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Scaling Success - Lessons from Adaptation Pilots in the Rainfed Regions of India
As climate change threatens India’s food security, adaptation in the agriculture sector is becoming increasingly important. However, for too long, adaptation has been characterized by individual efforts and by small, time-bound pilot projects. Although these projects often have a strong grassroots focus, their capacity to benefit larger populations and to...
2015 - World Resources Institute (WRI)
Article de revue spécialisée
Farming in mountainous areas: A fragile balance
There is one type of agriculture that is more demanding and labour some than others, but essential from a social point of view, and that is mountain farming. The EU has ranked them among the most “disadvantaged areas” for agriculture. However, in mountainous regions, “disadvantaged” is not synonymous with marginal....
2015 - EurActiv
Article de blog
Ministerio de Agricultura conforma Consejo de la Sociedad Civil
En las dependencias del Ministerio de Agricultura, el Subsecretario Claudio Ternicier encabezó la conformación del Consejo de la Sociedad Civil. Este estamento tiene un carácter consultivo, que busca posibilitar el ejercicio ciudadano de participación en los programas y las distintas políticas públicas promovidas por el Ministerio, permitiendo conocer, deliberar y...
Productividad y sustentabilidad de la agricultura familiar para la seguridad alimentaria y economía rural
El propósito general de este proyecto IICA es promover el desarrollo sostenible de la agricultura familiar (AF) y el aumento de su contribución a la seguridad alimentaria (SA) y nutricional y a la economía rural.
2015 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Soil Organic Matter content in Mediterranean regions: Final Report
This report is the result of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group (FG) on Soil organic matter (SOM) content in Mediterranean regions, which was launched under the European Innovation Partnership Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI). The Focus Group brought together 19 experts with different backgrounds and experiences to make recommendations on transferable...
2015 - EIP-AGRI Focus Group
Article de blog
Noruega y FAO firman acuerdo para mejorar la contribución de la pesca de pequeña escala a la seguridad alimentaria mundial
Tone Skogen, Secretaria de Estado del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Noruega y José Graziano da Silva, Director General de la FAO, firmaron hoy un acuerdoque busca aumentar la contribución de la pesca de pequeña escala a la seguridad alimentaria y a los medios de vida sostenibles.
La firma del acuerdo...
2015 - Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Bulletin d'information
Regional Office for Africa quarterly newsletter
Regional Office for Africa quarterly newsletter covering the months of October to December, 2015
Burundi - Liberia - Malawi - Zimbabwe
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Towards an agroecological transition in Southeast Asia: Cultivating diversity and developing synergies
Starting from the early 1990s, a multitude of national and regional initiatives have emerged in the Great Mekong Sub-Region for supporting ecological intensification of agriculture or agroecology. The French Agency for Development (AFD) has been a very active supporter of these initiatives, especially in relation to the promotion of Conservation...
Mujeres rurales en América Latina
A pesar de su contribución a la seguridad alimentaria del planeta, el trabajo de la mujer rural es subestimado y poco remunerado. En la mayoría de los países, las mujeres no son dueñas de la tierra que trabajan, y cuando lo hacen tienden a ser más pequeñas y enfrentan dificultades...
2015 - teleSUR tv
Document technique
Atuação brasileira na América Latina e Caribe relacionada com a soberania e segurança alimentar e nutricional
O presente documento dá continuidade aos objetivos do projeto de identificar e analisar as iniciativas, projetos e outras formas de cooperação Sul-Sul brasileira no campo da soberania e da segurança alimentar e nutricional (SSAN) e do direito humano à alimentação adequada (DHA), desta feita, abordando aquelas voltadas para os países...
2015 - Centro de Referência em Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (CERESAN)
Étude de cas
Organic cocoa in Sierra Leone
Small-scale, resource-poor farmers organize fair trade grower cooperatives to market certified organic cocoa exports from post-war Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone
2015 - Alliance for Foos Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
Article de revue spécialisée
On Kenya's climate frontline, female farmers are building a secure future
In drought-ridden Samburu county, support programmes are helping women to provide for their families and build communities’ resilience to climate change
2015 - The Guardian
Note/document d'orientation
Food security and adaptation impacts of potential climate smart agricultural practices in Zambia
This paper analyzes how a set of widely promoted agricultural practices, including reduced tillage, crop rotations, legume intercropping as well as the use of modern inputs, affect crop yields and their resilience (i.e. probability of disastrously low yields) in Zambia using panel data from the Rural Incomes and Livelihoods Surveys...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Seeds in the hands of farmers
In this video, Henk Hobbelink of GRAIN contrasts the approaches to seed conservation that have emerged since the so-called ‘green revolution’. He advocates for on-farm, farmer-led conservation which secures the control of seed in the hands of small farmers.
2015 - GRAIN
Bulletin d'information
Boletín Informativo Mensual FAOAR
Boletín Informativo Mensual de la representación de FAO en Argentina de Marzo 2015, que da cuenta de los proyectos y desafíos en ese país, como un recuento de sus principales noticias.
2015 - Oficina Nacional de la FAO Argentina
Article du bulletin d’information
Siete emprendimientos rurales que dieron que hablar en 2015
Desde pitones de ajo, tallos de ajo, que son procesados, y sirven para acompañar diversos platos gourmet hasta queso con ceniza son parte de las creaciones de los productores del sur.
2015 - Diario El Austral Osorno
Article de revue
The connection between product and its place of origin, in the European economic context
The European Union is a social and political approach meant to create a space of common values, shared by several states (the member states), aiming to equalise policies of various fields. At the same time, though, there is a constant concern to keep traditions and the different elements between communities,...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network
Document de travail
Are women less productive farmers?
How markets and risk affect fertilizer use, productivity, and measured gender effects in Uganda
African governments and international development groups see boosting productivity on smallholder farms as key to reducing rural poverty and safeguarding the food security of farming and non-farming households. Prompting smallholder farmers to use more fertilizer has been a key tactic. Closing the productivity gap between male and female farmers has...
2015 - World Bank
Global challenges, local solutions
Joint learning partnerships for widespread catalyzing practices in food systems and land-use at service of our planet
The conference will bring foundations together with diverse stakeholders (civil society organizations, public, multilateral institutions and others) to look at good practices supported by foundations in the fields of land use and sustainable food systems and to discuss elements of success, replicability and the potential to scale-up. This will be...
2015 - European Foundations for Sustainable Agriculture and Food
Partenariat privilégié entre la Tunisie et l’UE : quels impacts sur le secteur agricole et rural?
Ce séminaire, qui se tiendra le jeudi 29 octobre 2015 au Parc des Expositions du Kram à Tunis à l’occasion du Salon International de l’Agriculture, du Machinisme Agricole et de la Pêche, aura pour objectif de présenter et mettre en débat le nouveau Plan d’Action entre la Tunisie et l’UE...
2015 - Programme Européen de Voisinage pour l'Agriculture et le Développement Rural (ENPARD)
Total results:20737