Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Recherche en plein texte
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Thème principal

Mi casa, mi huerta

Técnicas de agricultura urbana
Desde hace 25 años, el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria –INTA– y el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, a través del Plan Nacional de Seguridad Alimentaria, llevan a cabo el Pro Huerta. Con el foco puesto en mejorar la alimentación de la población que habita las áreas urbanas, periurbanas y rurales,...
2015 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

Fiche d'information
Monitoring EU Agri-Food Trade: Development until September 2015

In September 2015, not only agri-food exports but also imports to the EU went up compared to the previous month (EUR +388 million; +4.5%). In particular, values of oilseeds other than soybeans, coffee and tea, and cocoa beans were at a higher level in September compared to August 2015. EU...
2015 - European Union

Crops, Weeds and Pollinators: Understanding Ecological Interactions for Better Management

This publication looks at managing agricultural systems through an ecological approach, building upon beneficial biological interactions and finding positive synergies between pollination and weed management. These two aspects of agriculture consist of a multitude of interactions, both beneficial and harmful for the farmer and agriculture in general. If the practices...
2015 - FAO

Note/document d'orientation
Strategic plan of the Ministry of agriculture

This document describe strategic plan of the Ministry of afgriculturte of Croatia. The document also covers activities and priorities in regards to the family farms sector.  
2015 - Ministry of agriculture

Étude de cas
Albergue Ecológico Chalalán

El aprovechamiento de un territorio indígena de la Amazonía boliviana
El albergue ecológico Chalalán ubicado en la Amazonía boliviana, es uno de los casos más exitosos de eco turismo comunitario e indígena en el mundo, y ha sido nominado por la revista National Geographic, entre los ochenta destinos turísticos principales del planeta. El eco albergue pertenece al pueblo indígena Uchupiamonas,...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2015 - Movimiento Regional por la Tierra Bolivia

Étude de cas
Participatory certification supports local food systems

Participatory guarantee systems support farmers’ access to markets, and provide an alternative to often prohibitively expensive third-party certification. They also bring together networks of farmers and urban citizens who are redefining food production standards from the bottom up. In the past two years, the number of participatory guarantee systems across...
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Article du bulletin d’information
Con apoyo de CEAZA buscan rescatar el cultivo de grano ancestral atacameño

Un grupo de investigadores del Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA), en conjunto con el Consejo de Pueblos Atacameños (CPA), desarrollan una iniciativa que busca poner en valor la Quínoa local mediante su caracterización funcional, la introducción de productos de alta calidad y el fortalecimiento de capacidades para...
2015 - La Serena Online

Site web
Confederación Nacional de Pescadores Artesanales de Chile (CONAPACH)

La Confederación Nacional de Pescadores Artesanales de Chile, Conapach, se constituyó en Valparaíso el 7 de agosto de 1990 por los sindicatos de pescadores artesanales de todo el país, reiniciando una larga historia sindical que se remonta a la creación de los primeros sindicatos de pescadores artesanales hacia 1.920 en...
2015 - Confederación Nacional de Pescadores Artesanales de Chile (CONAPACH)

Document de travail
FAO in Asia-Pacific

This publication is about the work of FAO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP) and its decades-long struggle to eradicate hunger throughout the region. For more than 60 years RAP has cooperated with member countries to help them produce enough safe and nutritious food for people living in...
2015 - FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Revue spécialisée
Global food security: challenges and options

EU Agricultural Markets Briefs
The recent USDA ERS International Food Security Assessment (IFSA, 2015) reports sharp declines (roughly 40 %) in food-insecure people in Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) during the last 20 years. Success was driven by rising per capita grain output in both regions and rapid import growth in...
2015 - European Union

Las compras públicas a la agricultura familiar y la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en América Latina y el Caribe

Lecciones aprendidas y experiencias
Este documento de trabajo fue elaborado en el ámbito del Programa de Cooperación Internacional Brasil – FAO, en el marco de la agenda sobre seguridad alimentaria y nutricional y garantía del derecho humano a la alimentación adecuada. Su finalidad es realizar contribuciones a las discusiones que se están llevando a...
2015 - Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Entre la chacra y el fogón: nutrir, criar, hacer crecer

El recetario de saberes y sabores de nuestra tierra nace en el marco del proyecto “Saberes y Sabores: mejoramiento de productividad y nutrición de familias campesinas/indígenas de las provincias de la Sierra centro del Ecuador” cuyo fin es enfrentar la malnutrición de los sectores campesinos y urbano marginales. Paradójicamente, quienes producen...
2015 - Fundación Heifer Ecuador

Site web
Water Week Latinoamerica

Water Week Latin America, provides a unique platform for the exchange of experiences and practices among the scientific, business, political, and civil communities. It focuses in a new way of thinking and positive action towards water-related challenges and their impact on the environment, health, climate, economy, and overall community.
2015 - Fundación Chile

Revue spécialisée
World agricultural production developments

Since the mid-2000s agricultural and food prices moved to a higher level and in parallel with prices of other commodities – and at times have also been very volatile. These events led to concerns which, in different ways, brought to the forefront a debate about food security. Both developed and...
2015 - European Union

Article de revue
Opinion: Catching up with farmers’ knowledge in the IYS

Historically, scientists learnt from farmers to unravel the interplay between nature and farming. Pablo Tittonell believes that this year, the International Year of Soils, presents an opportunity to foster a true dialogue of wisdoms, bringing farmer knowledge and scientific knowledge closer together again.
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Article de revue spécialisée
Composer avec l’État : voies d’engagement des jeunes diplômés dans l’agriculture au Maroc

Au Maroc, les transformations du milieu rural et le manque d’opportunités de travail en milieu urbain incitent de plus en plus de jeunes diplômés, partis en ville, à retourner dans leurs villages d’origine pour y tenter un ancrage socioprofessionnel. Par l’analyse des trajectoires individuelles de jeunes diplômés de la région...

Document de travail
Profitability Analysis of Zero Tillage among Smallholder Farm Households in the Karak Region of Jordan

There is rich literature on the biophysical benefits of zero tillage (ZT) while that on its economic benefits, especially in the context of small and medium-scale farmers, is scanty. Using a combination of Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Endogenous Switching Regression (ESR) models and a case study from a large...
2015 - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Agricultural youth: ambitious and versatile

In this study the focus is on the position of young people on farms in the Netherlands. In addition to work on farm, more than 40% of the youngsters have off farm labour. The young people are highly educated and often administratively active. The majority wants to take over the...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

Fiche d'information

Biowatch is among the organisations and international social movements that see agroecology as a means to realise the goal of food sovereignty. In 2007 civil society and social movement organisations representing millions of farmers met in Nyéléni in Mali to launch an international movement for food sovereignty. This movement views...
South Africa
2015 - Biowatch South Africa

Article de revue
Perspectives: Creating city region food systems

As cities continue to expand and ever more people migrate to urban areas, current unsustainable patterns of urbanisation and ineffective policies are no longer acceptable. The typical approaches that maintain the separation between rural and urban neglect all of the ways that connect both worlds. And nowhere else are rural...
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture
Total results:20723