Food and Nutrition Security Foundation
This course introduces the concepts and tools used in food security analysis. As a starting point, it defines the concept of food security and its relationship to the concepts of vulnerability, hunger, malnutrition and poverty. The course also provides guidelines on how to interpret and use conceptual frameworks for analysing...
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Guía para el análisis y el monitoreo de la equidad de género en las políticas de salud
El presente trabajo, preparado bajo la coordinación de la Unidad de Género, Etnia y Salud de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, intenta contribuir al avance de las metas de igualdad de género en salud. Ofrece a planificadores, grupos de abogacía e investigadores en el ámbito de la salud, un...
2008 - Organización Panamericana de la Salud
Measuring Ethiopian farmers’ vulnerability to climate change across regional states
Ethiopia’s agricultural sector, which is dominated by smallscale, mixed crop, and livestock farming, is the mainstay of the country’s economy. It constitutes more than half the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP), generates more than 85 percent of the foreign exchange earnings, and employs about 80 percent of the population. Ethiopia’s...
2008 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Campaña Semillas de Identidad
La Campaña Semillas de Identidad es un proceso organizativo en clave de red, apoyado por SWISSAID, que nace del trabajo con comunidades indígenas, campesinas y afro de Colombia y que se construye de manera permanente para proponer alternativas a diferentes problemáticas con relación a las semillas propias (nativas y criollas) y su necesidad...
2008 - Grupo Semillas Colombia
Agricultural mechanization in Africa
Time for action
The publication of this report will help move the discussions on agricultural mechanization from being on the banks to the mainstream of the debate on agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa. Now is the “Time for a New Look” at agricultural mechanization in this region.
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, 3-7 October 2005
Tthese proceedings synthesise the deliberations of the iii world congress on conservation agriculture held in nairobi from 3 to 7 october 2005. the proceedings are published at a time when soaring food and energy prices have severely impacted on the livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers and many more consumers....
2008 - African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT)
Micro-level analysis of farmers’ adaptation to climate change in Southern Africa
Agricultural production remains the main source of livelihood for rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa, providing employment to more than 60 percent of the population and contributing about 30 percent of gross domestic product. With likely long-term changes in rainfall patterns and shifting temperature zones, climate change is expected to significantly...
South Africa - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2008 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Visual Soil Assessment (VSA)
Soil type and the effect of management on the condition of the soil are important determinants of the production performance of orchards and have profound effects on long-term profits. Land managers need tools that are reliable, quick and easy to use in order to help them assess the condition of...
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Marine Conservation and Coastal Communities: Who Carries the Costs?: A Study of Marine Protected Areas and Their Impact on Traditional Small-scale Fishing Communities in South Africa
This study analyzes five marine protected areas (MPAs) in South Africa, which span three of the country’s four coastal provinces, namely, the Langebaan Lagoon MPA, the Maputaland MPA, the St Lucia MPA, the Tsitsikamma MPA and the Mkambati MPA. A biological, conservation-oriented fisheries science dominates the agendas of these MPAs....
South Africa
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in Mexico
This study on marine protected areas (MPAs) in Mexico relies on a variety of data sources as well as the authors’ longstanding field experience, particularly in the Yucatan Peninsula, to analyze the design, establishment, and operation of protected areas. The study aims to provide an overview of how local stakeholders...
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Direct Marketing by a Family Farm
Direct marketing of dairy products.
2008 - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Smallholder integration in changing food markets
Recent increases in the levels and volatility of food prices have created significant challenges to efforts to reduce levels of food insecurity both at national and household levels. As a result, significant political attention has been given to the promotion of improvements in food staples productivity in developing countries, both...
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Increasing space for organic agriculture in a changing Mediterranean
Organic agriculture has managed to attract the attention of local governments and economic operators and also to find space in discussion platforms and official strategy papers (concluding statement of the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Agriculture, Venice 2003 and the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development, approved in 2005 as part of...
2008 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM
Газетная статья
Adapting To Climate Change in Africa
Discusses the Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program, which aims to establish a self-sustained African body of expertise on adaptation through capacity development and strengthening institutions.
2008 - World Bank
La organización del trabajo en la agricultura familiar. Los hogares con trabajadores familiares remunerados en la región pampeana: el caso del Partido de Junín
El tema general de investigación de esta Tesis se refiere al proceso de expansión de la condición de remuneración entre los “trabajadores familiares” en las unidades familiares de producción agropecuaria de la región pampeana, de la Argentina. Su estudio es de particular interés para el análisis de los cambios sucedidos...
2008 - Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)
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Sustainable agricultural management of drylands
In the first part of this paper, the Concept of "Sustainable Agriculture" is presented and discussed. Then a holistic view of drylands is given, starting with the aridity definition, then the location of drylands around the world. Drylands climate, soils and population are also characterized. The second part of the...
2008 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)
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Sustainable development of mixed farming systems in a newly reclaimed area in Egypt
A linear programming (LP) technique was adopted to determine the optimum combination of crops and livestock production on small mixed farms in a newly reclaimed area in Egypt. Three locations reflected the different types of producer; traditional farmers, early retirees, and university graduates. One LP model with two scenarios was...
2008 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)
La sucesión generacional de la lechería familiar
El propósito de este artículo es compartir los principales hallazgos de un estudio de caso realizado en el marco de mi tesis de grado. En el mismo, analicé la sucesión generacional de diecisiete establecimientos familiares lecheros del departamento de Colonia y Soriano, en base a las opiniones de los distintos...
Газетная статья
Les nouvelles stratégies et les perspectives de l'élevage traditionnel au Maroc dans le contexte de la mondialisation
Au Maroc, l'élevage connaît un regain d'intérêt et, à côté des grandes étables modernes, une intensification, tant chez les pasteurs que chez des petits spéculateurs villageois. L'intégration au marché généralisée n'implique un souci particulier d'amélioration de la qualité que pour une minorité. Des encouragements dans le sens de l'amélioration de...
2008 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)
Income tax in individual farms - conceptand results
The paper presents model solutions of the financial consequences of replacing farming tax with income-tax in farms with different types of activity in “Greater Poland and Silesia” region. Farmers from “dairy cattle” farms would in vast majority pay higher income tax than farming tax, the highest in the groups with...
Total results:21019