




New innovation integrates water resources management in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap floodplain and Mekong delta

A new short film from the CGIAR Initiative on Asian Mega-Deltas and the CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods documents work to support efforts in Cambodia to delegate the management of water, land, agriculture, fisheries and the environment to the district level.
2024 - CGIAR

Promoting innovation and tradition: Solutions for climate change adaptation in mountains

Although living at altitude has never been easy – and mountain communities have long demonstrated exceptional ingenuity in thriving in harsh environmental conditions – the escalating impacts of climate change pose unprecedented challenges to mountain people, threatening their traditional ways of life and survival strategies. This publication discusses how mountain...
2024 - FAO

实 践
Historias de éxito: Construyendo un mejor futuro

Construyendo un mejor futuro cuenta las historias de Mauro Pop y Héctor Salguero, quienes realizaron acciones de restauración de tierras para mejorar las condiciones del suelo y el agua, así como de Petrona Chub y Yasmira Chen, dos mujeres líderes en sus comunidades que trabajan transformando el cacao en chocolate...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Spain: Net Working

Atalaia exemplifies the power of community and the enduring value of traditional craft in modern times. In the picturesque region of Galicia in northwest Spain, the tradition of netmaking and repair is deeply intertwined with the local fishing industry. This craft, historically carried out by women, has seen a resurgence thanks...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Газетная статья
Optimizing Cover Crop Management in Eastern Nebraska

Insights from Crop Simulation Modeling
Cover crops (CCs) offer ecosystem benefits, yet their impact on subsequent crop yields varies with climate, soil, and management practices. Using the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Eastern Nebraska Research, Education, and Extension Center (ENREEC), we identified optimal cereal rye management strategies focusing...
United States of America
2024 - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

Post-earthquake value chain analysis of greenhouse tomatoes, fisheries and milk products in Türkiye

This report provides rapid assessments of the earthquake’s effects on agriculture, specifically greenhouse-based tomato production in Samandağ (Hatay), fishing in Hatay’s coastal districts (Samandağ, Arsuz, İskenderun, Dörtyol), and milk production in Elbistan (Kahramanmaraş). It compares pre- and post-earthquake value chain functions to identify needed interventions and propose strategies for sustainability...
2024 - FAO

Газетная статья
Diet Quality Among Mothers and Children in India: Roles of Social and Behavior Change Communication and Nutrition-Sensitive Social Protection Programs

Background Limited evidence exists on determinants of maternal and child diet quality. Objectives This study examined the role of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) and nutrition-sensitive social protection (NSSP) programs on maternal and child diet quality. Methods Data were from cross-sectional phone survey on 6627 Indian mothers that took place in late 2021. The...

ISAN Magazine Issue 12_November 2024-February 2024

ISAN Magazine_For Sustainable Food Systems
ISAN magazine's mission is to empower Southern African organisations working on socio-ecological restoration with the infromation and best practices they need to create impactful solutions. In this edition, we introduce biodynamic farming, the 10 elements of agroecology, reports on the droughts in Zambia and Lesotho, current research and the role...
South Africa
2024 - ISAN Magazine

Profile: Dolores Gómez – Moving from strength to strength

Dolores Gomez not only leads shellfish gatherers in the male-dominated Galician seafood sector but also places feminism front and centre in the conversation. Dolores Gómez Ordoñez has been the President of Mulleres Salgadas since 2019. Mulleres Salgadas is an association of shellfish gatherers in Spain. It was founded in 2016 and...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Газетная статья
Diversifying crop rotation increases food production, reduces net greenhouse gas emissions and improves soil health

Global food production faces challenges in balancing the need for increased yields with environmental sustainability. This study presents a six-year field experiment in the North China Plain, demonstrating the benefits of diversifying traditional cereal monoculture (wheat–maize) with cash crops (sweet potato) and legumes (peanut and soybean). The diversified rotations increase...
2024 - China Agricultural University, China

Effets de la gouvernance territoriale et des chaînes de valeur sur la sécurité alimentaire : exemples au Sénégal, au Maroc et en France

La sécurité alimentaire est communément traitée comme un problème de disponibilité des denrées alimentaires, variant selon le climat et les capacités de stockage, ou comme un problème d’accès aux aliments lié à la pauvreté. Une littérature de plus en plus abondante montre que les acteurs publics disposent d’un certain nombre...
France - Morocco - Senegal
2024 - CIRAD

How anticipatory action can empower women in disaster-prone areas

As the planet warms, climate-driven disasters are becoming more frequent and severe worldwide. These events pose increased risks to vulnerable communities and groups, particularly women and girls, who face disproportionate challenges in their aftermath. Disasters often exacerbate existing gender inequalities—limiting women’s access to food and essential services, reducing their physical safety and decision-making power,...
2024 - IFPRI

Women in fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region: roles, challenges and opportunities

Women play active roles throughout the fisheries value chain in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, including participating in pre-harvest activities like vessel and gear construction and maintenance, harvest activities both on board fishing vessels and from shore, and post-harvest activities such as sorting, cleaning, processing and marketing the catch,...
2024 - FAO

Le dictionnaire d'agroécologie

Permaculture, engrais vert, culture associée... de nombreux termes se rapportent à l'agroécologie, mais les connait-on vraiment ? Le dictionnaire d'agroécologie, dans sa version en ligne ou papier, propose des définitions simples de ces termes accompagnées de vidéos ou d'infographies. Son originalité ? Il est construit avec des chercheurs et des...
2024 - INRAE

Yemaya Recommends: Women in Small-scale Fisheries in Ghana – the unsung heroines

This documentary showcases Ghana where the most pressing issues are those of overfishing and pollution due to a rapid decline of fisheries in the country. “I’ve learned that I should do away with fear,” declares Juliana Anna Dogbe Kumado a fishmonger in Ghana and a participant in the One Ocean Hub...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Integrated fire management voluntary guidelines

Damaging wildfires in many parts of the world in recent years have prompted an increase in demand for technical support for integrated fire management. As part of the response, FAO and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) established the Global Fire Management Hub (Fire Hub), which was launched at the 8th...
2024 - FAO

Six synergies to consider for groundwater governance

Groundwater is a vital common pool resource that supplies nearly half of all water for domestic use, one-quarter of irrigation water, and one-third of industrial water supply globally. Groundwater reserves can buffer against variable rainfall, drought, and mounting climate change impacts. However, many groundwater systems are threatened by problems including depletion, contamination, and waterlogging....
2024 - IFPRI

Rumbo a una inversión resiliente y descarbonizada

Esta publicación sirve como una guía estratégica para incorporar la dimensión climática en las principales etapas de la gestión de la inversión pública, especialmente en la planificación y asignación de recursos. El documento presenta una síntesis de los principales hallazgos, desarrolla las herramientas y buenas prácticas identificadas y...
2024 - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)

Sakhis: Women for Action, Change, Growth

For the last 25 years, SSP has nurtured cadres of grassroots women leaders called Sakhis, who have won numerous honours and accolades for their own transformation, and for various sustainable solutions and projects they have initiated. Many of these Sakhis are feted as decision makers in their own communities, and...
2024 - Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP)

What agroecology brings to food security and ecosystem services: A review of scientific evidence

There is a strong theoretical basis and empirical evidence that food security outcomes (availability, access, utilisation, stability) are as good or sometimes even better for agroecological systems than conventional alternatives. This knowledge brief aims to provide a set of evidence, based on a large-scale analysis of scientific articles (including a literature...
2024 - Agroecology Coalition
Total results:21327