Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Recherche en plein texte
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Thème principal

The flexibility of family farms in Poland

The Article investigates the flexibility of the Polish farming sector during transition, where flexibility is considered to be a farm’s ability to change output by sustaining average costs. We argue that flexibility is a crucial factor in a farmer’s competitive advantage, especially under dynamic environmental conditions. We propose a flexibility...

Agriculture - Summary Report

The agricultural sector, according to national accounting statistics, made up 1.65% of overall GDP which represents an interannual drop of 0.28 percentage points. In the case of the food industry its share in GDP rose by 0.19 to 2.72%. In 2009 price development for agricultural products was very unfavourable. The...

Mountain Farming of Norway: Land use history and development of cultural landscapes

The total landscapes of Norway are dominated by mountains, forests, open heathlands and grasslands. Only about 3% of the land surface is suited for cultivation or arable farming. The land use patterns of uncultivated areas were therefore of great importance to traditional farming economy, and even today they have impact...

Cocinas seguras: cocinando sanamente con fogones mejorados

La presente cartilla explica la construcción y funcionamiento fogones mejorados implementados en el marco del convenio Mejora de las condiciones de vida en zonas rurales vulnerables, a través del acceso y gestión de servicios básicos sostenibles con alternativas de usos de tecnologías apropiadas para la mejora de salud y rendimiento...
2009 - Soluciones Prácticas

Strategies to support South African smallholders as a contribution to government's second economy strategy (volume 1)

Situation analysis, fieldwork findings and main conclusions
This study is a response to a request from those developing the Second Economy Strategy to help identify the key elements of an implementable programme to support the smallholder sector. At the core of the exercise was a set of case studies of ‘best practice’ – that is, of smallholders...
South Africa
2009 - Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)

Comprendre l’agriculture familiale

Diagnostic des systèmes de production
Le développement de services de qualité, au bénéfice des agricultures familiales des pays du Sud, revêt un enjeu économique et social considérable. Tout d’abord, parce que l’agriculture familiale rassemble une grande partie de l’humanité. En effet, au sein de la population rurale mondiale, qui représente encore 41 % de la...
2009 - Quæ, CTA, Presses agronomiques de Gembloux

Document technique
Irrigated agriculture in Djibouti

An economic and physical analysis of irrigation systems
In Djibouti, the agricultural sector contributes just 3% of GDP, and only a few people work in farming. Due to the Djibouti climate (arid to semi-arid) and the scarcity of fresh water resources (~150 mm rainfall/year), only irrigated and seasonal agriculture is possible. Djibouti farmers use diesel engine water pumps,...

National Forest Programme for the period until 2013

National Forest Programmes (hereinafter “NFPs”) are presently viewed as concepts designed for the implementation of sustainable forest management and long-term enhancement of forestry competitiveness in a manner respecting national sovereignty. NFPs form part of the national forest policy and they concurrently serve as a platform for the fulfilment of the...

Document de travail
Agroecología vs. Agricultura Convencional

El propósito del estudio es, identificar los programas que se insertan en la estrategia de la producción agroecológica de diferentes organismos no gubernamentales que implementan esta línea de trabajo, analizando sus alcances, beneficiarios, territorios abarcados, modalidades, explicitando las ventajas y limitaciones que conlleva la puesta en práctica del modelo de...
2009 - Base Investigaciones Sociales (BaseIS)

Document technique
The use, challenges and economic importance of draught oxen on small farms in Namibia’s Eastern Caprivi region

The Eastern Caprivi region in Namibia has the highest adoption rates of draught ox power in Namibia. It is also one of the most well watered areas, with high concentrations of people, crops and livestock. The published research documenting the use of oxen in this region is limited, despite the...
2009 - Polytechnic of Namibia

Gestión de residuos sólidos: manejando adecuadamente nuestros residuos

La presente cartilla explica la construcción, uso y manejo de microrrellenos sanitarios domiciliarios en el contexto del saneamiento básico rural, implementados en el marco del convenio Mejora de las condiciones de vida en zonas rurales vulnerables,a través del acceso y gestión de servicios básicos sostenibles con alternativas de usos de...
2009 - Soluciones Prácticas

Document de travail
Conservation agriculture in Uzbekistan

The present FAO Crop and Grassland Service working paper is a joint report on the experiences of two FAO Technical Cooperation Projects in Uzbekistan: ►FAO/TCP/UZB/2903-3102/A Sustainable agriculture practices in the droughtaffected region of Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan, operating from February 2004 to September 2007. The project consisted of two phases: TCP/UZB/2903 (2004/2005) and...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Evaluación de la sustentabilidad de dos sistemas de producción de cacao: estudios de caso en unidades de producción rural en Comalcalco, Tabasco

El Marco de Evaluación de Sistemas de Manejo de Recursos Naturales Incorporando Indicadores de Sustentabilidad (MESMIS) se utilizó para evaluar comparativamente la sustentabilidad de dos unidades de producción de cacao en el municipio de Comalcalco, Tabasco durante 2006. El método de estudio de casos se empleó mediante la combinación de...
2009 - Universidad Ciencia: Trópico Húmedo

Improving Food Security in Arab Countries

This report represents a joint effort by the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD). This joint working paper lays out a rationale and strategic framework for improving food security and managing food-price shocks in the Arab...
2009 - World Bank (WB)

Riego en horticultura

Guía para la instalación de Pequeños Sistemas de Riego
Esta Guía tiene por objeto posibilitar a técnicos vinculados al sector, el cálculo, diseño e instalación de pequeños sistemas de riego.
2009 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

Institucionalidad para el desarrollo de la agricultura familiar campesina

Este trabajo forma parte de un debate que realizan intelectuales de América Latina y el Caribe respecto de la institucionalidad necesaria para el desarrollo de la agricultura de la región. El seminario al que se presenta este documento convoca a especialistas de distintos países, que forman parte de equipos de...
2009 - Oficina de Estudios y Políticas Agrarias (ODEPA)

The strengthening of family agriculture through the food acquisition program - PAA

the case of São Pedro do Butia Municipality - Rio Grande do Sul
The present work deals with the study of a relatively recent public policy which has been a constant object of change, related to food commercialization from family agriculture, as well as the food supply for populations in food insecurity situation. We identify that the Food Purchase Program (PAA in Portuguese))...
2009 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul

Invertir en la pequeña agricultura es rentable

Cómo dirigir la inversión en agricultura
Décadas de escasa inversión pública en agricultura han debilitado la capacidad de los agricultores para hacer frente a la volatilidad de los precios, a los cambios climáticos y económicos, o para poder salir por sí mismos de la pobreza. Sin embargo, los donantes y los gobiernos deben considerar la inversión...
2009 - Intermón Oxfam (OXFAM)

Seeds that spring up from the crisis: the production of organizational novelties at family farming of Western Santa Catarina

This thesis investigates recent social, economical and environmental changes promoted by the process of modernization of agriculture and the commoditization taking place in the western region of Santa Catarina, Brazil. It also identifies and studies some of the  strategies carried out by family farmers seeking to face the context of...
2009 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul

Document de conférence
Small Farms in Central and Eastern Europe: Is there a future for them?

Structural changes in agriculture have been going on in many countries all over the world during the last two decades. Developments were forced by radical reforms of countries concerned resulting in to establishing new farm structure. Large scale farm systems were broken up and tens of millions of small farms...
Bulgaria - Czechia - Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania - Poland - Romania - Slovakia - Slovenia
Total results:20781