Construcción de cisternas para cosecha de agua de lluvia en tres comunidades indígenas de Charagua
Una tecnología socialmente adaptable
Esta publicación describe el proceso de transformación comunitaria vivido en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, donde las dinámicas climáticas pueden oscilar entre la sequía y las lluvias torrenciales, con enfoque en la participación colectiva intergeneracional y el desarrollo de innovaciones gracias a la implementación de cisternas para cosecha de agua...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
India: Spawning, Banning, Learning
An analysis of spawning periods of marine fish resources along both India’s west coast and east coast reveals differences in the peak spawning periods for pelagic and demersal stocks.
A new analysis of the spawning period of species along both the coasts of India suggests it may be appropriate to review...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
IYAFA/Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean Workshops: What Women Want
Learnings from ICSF’s regional workshops held across the world to mark the 2022 International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture
The invisibility of women in fisheries has been discussed for some time now, but was brought into sharp focus in a series of regional workshops that took place from 2022 to...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Mass Scale Seed Production of Indigenous Small Fish Species
A promising solution to scale nutrition-sensitive aquaculture
This book chapter explores the potential of indigenous small fsh (ISF) species as a solution to address undernutrition and promote nutrition-sensitive aquaculture. ISF, characterized by their small size and remarkable reproductive capacity, offer a rich source of protein, micronutrients, and essential fatty acids. Despite their nutritional advantages, ISF populations are...
2024 - WorldFish
Transition écologique et genre : quelles transformations du travail ?
La transition écologique nécessite de revisiter nos organisations de travail en tenant compte des inégalités environnementales, sociales, professionnelles et de genre. Cette démarche requiert une approche intégrée pour préserver à la fois la santé au travail des femmes et des hommes et les écosystèmes naturels.
2024 - AgriGenre
The State of Food and Agriculture 2024
Value-driven transformation of agrifood systems
Uncovering the true cost of food is the first step in making agrifood systems more inclusive, resilient and sustainable. As The State of Food and Agriculture 2023 revealed, agrifood systems activities generate significant benefits for society, but also have negative impacts on economic, social and environmental sustainability. The quantified hidden...
2024 - FAO
Газетная статья
Periodic Table of Food Initiative for generating biomolecular knowledge of edible biodiversity
The Periodic Table of Food Initiative addresses food biomolecular composition information gaps through a standardized, accessible and enabling platform based on analytical tools, data and capacity building. Data from 1,650 foods serve as starting point for demonstrating the capacity of this initiative to contribute to nutrition, health and food systems...
2024 - International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Ficha de proyecto: Medios de vida resilientes de pequeños agricultores vulnerables en los paisajes mayas y el Corredor Seco de Guatemala
El proyecto Medios de vida resilientes de pequeños agricultores vulnerables en los paisajes mayas y el Corredor Seco de Guatemala (RELIVE) busca apoyar a familias que dependen de actividades agrícolas y agroforestales en condiciones de vulnerabilidad en los territorios de Guatemala para que adaptarse a los impactos del cambio climático....
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Water stress plugin for Water Evaluation and Planning system (WEAP)
Using the water evaluation and planning tool for the calculation of Sustainable Development Goal indicator 6.4.2
This report presents the instruction manual of the new water stress plugin developed by FAO in collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute's U.S. Center (SEI) for the calculation of the SDG indicator 6.4.2 “Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources” by river basin.Since the...
2024 - FAO
Brazil: Caught in the Deluge
The extreme flooding in South Brazil highlighted the vulnerability of small-scale fishers to climate-induced disasters.
Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil suffered extreme flooding in the months of May and June of 2024. It has severely disrupted the livelihood of small-scale fishers who depend on the region’s aquatic ecosystems (see Table...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
France/Film: Festival Living Off the Sea
The 16th edition of the Pêcheurs du Monde film festival, held in Lorient, France, focused on how fishing is vital for both ocean biodiversity and livelihoods.
The Pecheurs du Monde film festival in Lorient, France, took some 3,000 people on a journey around the oceans of the world on 15-24 March...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Barbados: Advocating for justice
Barbados’ fisherfolk build capacity to advocate for climate, blue and social justice. Fisherfolk in Barbados today experience growing marginalization.
Fisherfolk in Barbados today experience growing marginalization. They are increasingly frustrated by the injustices they face from every quarter: their peers, the management authorities at fish landing sites and markets, national government...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Opportunities and challenges for agrifood trade between Central American Integration System and Caribbean Community countries
This study responds to the proposal made by the Secretariat of the Central American Agricultural Council (SECAC) and the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA) on the need to promote spaces for integration in the area of agrifood trade between Central America and the Caribbean. It is a joint...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
The Classroom of Life: Indigenous women in Thailand set up their forest as a space for knowledge transmission
In the Indigenous Karen village of Huay Ee Khang, in the mountainous north of Thailand, all life starts in the forest: When a baby is born, its umbilical cord is placed in a bamboo container and hung on a healthy fruit tree.“This way, the souls of the baby and the...
2024 - Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
Asia/Africa: Shrinking spaces
Women in small-scale fishing communities bear the worst impacts as coastal space in the Indian Ocean region is increasingly encroached upon by state and private activities.
This article is based on a cross-regional study that focused on how ruptures in the form of environmental stress and political economic pressures impacted small-scale...
India - Kenya - Sri Lanka
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Feasibility of anticipatory action in the Pacific Islands region
This report seeks to expand the understanding of anticipatory action in Small Island Developing States, with a focus on the geographic and socio-institutional aspects of independent Pacific Island Countries in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. This report provides a summary of regional and selected national contexts and approaches to the building...
Fiji - Palau - Solomon Islands
2024 - FAO
Côte d’Ivoire : le maraîchage en transition agroécologique (épisode 2)
Les systèmes de cultures maraichers agroécologiques basés sur la diversité des espèces cultivées et le recours aux intrants biologiques permettent d’améliorer les revenus des producteurs tout en préservant leur santé et celle de leur environnement. La complexité des systèmes agroécologiques par rapport au système conventionnel nécessite un dialogue entre chercheurs...
Côte d'Ivoire
2024 - CIRAD
Presentación de la Alianza Iberoamericana Parlamentaria Iberoamericana y Caribeña por la Seguridad Alimentaria para Todos y Todas
En el marco de la I Cumbre Parlamentaria Mundial contra el Hambre y la Malnutrición celebrada en las Cortes Generales de España en 2018, parlamentarios y parlamentarias de Iberoamérica y el Caribe acordaron crear la “Alianza Parlamentaria Iberoamericana y Caribeña por la Seguridad Alimentaria para Todas y Todos”, con el...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Global food policy report 2024: Food systems for healthy diets and nutrition
Food systems and diets underpin many critical challenges to public health and environmental sustainability, including malnutrition, noncommunicable diseases, and climate change, but sustainable healthy diets have the unique potential to reshape the future for both human and planetary well-being. The 2024 Global Food Policy Report draws on recent evidence to...
2024 - IFPRI
L’agroécologie dans la formation
Que faire face à des ressources naturelles qui se dégradent de plus en plus, dans un contexte marqué par les effets des changements climatiques qui frappent de plein fouet plusieurs pays africains ? Face au renchérissement des coûts et à la raréfaction des engrais et des pesticides chimiques ? C’est...
2024 - Réseau international Formation Agricole et Rurale (FAR)
Total results:20192