Поиск по базе данных
Investment case for anticipatory action and adaptive and shock responsive social protection in the Philippines
The Philippines has made significant strides in reducing poverty, but the persistent threat of natural disasters, compounded by the country's vulnerability and exposure, continues to jeopardize these gains. Many households in disaster-prone areas hover precariously close to the poverty line, and the devastating impact of disasters on their assets, income,...
2024 - FAO
Sonia Reiman: creciendo junto al Programa de Desarrollo Territorial Indígena (PDTI) del Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)
Sonia Reiman es una artesana en telar y productora de hortalizas de Lumaco, Región de La Araucanía, Chile. En este video, ella cuenta cómo una política pública, denominada Programa de Desarrollo Territorial Indígena del Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP), junto a un cercano apoyo de extensionistas, han contribuido a...
2024 - Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)
Climate smart farmer field school catalogue: Cocoons
The climate smart FFS initiative for smallholder farmers in Jordan has been launched under the project Building Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Jordan Through Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector (BRCCJ). A suite of climate smart FFS training materials has been developed for different crops, cropping...
2024 - FAO
Статья в блоге
Différenciations des perceptions et des rôles chez des femmes en viticulture face aux enjeux environnementaux : explications et implications
WorldWine Women est une association de femmes engagées pour la transition écologique dans le monde du vin. En 2020, l’équipe était composée de quatre étudiantes en agronomie, biologie, ingénierie et commerce qui sont parties de septembre 2020 à janvier 2021 à la rencontre de vignerons et vigneronnes de 14 pays...
2024 - AgriGenre
Resilience, Reciprocity and Recovery in Gaza: Drawing Lessons from Women-led Agribusinesses Amidst Conflict and Crisis
Full Report
This report, prepared and released in December 2024, is part of ‘Gaza Foodways’ (2021-2026) an action research project with the Palestinian Hydrology Group, the Gaza Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform (GUPAP), the University College of Applied Sciences in Gaza, and the Centre for Agroecology, Water & Resilience at Coventry University (UK). It is...
Gaza Strip - Palestine
2024 - Gaza Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform (GUPAP)
Accès au foncier, un casse tête pour plusieurs femmes au Bénin
Ce court reportage présente les difficultés d’accès au foncier des femmes au Bénin. Pas de terre lors du partage de l’héritage, pas de possibilité d’acheter un terrain et stéréotype de genre très forts, bien que les femmes soient protégées par la loi au Bénin, les défis du foncier auxquelles elles...
2024 - Le rural Bénin TV
Тематическое исследование
Estimación de la pérdida de alimentos de 10 cadenas de la canasta básica de Guatemala
Reducir la pérdida y el desperdicio de alimentos se considera una acción relevante para reducir los costos de producción y aumentar la eficiencia de los sistemas agroalimentarios, mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición y contribuir a la sostenibilidad ambiental. Teniendo en cuenta sus impactos económicos, sociales y ambientales, reducir...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Gender equality for greener and bluer futures: why women’s leadership matters for realising environmental goals
Women and men play different roles in the environment, bringing a wealth of knowledge, unique skills, and experiences around ecosystems and conservation that often differ from each other. Women are gatherers and managers of natural resources, playing a key role in sustainable development. Data and information showcase the ways in...
2024 - International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Газетная статья
Circular food system approaches can support current European protein intake levels while reducing land use and greenhouse gas emissions
Protein transition and circular food system transition are two proposed strategies for supporting food system sustainability. Here we model animal-sourced protein to plant-sourced protein ratios within a European circular food system, finding that maintaining the current animal–plant protein share while redesigning the system with circular principles resulted in the largest...
2024 - Wageningen University of the Netherlands
Статья информационного бюллетеня
Spain: Present but hardly represented
Women who dominate the shellfish harvest sector in Galicia struggle for due representation and policy inclusion.
On the North-Western region of Galicia in Spain, shore-based shellfish harvesting is carried out mainly by women. With traditional and very simple tools that have remained virtually unchanged over time, women gather in beaches to...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Газетная статья
Indigenous food production in a carbon economy
Local foods are critical to the food security and health of Indigenous peoples around the world, but the importance—both monetary and environmental—of local “informal” economies is often not visible to policymakers. Here, we combine data from multiple sources and use Bayesian inference techniques to estimate the carbon emissions that would...
Canada - United States of America
2024 - Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany
Рабочий документ
The evolving profile of new entrants in agriculture and the role of digital technologies
New entrants into agriculture are critical for the transformation of food systems. New entrants in OECD countries are younger, have higher levels of education and entrepreneurial skills, and are more likely to adopt new technologies than those already working in the sector. Yet, negative perceptions of farming, limited access to...
2024 - OECD
Статья в блоге
Using nexus tools to evaluate water, energy, food, and ecosystems policies in the Ganges Basin, India
India plays a pivotal role in global agriculture, being the second largest producer of significant crops like rice, wheat, sugarcane, pulses, and cotton. Within India, the Ganges River Basin is critical for food security both nationally and in the wider region. It provides over one-third of available surface water in...
2024 - CGIAR
Технический документ
Transformación en marcha
Éxitos y lecciones de la colaboración entre la FAO y los Parlamentos en América Latina y el Caribe
La participación activa del poder legislativo tiene una relevancia significativa en el ámbito de la cooperación internacional para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria. Antes del establecimiento de la Red de Frentes Parlamentarios contra el Hambre en América Latina y el Caribe (FPH-ALC), los esfuerzos en este ámbito se centraban principalmente en...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
The Nexus of Opportunity: Unlocking the potential of social forestry in climate change mitigation in ASEAN through mapping priority investment areas
From the fertile fields of Cambodia to the dense rainforests of Indonesia and Lao PDR, Southeast Asia's agricultural lands and forest resources are of social and ecological significance to the region.
Home to over 300 million rural inhabitants, as many as 140 million people rely on forests for their livelihoods, nutrition,...
Cambodia - Indonesia - Lao People's Democratic Republic
2024 - UNEP
Статья информационного бюллетеня
Milestones: Urgent Collective Action to Break the Gridlock
Human Development Report 2023-24: Breaking the gridlock: Reimagining cooperation in a polarized world.
The Human Development Index, or HDI, is probably the second most-used measure of a country’s development, after GDP. It uses a variety of indicators and gauges progress in terms of societal outcomes, including a healthy life (life expectancy...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Stories of agrifood systems change Insights from Côte d’Ivoire, Cambodia, the Pacific, Guatemala and Albania
The need to shift towards new ways of thinking and working to address the current global challenges is implied in the growing conversation around agrifood systems, systems approaches and transformation. While increasingly used, these terms are far from being universally understood. A series of country change stories has been documented...
Albania - Cambodia - Côte d'Ivoire - Fiji - Guatemala - Solomon Islands - Vanuatu
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
New innovation integrates water resources management in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap floodplain and Mekong delta
A new short film from the CGIAR Initiative on Asian Mega-Deltas and the CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods documents work to support efforts in Cambodia to delegate the management of water, land, agriculture, fisheries and the environment to the district level.
2024 - CGIAR
Promoting innovation and tradition: Solutions for climate change adaptation in mountains
Although living at altitude has never been easy – and mountain communities have long demonstrated exceptional ingenuity in thriving in harsh environmental conditions – the escalating impacts of climate change pose unprecedented challenges to mountain people, threatening their traditional ways of life and survival strategies. This publication discusses how mountain...
2024 - FAO
Historias de éxito: Construyendo un mejor futuro
Construyendo un mejor futuro cuenta las historias de Mauro Pop y Héctor Salguero, quienes realizaron acciones de restauración de tierras para mejorar las condiciones del suelo y el agua, así como de Petrona Chub y Yasmira Chen, dos mujeres líderes en sus comunidades que trabajan transformando el cacao en chocolate...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Total results:21326