Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Resilience for food and nutrition security

Economic shocks including food price shocks, environmental shocks, social shocks, political shocks, health shocks, and many other types of shocks hit poor people and communities around the world, compromising their efforts to improve their well-being. As shocks evolve and become more frequent or intense, they further threaten people’s food and...
2014 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

In the words of family farmers: The Gambia

Almost half of the world's agricultural workers are women - but in Africa, less than 15% of them own land. Rice farmer Awa Jagne explains what it means to her to own her own land and produce food for her family.
2014 - International Fund for International Development (IFAD)

Fiche d'information
ITALY - Common Agricultural Policy

During the next 7 years, the new CAP is going to invest around EUR 37.5 billion in Italy's farming sector and rural areas. Key political priorities have been defined at European level such as: jobs, sustainability, modernization, innovation and quality. In parallel, flexibility is given to Italy to adapt both...
2014 - European Commission

Article de blog
Supporting Farmer Co-operatives in Rwanda

WFP marks the International day of Co-operatives and commits to invest in capacity building of small-holder farmers through local purchases to achieve sustainable food security.

In the words of family farmers: Guatemala

In Guatemala, many women, like weaver Ana Maria Gonzalez, depend on off-farm income to survive.
2014 - International Fund for International Development (IFAD)

Community Garden in Dangarandove, Zimbabwe: Women making a difference (3' 35")

In a dry, thorny, remote village about 200 km south of Zimbabwe’s capital Harare, a group of women have transformed an abandoned piece of land into a flourishing community garden, growing enough fresh, nutritious vegetables to supply nearby towns and villages, while boosting the health and income of their own community.
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Document de travail
Closing the Gender Asset Gap

Learning from Value Chain Development in Africa and Asia
Strengthening the abilities of smallholder farmers in developing countries, particularly women farmers, to produce for both home and the market is currently a development priority. Although value chain analysis has increasingly incorporated gender issues, the intersection between women’s asset endowments and their participation in market-oriented agriculture receives minimal attention. This...
2014 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Agricultura familiar: Desde una perspectiva de igualdad de género

Sistematización del Encuentro de UPFs
El presente documento es una publicación del Programa de Desarrollo Integral Interdisciplinario (PRODII) en el año internacional de la agricultura familiar. En noviembre de 2013 el PRODII organizó el encuentro de unidades productivas familiares con la fi nalidad de visibilizar, valorar y dar el reconocimiento a la participación activa de las...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2014 - Programa de Desarrollo Integral Interdisciplinario (PRODII)

Article de blog
Women of Kanem taking the lead in agricultural development

The project has enabled women’s groups to access irrigable and fertile land and farm it in their own names.
In the western Chad region of Kanem, the majority of men from poor rural families have migrated to areas with better economic opportunities to ensure the survival of their families. Women are often left as head of household and assume particularly heavy tasks, including cultivating the land. Agricultural production has...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Fiche d'information
Small farms, big impacts: mainstreaming climate change for resilience and food security

Climate change threatens the natural resource base across much of the developing world. Climate change accelerates ecosystem degradation and makes agriculture more risky. As a result, smallholder farmers, who are so critical to global food security, are facing more extreme weather. Small-scale farmers are impacted more immediately by droughts, floods...
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Estudio comparativo regional de asistencia técnica y extensión rural con perspectiva de género

Programa Regional de Género de la Reunión Especializada de la Agricultura Familiar - REAF
El presente estudio comparativo regional de asistencia técnica y extensión rural con perspectiva de género, convocado por el Programa Regional de Fortalecimiento Institucional de Políticas de Igualdad de Género en la Agricultura Familiar del MERCOSUR, se realizó entre los meses de octubre, noviembre y diciembre de 2013 y principios de...
Argentina - Brazil - Uruguay
2014 - Ministerio del Desarrollo Agrario (MDA), Brasil

Article de revue
Empowering rural stakeholders in the Western Balkans

Opportunity – the road to empowerment of stakeholders and to partnership between stakeholders and governments
The role of different levels of governance is not fully clear. Action at village level is very limited. Mechanisms for connecting governments and stakeholders are emerging. Governments are committed to the further involvement of stakeholders. The groundwork for LEADER-type partnerships is being laid. Rural development networks are in place or...
2014 - EU Agriculture and Rural development

Fiche d'information
Capacity Development Support to Rural Women on the Socio-Economic and Gender Aspects of Sustainable Rural Development

This project, started in 2014 under the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme, was developed to improve services for rural women by enhancing the capacity of institutions and of agricultural extension and rural advisory services staff in Turkey and Azerbaijan. The project’s ultimate objective was to promote rural women’s socio-economic integration and enhance...
Azerbaijan - Türkiye
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

La escuela del silencio

"La escuela del silencio". Una mirada a la desigualdad de género en la educación.
2014 - UNICEF Perú

Article de blog
Creating a brighter future for farmers

Charcoal smokers introduced by the South-South Cooperation programme have improved women’s income in the Edeha fish market.
During the past ten years, over 600 Chinese experts and technicians have been deployed in Nigeria to share their agricultural skills with local farmers. The South-South Cooperation (SSC) programme, which has been fully funded by the Government of Nigeria and facilitated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Upper Egypt rural development project supervision report

Main report and appendices
The UERDP constitutes a USD 20 million development investment financed by Government (almost USD 3.7 million) and IFAD (loan of USD 15 million and grant of USD 1 million). The project is contributing to reducing poverty and improving livelihoods of the rural poor in Qena and Assiut governorates of Upper...
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Las Mujeres de Amak: Justicia para las Sobrevivientes de Violencia Basada en Género en Áreas Rurales

Esta es la historia de las valientes mujeres, de la comunidad de Amak, situada en el corazón de Alto Wangki y Bocay, Nicaragua, quienes se han convertido en un ejemplo como sobrevivientes de violencia basada en género. A través del nuevo sistema de los wihtas, o Jueces Comunitarios, se les ha...
2014 - UNFPA América Latina y el Caribe

营养源于创新 美味来自废物

就营养不良普遍的情况而言,随着家庭菜园的不断扩大,对许多尼泊尔人来说常年吃上 新鲜蔬菜已成为现实。但是,他们的故事表明家庭菜园的好处不仅仅局限于提高每家每户的 营养。家庭菜园还能帮助赋予妇女权利,保护生物多样性,广义上说,这对提高家庭和社区 营养都很有必要。
2014 - Centre for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

Article de revue
Characterization of peasant family farming, Cayes-Jacmel Commune, Haiti

Small-scale agriculture is a topic that has drawn the attention of many State agencies, local, regional and international during the last few years, due to their importance in the food production and poverty reduction in rural communities of the world. In this context, the present investigation had as its objective...
2014 - Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh)

Fiji: Under the Sleeping Giant

A group of twenty young Fijian farmers dream of earning enough money to support their siblings. Their plan? To farm papaya organically and to access the premium price that the organic market pays. But they can only do this if their product is certified organic. With the prohibitively high cost...
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development
Total results:2212