本版《粮食及农业状况 2015》指出,当社 会保护措施与更广义的农业及农村发展 措施相互结合时,它将有助于打破农村贫 困和脆弱性的恶性循环
2015 - 联合国粮食及农业组织
Cotton production areas are at high risk of invasion by Amrasca biguttula (Ishida) (Cicadellidae: Hemiptera): potential distribution under climate change
The cotton jassid, Amrasca biguttula, a dangerous and polyphagous pest, has recently invaded the Middle East, Africa and South America, raising concerns about the future of cotton and other food crops including okra, eggplant and potato. However, its potential distribution remains largely unknown, posing a challenge in developing effective phytosanitary strategies....
Stocktaking and situation analysis of FAO's work with cooperatives and other forms of collective action in the Near East and North Africa region
Agricultural cooperatives, Producer and Professional Organizations (PPOs), and Water Users Associations (WUAs) in the North Africa and Near East (NENA) region play a crucial role in supporting small-scale family farming, which is vital for the regional economy. Recognized as a strategic sector, agriculture benefits significantly from the contributions of cooperatives...
2025 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Газетная статья
Agri-Food Marketing in Bottom of the Pyramid-Subsistence Markets in Developing Economies: A Stocktaking and Reflection of Previous Research Conducted
The article is a stocktaking and reflection of research conducted over a two decade period in developing economies on agri-food marketing, set in bottom of the pyramid-subsistence market contexts. The article is based on previously published research provided by the author, research work conducted that was not published formally and...
2025 - Higher Colleges of Technology, Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
Mediterranean: The Right Direction
Meaningful progress has been made in improving social protection coverage in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region, resulting in both better fisher resilience and fisheries management.
Over the past decade, the importance of advancing social development for fishers in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region has become more prominent than ever....
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
实 践
Climate smart farmer field school catalogue: Cocoons
The climate smart FFS initiative for smallholder farmers in Jordan has been launched under the project Building Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Jordan Through Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector (BRCCJ). A suite of climate smart FFS training materials has been developed for different crops, cropping...
2024 - FAO
Resilience, Reciprocity and Recovery in Gaza: Drawing Lessons from Women-led Agribusinesses Amidst Conflict and Crisis
Full Report
This report, prepared and released in December 2024, is part of ‘Gaza Foodways’ (2021-2026) an action research project with the Palestinian Hydrology Group, the Gaza Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform (GUPAP), the University College of Applied Sciences in Gaza, and the Centre for Agroecology, Water & Resilience at Coventry University (UK). It is...
Gaza Strip - Palestine
2024 - Gaza Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform (GUPAP)
Effets de la gouvernance territoriale et des chaînes de valeur sur la sécurité alimentaire : exemples au Sénégal, au Maroc et en France
La sécurité alimentaire est communément traitée comme un problème de disponibilité des denrées alimentaires, variant selon le climat et les capacités de stockage, ou comme un problème d’accès aux aliments lié à la pauvreté. Une littérature de plus en plus abondante montre que les acteurs publics disposent d’un certain nombre...
France - Morocco - Senegal
2024 - CIRAD
Regional Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan 2024–2027 for the Near East and North Africa region
The new Regional Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan 2024–2027 for the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region aims to ensure its applicability across the diverse and complex contexts within the NENA region. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of the region, characterized by a spectrum of situations, the strategy incorporates...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
UNOSAT FAO Gaza Strip Cropland Damage Analysis
This map illustratessatellite-detected changes in cropland areas of the Gaza Strip resulting from the decline in the health and density of crops due to the ongoing conflict. UNOSAT conducted an analysis utilising satellite imagery collected by the Sentinel-2 satellite between September 2017 and 2024, performing a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index...
Gaza Strip
2024 - United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT)
World Food Day 2024 in Palestine
Palestine faces significant challenges for due to ongoing conflict, internal divisions, and economic instability, further exacerbated by military actions and climate change. In this difficult environment, the agrifood system is crucial for improving livelihoods, food security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. The sector drives employment and income, providing vital nutrition...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
实 践
Climate smart farmer field school catalogue: Wicking beds
The climate smart farmer field school (FFS) initiative for smallholder farmers in Jordan has been launched under the project Building Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Jordan Through Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector (BRCCJ). A suite of climate smart FFS training materials has been developed for...
2024 - FAO
实 践
Climate smart farmer field school catalogue: Drip irrigation
The climate smart farmer field school (FFS) initiative for smallholder farmers in Jordan has been launched under the project Building Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Jordan Through Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector (BRCCJ). A suite of climate smart FFS training materials has been developed for...
2024 - FAO
实 践
Climate smart farmer field school catalogue: Subsurface irrigation
The Climate Smart Farmer Field School (FFS) Initiative for smallholder farmers in Jordan has been launched under the project Building Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Jordan Through Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector (BRCCJ). A suite of climate smart FFS training materials has been developed for...
2024 - FAO
实 践
Climate smart farmer field school catalogue: Plantable gabions
The climate smart farmer field school (FFS) initiative for smallholder farmers in Jordan has been launched under the project Building Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Jordan Through Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector (BRCCJ). A suite of climate smart FFS training materials has been developed for...
2024 - FAO
实 践
Climate smart farmer field school catalogue: Grow bags
The climate- smart FFS initiative for smallholder farmers in Jordan has been launched under the project Building Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Jordan Through Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector (BRCCJ). A suite of climate- smart FFS training materials has been developed for different crops, cropping...
2024 - FAO
Газетная статья
Renewable Energy and Net House Integration for Sustainable Cucumber Crop Production in the Arabian Peninsula
Extending Growing Seasons and Reducing Resource Use
In most desert ecosystems of the Arabian Peninsula Region (APRP), vegetable production is carried out under controlled environment structures covered with polycarbonate sheets and inbuilt evaporative cooling systems. The areas with mild winter, polycarbonate cover and evaporative cooling are not required. The former can be replaced by insect proof net...
2024 - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, ICARDA
实 践
Climate- smart farmer field school catalogue: Greywater recycling
The climate- smart FFS initiative for smallholder farmers in Jordan has been launched under the project Building Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Jordan Through Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector (BRCCJ). A suite of climate- smart FFS training materials has been developed for different crops, cropping...
2024 - FAO
The spread of the intensive agricultural model by agro-suppliers in Algeria: implications for citrus small family farms and their adaptations
This study aims to investigate how small family farms, lacking direct support from advisory services, cope with challenges including access constraints to resources, and enhance their resilience. Investigations conducted in the wilaya of Blida, Algeria, through surveys of 17 input suppliers and citrus growers, revealed how the institutional context, particularly...
2024 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)
实 践
Climate-smart farmer field school catalogue: Media-based hydroponics
The climate- smart FFS initiative for smallholder farmers in Jordan has been launched under the project Building Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Jordan Through Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector (BRCCJ). A suite of climate- smart FFS training materials has been developed for different crops, cropping...
2024 - FAO
Total results:1074