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Article de revue
Población rural: acceso a la energía
Los proyectos de electrificación rural tienen como objetivo reducir las brechas de oportunidades de las poblaciones más alejadas. Hacen posible la diversificación de sus actividades económicas, tanto productivas como comerciales, y permiten que servicios públicos como educación, salud, comunicación, entre otros, mejoren en su calidad y cobertura.
La multiplicación de este...
2010 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)
Bulletin d'information
Knowledge Share Fair in Niger, a new sharing experience
Dimitra Newsletter 19 highlights FAO’s strong interest in the exchange and capitalisation of good agricultural practices and in the methods that enable rural populations to access information and communication. The Knowledge Management and Gender programme, which organised a Knowledge Share Fair in Niamey in June 2010, illustrates the innovative methods...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Madagascar - Niger - Uganda
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Article de revue spécialisée
Droughts: Farmers' domestic and productive attitudes and behaviours
Originally perceived as an occasional natural hazard, drought is now a phenomena, for which one can be prepared, despite the difficulties in determining its beginning and end. It is therefore crucial to understand the individual and social behaviour, in order to adopt effective measures and policies to mitigate the negative...
Romania and the Common Agricultural Policy
The future of small scale Romanian farming in Europe
Romania is a country of peasants, with a long deep history in peasant agriculture, which effects everything in the country, including its art, culture, and the way Romanians think. This has survived despite the best efforts of past empires and communists to destroy it. Today peasant culture remains the bedrock...
2010 - EcoRuralis
Museum of rural life and agriculture in the village of Skotnice
The village of Skotnice in the Moravian-Silesian Region (near the town of Příbor and airport Ostrava – Mošnov) may be proud of its exceptional rural museum. The project of construction of the museum was granted financial support from the Rural Development Programme – Axis IV Leader, within the framework of...
Article de revue spécialisée
Factors affecting the structure of bee assemblages in extensively and intensively grazed grasslands in Hungary
Bees are the most important pollinators in Europe. We studied bee assemblages on 7 pairs of extensively and intensively grazed sites in three lowland grassland types in Hungary. No chemicals were applied on the grasslands. The bees were collected using sweep net surveys and 1 m wide transect surveys in...
2009 - Community Ecology
Milk processing technologies for small-scale producers
This Technical Bulletin is the third in a series produced by the Women's Livelihoods and Dairy Goat Project being implemented in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This IFAD-funded project aims to improve rural livelihoods in marginal, conflict and post-conflict areas of the two countries. There are large numbers of small-scale livestock keepers...
Afghanistan - Pakistan
2009 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
While indigenous peoples make up around 370 million of the world’s population – some 5 per cent – they constitute around one-third of the world’s 900 million extremely poor rural people. Every day, indigenous communities all over the world face issues of violence and brutality. Indigenous peoples are stewards of...
2009 - Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat
Carta Agroecológica de Curitiba 2009
Os cerca de 3.800 participantes inscritos no VI Congresso Brasileiro de Agroecologia e II Congresso Latino-americano de Agroecologia, reunidos em Curitiba (PR), Brasil, no período de 9 a 12 novembro de 2009, tendo como tema central “Agricultura familiar e Camponesa: experiências passadas e presentes construindo um futuro sustentável” vêm através...
2009 - Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA)
Hygienic milk processing: clean environment, clean utensils
This Technical Bulletin is the first in a series produced by the Women's Livelihoods and Dairy Goat Project being implemented in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This IFAD-funded project aims to improve rural livelihoods in marginal, conflict and post-conflict areas of the two countries. Hygienic milk production, handling and processing are key...
Afghanistan - Pakistan
2009 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Aprendiendo a cultivar papas nativas con Panchito
Cuaderno de trabajo para el 5° y 6° grado de educación primaria
Esta guía dirigida a niños, comienza "Pancho tiene 11 años y vive en una comunidad campesina a más de 4 000 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Él nos acompañará mientras conocemos el mundo de las papas, contándonos su historia, cómo cultivarlas, cómo manejar la tierra y qué productos podemos...
2009 - Soluciones Prácticas
Document technique
A Vision for Sustainable Land Management Research in Central Asia
Central Asia consists of five ‘transition’ economies (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and covers 399.4 million hectares (Mha), about two-thirds of which are drylands. Developing sustainable land management options in this region must take into account the biophysical constraints (low rainfall, extreme rainfall variability, and heat and cold stresses),...
Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan
2009 - ICARDA Central Asia and Caucasus Program
Article de revue spécialisée
Evaluation de la durabilité des élevages de petits ruminants au Liban
L'évaluation de la durabilité de 129 élevages de petits ruminants au Liban a été réalisée à l'aide d'un outil dérivé de la méthode IDEA (Indicateurs de Durabilité des Exploitations Agricoles), qui évalue les trois composantes agro-écologique, socio-territoriale et économique de la durabilité. L'analyse multivariée des 39 indicateurs a permis de...
2009 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)
Article de revue spécialisée
Sustentabilidad de agroecosistemas en tres comunidades Mbya Guaraní del Depatamente de Caaguazú
Una propuesta metodológica
Los Mbya Guarani son un pueblo que se dedican a la caza, la pesca, la recolección y la agricultura. Su agroecosistema se caracteriza por no poseer límitesdefinidos, cuyo fin es la producción de alimentos con mano de obra familiar. Estainvestigación tiene por objetivo desarrollar una propuesta metodológica de evaluación de...
2009 - Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Article de revue
Descentralización y desarrollo rural
¿Hacia dónde van las regiones?
Uno de los principales objetivos de la descentralización es el desarrollo socioeconómico de las regiones. En un país como el Perú, en donde los espacios rurales albergan un porcentaje sustantivo de la población, de los trabajadores y de la actividad económica, el desarrollo rural también resulta estratégico para lograr este...
2009 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)
Smallholder Pig Farming in Niue - Terminal Report FAO/ITA/NIU/02
The smallholder pig farming project in Niue began implementation in late 2005, after several months of waiting for the project to be cleared, trying to understand the Food & Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) implementation procedures, and getting national project staff assigned to the project. During the inception phase, project staff needed...
Document de conférence
Livelihoods and economic crisis: the case of smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe (1999-2008)
In the past decade a political and economic crisis has unfolded in Zimbabwe, resulting in two-digit negative growth rates, sky-rocketing inflation, decline in the rule of law and a disintegration of markets, notably rural input, output and labour markets. There has been little or no primary data collection to document...
2009 - African Studies Centre
Apprentissage en ligne
Methodologies for Implementing the Right to Food
This course, entitled “Methodologies for Implementing the Right to Food”, is part of the "Right to Food Curriculum outline" developed by FAO to support the progressive realization of the human right to food.
This course describes a series of analytical, educational and normative methodologies that offer guidance and hands-on advice...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Article de revue
Cocineros y campesinos del Perú, uníos
La Sociedad Peruana de Gastronomía (APEGA) busca fortalecer vínculos entre el boom gastronómico y el pequeño productor.
2009 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)
Inventory of smallholder contract farming practices in Zimbabwe
This report was submitted to SNV Zimbabwe in December 2007, revised in 2009, and documents the experiences of twenty-five companies contracting smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe to produce cotton, tobacco, paprika, sugar cane, vegetables, sorghum and various seed and legume crops in a hyperinflationary environment. The only company contracting farmers to...
2009 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Total results:19563