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Approaching a United Nations Declaration on Peasant Rights

Peasants, fisherfolk, pastoralists, indigenous people and rural workers gathered together once again in Geneva from 15 – 19 May, 2017, to claim their rights and to have them recognised in the human rights law framework through a United Nations declaration. The right to land, to seeds, to food sovereignty, to...

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Cooperativas de crédito querem conquistar Brasil

Crescimento de dois dígitos? Isso é fichinha para as grandes cooperativas do sul do país, que avançam a taxas superiores a 20% ao ano
“As cooperativas paranaenses são gigantes agroindustriais, que vão da roça às gôndolas do varejo” Em uma lista das 50 maiores empresas do sul do país, elaborada pelo jornal Valor Econômico, constam 13 cooperativas. Delas, 11 são paranaenses. Observadas isoladamente, as principais cooperativas paranaenses são gigantes. Quinze delas têm faturamento superior a R$...
2017 - Época Negócios

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Dar o título de terras aos índios reduz desmatamento em 75% na Amazônia

Estudo no Peru mostra que comunidades indígenas podem ser aliadas para a preservação
Em vários países, incluindo o Brasil, os projetos para a proteção da Floresta Tropical da Amazônia envolvem esforços custosos de monitoramento, fiscalização e punição de responsáveis pelo desmatamento, mas existe uma forma muito mais simples e barata: dar às comunidades indígenas o título de terras. De acordo com um estudo...
2017 - Jornal O Globo

Политический обзор/документ
The impacts of combining agricultural and social protection interventions

What do we know and what else do we need to know?
This is the policy brief drawn from a longer review that analyses and summarizes impact evaluation findings that focus on the interaction between agricultural interventions (including rural extension services, rural development, natural resource management, access to markets, subsidized credit, investment grants, access to improved seeds and fertilizer subsidies), and social...
Kyrgyzstan - Lebanon - Lesotho - Malawi - Rwanda - Senegal - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Cacao para salvar Bosawas

Documental que recoge la experiencia del proyecto PROAMBIENTE financiado por Danida y ejecutado por el Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Nitlapan-UCA que promueve el cultivo de cacao para frenar el avance de la frontera agrícola y la desertificación en la zona cercana al Macizo Peñas Blancas, una de las zonas...
2017 - Nitlapan-UCA

We are Fishers

From the Med to the Atlantic, passing by the Black, Baltic and North Sea... one voice: Low Impact Fishers of Europe.
European Union
2017 - Life Platform

Agricultura familiar y sistemas alimentarios inclusivos para el desarrollo rural sostenible

Iniciativa Regional 2 (IR2) Esta área prioritaria de la FAO busca mejorar el acceso de las agricultoras y agricultores familiares a los recursos de tierra y agua, energía, infraestructura y servicios necesarios para fortalecer su producción, gestión y organización. Promueve el desarrollo productivo y el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de...
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y Agricultura (FAO)

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Em meio a seca histórica, agroecologia gera renda para sertanejos do Nordeste

Em meio ao sertão da Paraíba, que enfrenta uma seca histórica de cinco anos, Marlene Pereira, 46, sustenta sua família com o que planta em seu terreno de menos de meio hectare, menor que um campo de futebol, em Lagoa Seca, a 142 quilômetros de João Pessoa. A água vem das...
2017 - Fundação Banco do Brasil (FBB)

Do Tabaco à Produção de Alimentos: Uma Realidade Possível

As famílias rurais do Brasil (especialmente da região sul) estão trocando o cultivo do tabaco para a produção de alimentos. Isso se dá basicamente a partir das estratégias desenvolvidas pelo Programa de Diversificação em Áreas Cultivadas com Tabaco, uma política desenvolvida pela Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)....
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

IFAD Annual Report 2016

This report covers IFAD achievements and impact in 2016, the first year of the implementation of the United Nations’ ambitious 2030 Agenda. During the year, IFAD stepped up its advocacy and knowledgesharing on smallholder agriculture and rural issues, taking a leadership role in international policy processes, including climate change negotiations,...
2017 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Innovation and Cooperation in Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Regions

The European Rural Development Network (ERDN) integrates various European research institutions, which are involved in analysing the transformation process of rural areas particularly in Central-Eastern Europe. The main objectives are to advance international knowledge transfer and scientific cooperation in rural development and agriculture, as well as to share and promote...
European Union
2017 - Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Vienna, Austria

Kellogg’s Work in Hunger Relief and Sustainable Agriculture

Building on its century-long tradition of developing products from simple grains, Kellogg Company has intensified its approach to sustainable agriculture and increasing food security. It has become a supporter of those who research, grow and supply the grains it uses. Kellogg has been working more closely with farmers who grow its...
2017 - Responsible Business SDG Center

Политический обзор/документ

Historically High Bluefin Tuna Quota Set by ICCAT
The Bluefin tuna industry received a windfall in Marrakech, with proposed TAC increases over the period 2018 to 2020, culminating in the highest TAC ever set. What about SSFs?
European Union
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Статья в блоге
Iniciativas brasileiras são premiadas pela REAF

As mulheres brasileiras marcaram presença no Concurso Boas Práticas em Agricultura Familiar, organizado pela Reunião Especializada sobre Agricultura Familiar do Mercosul (Reaf) e pelo Programa Fundo Internacional de Desenvolvimento Agrícola da Organização das Nações Unidas (Fida). Nessa segunda edição, dos oito projetos premiados, três foram de brasileiras.   Essas são três...
2017 - Reunião Especializada sobre Agricultura Familiar do Mercosul (REAF)

YOF Journey of Hope 1: Natural Seed our common mission to save life

Many inspiring stories are waiting to be discovered in the field of Agroecology. Since 2010, Towards Organic Asia has been working to promote young organic farmers and successfully build up the network of over 80 alumni from 25 organizations. Here is the testimony of a young organic farmer in Thailand...
2017 - ALiSEA Mekong

Representante da FAO no Brasil fala sobre a campanha Mulheres Rurais, Mulheres com Direitos

Alan Bojanic ressalta que políticas públicas auxiliam no emponderamento da mulher rural diminuindo a desigualdade de gênero no campo
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Руководящие принципы
Guidelines to strengthen organizations representing the small –scale fishing sector

These guidelines have been prepared as practical action points to strengthen small-scale fishing organisations and help them make their voices heard in the decision-making process. Based on interviews with fishers and fishing organisations from the Atlantic (France, Spain and Portugal), the guidelines are made up of practical action sheets, each...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Статья в блоге
Ensuring the right to food for rural working people

On 18 January 2017, the issue of the human rights of agricultural workers with no land of their own and other people working in rural areas was placed on the agenda of the European Council Working Party on Human Rights (COHOM) for the first time. As a researcher studying how...

Achieving Sdg14 with Geoffrey Muldoon from Wwf Coral Triangle

The SDG Insights is a series of video interviews conducted with a wide range of experts on what the future looks like for businesses, governments, NGOs and international organisations who are aligning themselves with the Sustainable Development Goals. Coming from many different backgrounds, we hear them openly share insights on their personal...

Update on the “Clean Baltic” project promoted by Fundacja MARE

140 tons of ghost nets retrieved by 533 Polish small-scale fishers…and counting!  
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe
Total results:21106