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Agricultural youth: ambitious and versatile
In this study the focus is on the position of young people on farms in the Netherlands. In addition to work on farm, more than 40% of the youngsters have off farm labour. The young people are highly educated and often administratively active. The majority wants to take over the...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Fiche d'information
Biowatch is among the organisations and international social movements that see agroecology as a means to realise the goal of food sovereignty. In 2007 civil society and social movement organisations representing millions of farmers met in Nyéléni in Mali to launch an international movement for food sovereignty. This movement views...
South Africa
2015 - Biowatch South Africa
Article de revue
Perspectives: Creating city region food systems
As cities continue to expand and ever more people migrate to urban areas, current unsustainable patterns of urbanisation and ineffective policies are no longer acceptable. The typical approaches that maintain the separation between rural and urban neglect all of the ways that connect both worlds. And nowhere else are rural...
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture
Étude de cas
Organised communities build healthier soils
Farmers who are trying to build up healthy soil on their land can find it a particularly prolonged process. Work with local community organisation in Nicaragua, however, shows that results can be seen relatively quickly and achieved on a broad scale, with a long-term farmer-led strategy. From its origins in...
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture
Fiche d'information
Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Adaptation: Growing Returns from ADB-ICARDA Partnership
The brochure provides an overview of sustainable land management and climate change Adaptation in Central Asia and how they relate to the partnership between ADB and ICARDA.
Azerbaijan - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan
2015 - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Document de conférence
Convención Internacional Agroforestal
Del 14 al 17 de abril de 2015, en el Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana, Cuba se realizó la Convención Internacional Agroforestal que integró los eventos:
6to Congreso Forestal de Cuba
II Congreso Internacional de Café y Cacao
VI Encuentro Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores
Durante cuatro días investigadores, académicos, empresarios, productores, comunicadores, entre otros...
Fiche d'information
Investing in rural people in the Kingdom of Morocco
This fact sheet offers an overview of small farmers'main constraints and on IFAD's main operations in the country. Poverty is essentially a rural phenomenon in Morocco. About three quarters of poor people in the country live in rural areas. Under an ambitious poverty reduction programme called the National Initiative for...
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Pequeñas economías
Reflexiones sobre la agricultura familiar campesina
La obra es una compilación de 14 de los trabajos producidos por Manuel Chiriboga Vega entre 1997 y 2011, donde identifica y analiza profundamente los factores y políticas que afectan al agro y al sector rural, de manera especial a la agricultura familiar campesina, y plantea remover esos factores de...
2015 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Document technique
Promoting the Leadership of Women in Producers’ Organizations
This paper explores aspects of promoting rural women’s leadership in producers’ organizations (POs). Despite the vast amount of work that women perform in the agriculture sector, their role remains largely unrecognized. The concerns and issues of women farmers are scarcely heard at the local, national and global levels. One reason...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation
AGROECOLOGY - Environmental, social and economic justice
Biowatch advocates for agroecology as a proven, multi-faceted approach to creating a sustainable, diverse, just food system that applies ecological principles and methods to farming, while addressing wider environmental, economic, social, cultural, and political dimensions in order to transform the industrialised food system.
South Africa
2015 - Biowatch South Africa
Fiche d'information
Prospects for Farmers’ Support: Advisory Services in European AKIS
There is a wide consensus among scholars and policy makers that knowledge is a key resource to support European agriculture in meeting new challenges such as e.g. international competition, food safety, health or environmental issues. Organisations delivering farm advice are targeted by different EU policies, such as the “Farm Advisory...
2015 - Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (AKIS)
Document technique
Empowering rural women through social protection
This technical note proposes a framework for understanding the contribution of social protection to rural women’s empowerment, particularly how different social protection schemes contribute to this goal and what gaps need to be addressed by other rural services and livelihood interventions to achieve women’s economic empowerment in rural areas. The...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Document de conférence
III Encuentro Nacional de Agroecología
En este sitio se encuentra el programa, documentación, principales noticias, entre otros documentos relacionados con el Encuentro Nacional de Agroecología.
2015 - Articulación Nacional de Agroecología
Article de revue spécialisée
Evaluación del efecto de un biofertilizante ligado a un soporte orgánico mineral en un cultivo de lechuga en la Sabana de Bogotá bajo condiciones de invernadero
Se evaluó el efecto a nivel de invernadero de un biofertilizante integrado en soporte orgánico mineral, en un cultivo de lechuga, var. Batavia, en la Sabana de Bogotá. Se evaluaron cinco tratamientos cada uno con 22 plantas así, compost + biofertilizante (T1), biofertilizante en soporte orgánico mineral (T2), biofertilizante común...
2015 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Article de revue
“Healthy soils give family farmers autonomy, resilience and long-term productivity” - Interview with Irene Cardoso
“If you have a healthy, living soil, you have healthy plants and healthy people. These three things are closely linked.” Irene Cardoso, a professor of soil science at the Federal University of Viçosa and a member of ILEIA’s board is passionate about soils and family farmers. In her role as...
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture
II Módulo/ Intercambio de experiencias de compras públicas a la agricultores familiares y campesinos
La actividad se desarrolló en Quito, Ecuador, con presencia de productores familiares, campesinos y funcionarios de los gobiernos participantes de la REAF.
2015 - Reunión Especializada sobre Agricultura Familiar de MERCOSUR (REAF)
A1-545 Análisis del proceso de transición hacia la agroecología entre productores hortícolas ubicados en el distrito de Open – Door, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sometidos a procesos ambientales, económicos, sociales y productivos los horticultores deben adaptarse a cambios en los aspectos productivos como comerciales. En este sentido, un conjunto de productores hortícolas, ubicados en la localidad de Open Door, distrito de Lujan han iniciado un proceso de transición hacia la agroecología. El objetivo de...
Mulheres na Caatinga
Saberes, sabores e poesia
Este caderno expressa o jeito próprio das mulheres fazer as coisas, de produzir conhecimentos juntas, a pedagogia feminista, partilhada com muitas mulheres catingueiras, pesquisadoras, experimentadorras e agricultoras.
A publicação é o resultado de um esforço conjunto de sintetizar a riqueza do processo de vivências de 210 mulheres agricultoras e experimentadoras de...
2015 - Casa da Mulher do Nordeste
European Forest Week 2015
The third European Forest Week will be held in conjunction with Silva2015, the Joint Session of the UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI); and the FAO European Forestry Commission (EFC). It will be hosted by the Government of Switzerland in the alpine village of Engelberg from 2–6...
2015 - UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI) and the FAO European Forestry Commission (EFC)
Site web
International symposium on forest biotechnology for family farms
Forest biotech for smallholders
The planned Symposium is one of the activities initiated by FAO in the last three decades. It is expected that this event will constitute a neutral forum for discussion and dissemination of scientific knowledge on forest biotechnology.
The event is organized in cooperation with EMBRAPA, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (, one...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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