Поиск по базе данных
Тематическое исследование
Family Farm Management System in Burkina and Mali support 51000 farmers
Cotton has been for the past thirty years, the only credible alternative for the economic development of several Sahel countries in West and Central Africa, including Burkina Faso, Benin, Mali, Chad, etc. The cotton sector has not only structured rural areas through human capital investment, but also contributed significantly to...
Burkina Faso - Mali
2012 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
The New Zealand Farming Story: Tackling Agricultural Emissions
This film is the product of years of research into how New Zealand can reduce our agricultural greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) to reduce climate change. It covers the basic science along with current and potential future technological solutions. With a range of views from farmers to scientists to economists, the...
New Zealand
2012 - MotuResearch1
Электронные учебные курсы
Social Protection and Resilience
This e-learning course, entitled Resilience in Food Security Analysis, introduces you to the concept of resilience and its possible use in food security analysis.
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Информационный сборник
Elaboración de un concentrado orgánico para la alimentación de aves ponedoras
Receta japonesa para elaborar un concentrado orgánico para aves ponedoras. En cada país se puede adaptar dicha receta con sustitutos locales.
Costa Rica
2012 - Ministerio de Agrícultura y Ganadería (MAG)
Тематическое исследование
Potentiel de développement de l'agriculture de conservation des petites exploitations agricoles familiales : étude de cas à Gori et Kompienbiga (Burkina Faso)
L’agriculture de conservation (AC) est de plus en plus envisagée comme une alternative pour assurer la gestion durable des ressources naturelles et améliorer les conditions de vie et la sécurité alimentaire des exploitants agricoles de l’Afrique subsaharienne mais des doutes subsistent sur son applicabilité dans cet environnement agro-écologique, notamment dans...
Burkina Faso
2012 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM-IAMM)
Foro de universidades para la agricultura familiar de la Región Pampeana
Este documento tiene por objetivo presentar la constitución y dinámica del Foro de Universidades para la Agricultura Familiar de la Región Pampeana, la sistematización de sus primeros debates y acciones, como así también algunas líneas de acción en las que participan las instituciones que lo integran, dentro del encuadre institucional...
2012 - Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Pequeña Agricultura Familiar Región Pampeana (IPAF)
Тематическое исследование
Evaluation of draught animal power systems for maize and cotton production at smallholder-farmer level in Masvingo province
An evaluation of smallholder draught animal power systems was conducted in six study areas in Masvingo and Chivi districts of Masvingo province over two seasons 1999-2000 and 2000-2002. The objective was to investigate the effect of renovating animal-drawn ploughs and cultivators on field performance and on maize and cotton yields...
2012 - University of Zimbabwe
Act No. 89/2012 Coll. Civil code
Civil code is the basic private legal legislation regulating the status of individual subjects including for example agricultural tenure.
https://portal.gov.cz/app/zakony/zakonPar.jsp?idBiblio=74907&nr=89~2F2012&rpp=15#local-content (available in Czech language only)
Часть доклада
Poverty assessment Northern Sudan
This is Part 1 of a study, presented in three reports that detail the results of a poverty assessment and mapping project in North and Southern Sudan. The study’s objecƟve was to produce a rural poverty analysis and poverty maps for North and Southern Sudan, and based on these findings,...
2012 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Рабочий документ
Représenter la diversité des formes familiales de la production agricole. Approches théoriques et empiriques
Les mutations des agricultures familiales interrogent le monde académique et les politiques. Cette interrogation traverse l’histoire des représentations de l’agriculture depuis un siècle. Les manières de voir ces agricultures ont accompagné leurs transformations. Aujourd’hui, l’agriculture familiale acquiert une légitimité internationale mais elle est questionnée par les évolutions des agricultures aux...
2012 - INRA
Газетная статья
REFORMA: a new project for identification and selection of resilient, water- and energy-efficient forage and feed crops for Mediterranean agricultural systems
Crop-livestock and feed systems have huge importance for Mediterranean regions to satisfy the increasing demand for animal products, increase the economic stability of smallholders and produce typical animal products with high added-value, while contributing to sustainable farming, environment protection and efficient nutrient cycling. These systems are threatened, however, by the...
Algeria - France - Italy - Morocco - Tunisia
2012 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)
Тематическое исследование
Information services in rural China
An updated case study
Rural information services make a vital contribution to China’s rural economic and social development. There have been considerable improvements in the last decade in information service delivery. Although it is still evolving, the development and expansion of the various types of service delivery in China can be useful elsewhere in...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Газетная статья
Agricultura familiar: caracterización, defensa y viabilidad
En este trabajo se aborda la agricultura familiar a través de tres cuestiones. En primer lugar, se brinda una definición de la agricultura familiar tendiente a despejar cierta proliferación de dimensiones incluidas en las definiciones vigentes. En la segunda parte, son consideradas algunas razones por la cuales habría que contribuir...
2012 - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Тематическое исследование
The sustainability of conservation farming in the smallholder farming sector
A case of Guruve communal area in Zimbabwe
This study is based on fieldwork conducted in Ward 5 Guruve District of Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe. Conservation farming (CF) has been widely embraced as an antidote to the perennial food insecurity situation, bedeviling drought prone regions in Zimbabwe, such as Guruve district and in Africa at large. Despite widespread promotion...
2012 - University of Zimbabwe
EU olive oil farms report
These report analyses trends regarding farms specialized in olive oil production over the period 2000-2010. It analyses structures, costs of production, margins and income indicators. The objective is to identify the characteristics of farms in economic difficulty and those in a better situation. The main source for this report is...
Greece - Italy - Spain
2012 - European commision
Mobile technologies for food security, agriculture and rural development: Role of the public sector
New information and knowledge are critical inputs for the practice of agriculture the world over. This is especially true for resource-poor farmers living in rural areas in Asia. Yet most of these farmers are not only resource poor but also information poor. Mobile technology holds great promise in delivering information...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Living and working in rural areas? Europe's young people are clicking on "I like"
A European survey carried out in eight Member States
Agriculture and rural life seem to have found the right appeal for Europe's young people between 17 and 20 years of age, especially among those living in rural areas and who have had work experience in a farm. This is the key result of the survey carried out by the...
Belgium - Finland - France - Latvia - Malta - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Poland - Sweden
Руководящие принципы
Guiding principles for responsible contract farming operations
Contract farming can be defined as an agricultural production system carried out according to an agreement between a buyer and farmers, which establishes conditions for the production and marketing of a farm product or products. Typically, the farmer commits to providing agreed quantities of a specific agricultural product. This should...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Газетная статья
Potencial económico de cuatro especies aromáticas promisorias para producir aceites esenciales en Colombia
En el marco del proyecto de investigación “Evaluación fenotípica, química y agronómica de especies nativas y foráneas promisorias por calidad de aceites esenciales y con uso potencial en el sector agrícola” fueron seleccionadas las especies: Lippia alba, Lippia origanoides, Tagetes caracasana y Tagetes zypaquirensis por ser promisorias en calidad de...
2012 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Технический документ
Rural population density access to arable land and small farm development exploring linkages in Malawi and Zambia
This study quantifies how population density affects input use and output per hectare of staple crops. In doing so, we empirically test Ester Boserup’s (1965) hypothesis that increasing population density leads to agricultural intensification, measured through increased demand for modern inputs, such as commercial fertilizer and increased production per hectare....
Malawi - Zambia
2012 - African Development Bank
Total results:19708