
2017 - Reunião Especializada sobre Agricultura Familiar do Mercosul (REAF)
Small Farmer Dreams Big with Natural Farming Techniques
Hle Gu, Myanmar – Saw Htoo Baw is a young farmer from Tha Bite Kone village, Hle Gu Township in Myanmar. In 2015, the Agricultural Farmer Federation of Myanmar (AFFM) visited his area and met with him. Saw Htoo Baw expressed his concern about the increasing use of synthetic and chemical...
2017 - Agriculture and Farmer Federation of Myanmar (AFFM)
Article de blog
Chaco: cambio climático y agricultura familiar
Noticia sobre el INTA y la UCAR, donde se realata que a través del Proyecto Adaptación y Resiliencia de la Agricultura Familiar del NEA ante el Impacto del Cambio Climático y su Variabilidad, continúan realizando actividades de capacitación tendientes a mejorar el acceso al agua, la producción y por ende,...
2017 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) Argentina
Article de blog
Biointensive farming: the future of our food production system
Biointensive agriculture is a sustainable organic farming system based on working with the basic elements needed for life – soil, water, air and sun – to achieve maximum yields, while increasing biodiversity and soil fertility.This form of farming is suitable for small-scale farmers because it enables them to harvest great...
2017 - Greentumble
Aprendizajes compartidos (Shared learning)
Indigenous peoples from different countries (Peru- Latin America, D.R. Congo- Africa and Thailand- Asia) share some of their main issued related to tenure of, respectively, land, forests, and fisheries. They explain, in simple words, the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO
Bulletin d'information
ICSF’S Newsletter on Gender and Fisheries
Studies of small-scale fisheries across the globe show how women contribute to the sustainability of the fisheries sector. They also show that where women have greater agency, they contribute to improving value addition and productivity in the sector. In the context, SDG 5 that emphasizes gender equality and empowerment of...
2017 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Article de blog
Carta de Olmué fija orientaciones para los Gobiernos y la Agricultura Familiar del Mercosur
Avanzar en el diálogo político y la dignificación del mundo campesino, y profundizar en la definición de políticas públicas específicas para los pequeños agricultores, fueron las ideas fuerza que marcaron el acto de clausura de la Primera Conferencia Regional de Agricultura Familiar del Mercosur Ampliado que se desarrolló en Olmué,...
2017 - Reunión Especializada de la Agricultura Familiar Campesina (REAF)
Women in Small-scale Fisheries in Tanzania: Challenges and Opportunities
This video case study explores the challenges that women involved in fisheries activities face on a day to day basis in Tanzania: What successes have they achieved? how can their participation in fisheries be strategically improved? It also explains the strategies in place at local and national levels to counter...
Taiwan Province of China
2017 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Site web
Programa de Estudios Regionales y Territoriales
El Programa de Estudios Regionales y Territoriales (PERT) es un ámbito de investigación académica, docencia, transferencia y divulgación, de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) focalizado en cuestiones vinculadas al desarrollo territorial (en particular asociadas con lo rural, lo local y las economías regionales). Está conformado por investigadores de diferentes...
2017 - Programa de Estudios Regionales y Territoriales, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Total results:21349