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Статья в блоге

在印度奥里萨邦部落地区,林农轮作被 称为Pudu chaso,这样的农作方法对于维持农 作物的多样性是十分重要,并且产生各种栽 培方式。作物轮作,间作,和其他可持续农 业实践是Pudu农民传承传统知识的一部分, 这有助于创造他们所居住的景观。 然而,这一切都在受到不断的威胁。商 业伐木摧毁了部落的大片森林,在那里曾经 是部落的妇女用来采集食物和燃料的地方, 现在几乎完全消失。该地区还将继续遭受各 种破坏,人们通过修建道路、铁路和建水坝 来吸引企业的投资;但同时,部落土地和人 民生活也受到了破坏。在科拉普特区域,超 过一半的人(约一百万)已经由于新水库建 设而流离失所,超过一万公顷的森林土地被 破坏。
2014 - Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

Mulheres rurais e autonomia

Formação e articulação para efetivar políticas públicas nos Territórios da Cidadania
O Estado Brasileiro assumiu o compromisso de reduzir as desigualdades de gênero no nosso país reconhecendo as particularidades do meio rural. Para isto, desde 2003 vem implementando um conjunto de políticas e programas que buscam garantir direitos à cidadania e ao desenvolvimento econômico, bem como, promover a autonomia das mulheres...
2014 - Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), Brasil

Информационный бюллетень
La CONAPAC a déposé un cahier de plaidoyer au Parlement

Comme décidé lors de la table-ronde sur la Déclaration de Maputo, tenue du 20 au 24 septembre 2014 à Kinshasa, la CONAPAC a mis en branle son plaidoyer en vue de l’augmentation de la part du budget national réservée à l’agriculture à au moins 10 %. Un cahier de plaidoyer...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2014 - Confédération Nationale des Producteurs Agricoles du Congo (CONAPAC)

Информационный сборник
Family Farmers: Feeding the world, caring for the earth

Family farming is inextricably linked to national and global food security. Both in developing and developed countries, family farming is the predominant form of agriculture in the food production sector. Family farmers carefully manage their lands to sustain remarkably high levels of productivity despite having less access to productive resources such as agricultural inputs and support...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Alternatives Rurales - Revue de communication et débat sur les alternatives agricoles et rurales

Le numéro 2 de la revue Alternatives Rurales est une revue qui a pour objectif d’offrir un espace de communication, réflexion et débat sur le développement rural et agricole au Maroc, mais aussi dans d’autres pays de la région.Cette revue s’adresse aux acteurs du développement agricole et rural, aux acteurs...
2014 - Collectif Dynamiques Rurales, Innovations et Développement Durable (DRIDURA)

Invisible Agriculture. Women in family farming (short version)

Two women farmers in Côte d'Ivoire (West Africa), Agnes Dago and Sekongo Sarke Coulibaly, show their daily activities and expose the challenges and obstacles they face in their life as women and farmers.    
Côte d'Ivoire
2014 - World Rural Forum (WRF)

Gender equality and rural empowerment: Exchange of experiences in Guatemala and El Salvador

This video documents a joint initiative led by FAO and IFAD to enhance regional capacity building and knowledge management on gender, agriculture and rural livelihoods.
El Salvador - Guatemala
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Field guide to Adaptive Collaborative Management and improving women’s participation

The purpose of this manual is to provide practical guidance and examples of how to apply Adaptive Collaborative Management (ACM) methods in communities and how to teach those methods to others. ACM is a collective problem-solving and management approach. With ACM everybody can participate, contribute their knowledge and learn together...
Nicaragua - Uganda
2014 - Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Рабочий документ
Can market-based approaches to technology development and dissemination benefit women smallholder farmers?

A qualitative assessment of gender dynamics in the ownership, purchase, and use of irrigation pumps in Kenya and Tanzania
Rural household economies dependent on rainfed agriculture are increasingly turning to irrigation technology solutions to reduce the effects of weather variability and guard against inconsistent and low crop output. Organizations are increasingly using market-based approaches to disseminate technologies to smallholder farmers, and, although women are among their targeted group, little...
Kenya - United Republic of Tanzania
2014 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Статья в блоге
FAO : les ministres africains de l’agriculture doivent agir vite

A l'ouverture de la 28ème Conférence régionale de la FAO pour l'Afrique s'ouvre à Tunis (Mars 2014), l'Organisation invite les ministres africains de l'agriculture à l'action afin d'accélérer les investissements et les transformations en faveur des petits exploitants agricoles, notamment les jeunes et les femmes et fait un "état des lieux" de...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Газетная статья
Family Farming, Sociologia ruralis, Aug. 2014

The United Nationals declared 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming to highlight the importance of family farms and smallholders farmers (International Year of Family Farming - IYFF). Throughout the world family farms constitute the majority of all farms, which underlines their importance for food security. FAO promotes the...
Lithuania - United States of America

A Preliminary Report on Seeds & Seed Practices across the United States

For too many people and communities around the world, the dominant agricultural model is causing economic hardship, the destruction of biological diversity, and the exploitation of earth’s ecological commons. It is a model based on the commodification of life. We can no longer continue the status quo that enables multinational...
United States of America
2014 - U.S. Food Sovereignty Alliance

Доклад конференции
The future of Family Farming in a changing Agri-Landscape

This PROPAC presentation outlines the future of family farming among changing infrastructures in the agricultural sector and the need for promotion of smallholders in the chain of production, processing and creating markets.
Angola - Burundi - Cameroon - Central African Republic - Chad - Congo - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Equatorial Guinea - Gabon - Rwanda - Sao Tome and Principe
2014 - Regional Platform of Farmers’ and Producers’ Organizations of Central African

Тематическое исследование
Cultivating biodiversity: Peasant women in India

In the Deccan region of India, over 60,000 women peasants are feeding their families, their culture and their pride with biodiverse farming practices. Their knowledge and successes have reached across national and institutional borders, and they have received recognition from around the world.
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Conferencia de la Mujer Rural en América Latina y el Caribe en el Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar, Campesina e Indígena

La Conferencia sobre la mujer rural en América Latina y el Caribe en el Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar pretende consolidar el enfoque para coordinar y estimular la cooperación internacional, a partir de los seminarios y reuniones celebradas en Brasilia, Brasil (marzo de 2013); San José, Costa Rica (junio...
2014 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y Agricultura (FAO)

State of the African farmer

The future of food security in Africa lies in the hands of African farmers, yet not enough is known about them; data is scarce and their stories are only half told. This report puts smallholder farmers at the center of the dialog about farming and food security in Africa. Too...
Kenya - Malawi - Zimbabwe
2014 - Heifer International

Статья в блоге
Un salvavidas económico para las mujeres en las zonas rurales de Haití

Thomazeau, en la parte occidental de Haití, es una pintoresca zona rural rodeada de montañas en la que viven 52.000 personas, aproximadamente. La zona se vio escasamente afectada por el terremoto de hace dos años y, de hecho, fue testigo de un gran influjo de personas que llegaban desde la capital...
2014 - OXFAM

The role of women in fisheries

Fishers, like farmers, are not just men. Millions of women around the world work, paid or unpaid, in the fisheries sector. Although women are mainly involved in the tasks that come before and after the fish are hauled out of the water, they may also be there for the catch...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Политический обзор/документ
Subregional strategy and action plan

Resilient livelihoods for agriculture and food and nutrition security in areas affected by the Syria crisis
The humanitarian situation in Syria is of grave concern, with domestic, regional and growing international consequences. As the conflict enters its fourth year, insecurity, generalized violence and specific persecution continue to force the people of Syria to seek safety and protection elsewhere, both inside the country and in the neighbouring...
Egypt - Iraq - Jordan - Lebanon - Syrian Arab Republic - Türkiye
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Somos un programa de cooperación que impulsa políticas, programas, estrategias e iniciativas para salvaguardar y promover las cocinas de Iberoamérica, como vía para alcanzar un desarrollo sostenible en nuestra región.   Desde 2014 trabajamos para rescatar y fomentar nuestras cocinas tradicionales, sus saberes y significados, cadenas productivas sostenibles e innovación culinaria.  Iberocinas es...
2014 - Cooperación iberoamericana de la Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB)
Total results:2239