Chercher dans la base de données
Seeds that spring up from the crisis: the production of organizational novelties at family farming of Western Santa Catarina
This thesis investigates recent social, economical and environmental changes promoted by the process of modernization of agriculture and the commoditization taking place in the western region of Santa Catarina, Brazil. It also identifies and studies some of the strategies carried out by family farmers seeking to face the context of...
2009 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Document de conférence
Small Farms in Central and Eastern Europe: Is there a future for them?
Structural changes in agriculture have been going on in many countries all over the world during the last two decades. Developments were forced by radical reforms of countries concerned resulting in to establishing new farm structure. Large scale farm systems were broken up and tens of millions of small farms...
Bulgaria - Czechia - Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania - Poland - Romania - Slovakia - Slovenia
The family agriculture food acquisition program (PAA): the case of Mafra's Small Producers Regional Agriculture and Cattle-raising Cooperative (COOARPA)
This dissertation addresses the issue of public policies for rural development in Brazil, more specifically those aimed at the family farm. The Program for Food Acquisition (PAA) was elected, by integrating on a movel/innovative agricultural and food security. Moreover, public policy research relating to family agriculture and food security and...
2009 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Document de travail
Agroecología y desarrollo sustentable: debates para la acción.
Este documento, desde análisis históricos enmarcados en algunas teorías y desde el reconocimiento de la Agroecología como ciencia que debe asumir un rol mucho más protagónico en la definición de las futuras políticas de producción, pretende aportar elementos útiles para dicho debate. El mismo se estructura de la siguiente manera....
2009 - Base Investigaciones Sociales (BaseIS)
Del desarrollo rural a la agroecología. Hacia un cambio de paradigma
El artículo realiza un recorrido histórico del pensamiento social agrario y sus propuestas de desarrollo rural hasta llegar a la agroecología. La reflexión se inicia apuntando el sesgo que la economía convencional impone a categorías analíticas tales como producción, crecimiento y desarrollo, siguiendo los planteamientos de la economía ecológica. Se...
The Persistence of Small Dairy Farms in Austria from an Economic Perspective
Dairy farms in Austria are rather small - 64 tons of milk quote per farm in 2008
- Half of the dairy farmers held less than 40 tons of milk quota
- Definitely less milk cows than in many other EU-countries
- Smaller farms show higher production costs
Conclusion: smaller farms are less...
2009 - Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics
Document de travail
A guide to upgrading rural agricultural retail markets
This Working Document provides practical guidelines for upgrading agricultural retail markets in rural areas and analyses the strategic potential of upgrading as an important component of rural development. This document presents methodological steps for the design and implementation of appropriate programmes, rather than a single model to replicate. The objective is to propose...
Bangladesh - Ethiopia
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Indigenous Peoples' Food Systems
the many dimensions of culture, diversity and environment for nutrition and health
Food systems of Indigenous Peoples who retain connection to long-evolved cultures and patterns of living in local ecosystems present a treasure of knowledge that contributes to well-being and health, and can benefit all humankind. This book seeks to define and describe the diversity in food system use, nutrition and health...
Canada - India - Japan - Nigeria - Peru
Document technique
A Cross-Country Comparison of Rural Income Generating Activities
This paper uses a newly constructed cross-country database composed of comparable income aggregates to examine the full range of income generating activities carried out by rural households. The analysis paints a clear picture of multiple activities across rural space in countries on all four continents, though less so in the...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Article de revue spécialisée
Water availability, demand and reliability of in situ water harvesting in smallholder rain-fed agriculture in the Thukela River Basin, South Africa
Water productivity in smallholder rain-fed agriculture is of key interest for improved food and livelihood security. A frequently advocated approach to enhance water productivity is to adopt water harvesting and conservation technologies (WH). This study estimates water availability for potential in situ WH, and supplemental water demand (SWD) in smallholder...
South Africa
Document technique
Assets, Activities and Rural Income Generation
Evidence from a Multicountry Analysis
This paper examines the links between the assets and the economic activities of rural households in developing countries to provide insight into how the promotion of certain key assets—particularly education, land, and infrastructure—influences the economic choices of these households. Nationally representative data from 15 countries which form part of the...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Improving Food Security in Arab Countries
This joint working paper lays out a rationale and strategic framework for improving food security and managing food-price shocks in the Arab countries. The paper does not provide country specific policy and project recommendations. Such recommendations will follow from the country by country application of the framework, taking into account...
2009 - World Bank (WB)
Document technique
A cross country comparison of rural income generating activities
This paper is a shorter, more recent version of an earlier working paper, and uses RIGA data to describe participation in and income shares from the different income generating activities across rural households in different developing countries.
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Fiche d'information
Swaziland Agricultural Development Project (SADP)
In an effort to improve the food security of rural households and to foster equitable economic growth and development, the Government of Swaziland and FAO, with funding from the European Union (EU), work together to boost agricultural productivity, while at the same time reversing environmental degradation. Smallholder agriculture is a...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)
Document technique
Farm equipment supply chains
Guidelines for policy-makers and service providers: experiences from Kenya, Pakistan and Brazil
The guidelines resulting from this report are principally directed towards sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where the lack of farm power and appropriate machinery is having a deleterious effect on rural livelihoods. The farm power and machinery supply chain includes a range of stakeholders from manufacturers and importers through dealers, hire service...
Brazil - Kenya - Pakistan
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Article de revue spécialisée
The use of linear programming to evaluate the impact of credit for investments in small goat farms
The PRONAF is a governmental program that subsidies the credit for investment to smallholder farming and improves the social development in Brazil. This research was carried out to evaluate the effect of increasing the values of credit for investment used for the PRONAF farmers in semi-arid areas, and their impact...
La Comunicación para el Desarrollo ante los desafíos del Cambio Climático, Manejo de Recursos Naturales, Gestión del Riesgo y Seguridad Alimentaría
Memorias de una Consulta Virtual
La presente publicación parte de una premisa ineludible: La comunicación es clave para promover el desarrollo rural sostenible y la Comunicación para el Desarrollo (CpD), un enfoque que integra varios procesos y métodos participativos de comunicación, información y gestión del conocimiento y el uso integrado de medios locales y de...
2009 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Document de travail
Promouvoir les filières secondaires en milieu rural par une approche entrepreneuriale.
Une expérience en pays Androy (Sud de Madagascar)
Les agriculteurs de l'Androy, région rurale très enclavée, située à l'extrême Sud de Madagascar, soumis à des crises alimentaires récurrentes, cherchent à diversifier leurs activités économiques et à compléter leurs faibles revenus issus de l'agriculture. Les producteurs valorisent alors leurs ressources agroalimentaires et leurs savoir-faire artisanaux pour développer des activités économiques....
2009 - Professionnels du développement solidaire (Gret)
Site web
Red para la Gestión Territorial de Desarrollo Rural Sustentable (RED GTD)
La Red para la Gestión Territorial de Desarrollo Rural Sustentable es una iniciativa de cooperación para la gestión del conocimiento en torno a las políticas públicas para el desarrollo rural sustentable en México. Creada en 2009, la Red GTD destaca por sus aportes a la generación de conocimiento sobre la...
2009 - Red para la Gestión Territorial de Desarrollo Rural Sustentable (RED GTD)
Fiche d'information
Fighting water scarcity in the Arab countries
The Arab countries account for more than 5 per cent of the world’s population, but less than 1 per cent of global water resources. And as a consequence of the phenomena associated with climate change, the region is facing an even greater water shortage. For 30 years now, IFAD and...
Jordan - Sudan
2009 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Total results:20723