A política nacional de agroecologia e produção orgânica no Brasil
Uma trajetória de luta pelo desenvolvimento rural sustentável
Este livro retrata um pouco da história, dos percalços e das conquistas que marcaram o processo de construção da Política Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica no Brasil (Pnapo) – uma política que nasceu das demandas e iniciativas da sociedade civil organizada e foi sendo construída aos poucos, de forma...
2017 - Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)
Inclusión financiera de pequeños productores rurales
En este libro se busca fortalecer el análisis y la formulación de políticas públicas que fomenten un ecosistema diverso de proveedores de servicios fnancieros comercialmente viables, que incrementen el acceso sostenible de los pequeños productores rurales en América Latina a una amplia gama de servicios fnancieros. Para ello, se identifcan...
2017 - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)
Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2016
The challenges of building resilience to shocks and stresses
Since 2015, Sub-Saharan Africa has experienced severe climate-induced disruptions as a result of the El Niño weather phenomenon. The severity and extent of the ongoing El Niño, with its related droughts and floods have been considered the worst since the turn of the century, and have affected the livelihoods of...
Integrated Water Resources Management and Sustainable Development Challenges, case of Arid Regions
Le Congrès GIRE3D 2017 est une continuité logique des congrès scientifiques antérieurs (Marrakech 2006 et 2014, Agadir 2010), organisés par le CM-AIH, autour de la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau et Développement Durable.
L’édition 2017 du Congrès GIRE3D sera dédiée aux régions arides et offrira une opportunité à tous les acteurs de...
2017 - Comité Marocain de l’Association Internationale des Hydrogéologues (CM-AIH)
Questões agrárias, agrícolas e rurais
Conjunturas e políticas públicas
A coletânea de artigos que compõe a presente publicação tem origem no projeto desenvolvido pelo Observatório de Políticas Públicas para a Agricultura (Oppa)2 em conjunto com o Núcleo de Estudos sobre Agricultura e Desenvolvimento (Nead) do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA),3 que contou com apoio da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Agricultura...
How a dairy cooperative in Slovenia became one of the leading producers of high quality fresh milk and cheese
A dairy plant in Slovenia created a local mountain supply chain with high added value that resulted in having a positive impact on the local economy and promote the long tradition of the area in dairy production. By modernizing and improving its production technology, the dairy effectively transformed the plant...
2017 - Euromontana
Газетная статья
Dinamización económica incluyente de los territorios rurales
Alternativas desde los Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados y los Circuitos Cortos de Comercialización
En este trabajo se analiza la contribución de los Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados y los Circuitos Cortos de Comercialización a la dinamización económica incluyente a partir del estudio de seis casos de activación de recursos específicos en concentraciones de Agroindustrias Rurales con enfoque Sial, en territorios rurales de América Latina y...
2017 - Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México
Orgânicos: modismo ou fato?
Não podemos deixar de reconhecer, que mais uma vez, a pujança do mercado de orgânicos nos países como Estados Unidos e países da Comunidade Européia, que representam 80% do mercado global de quase US$ 90 bilhões/ano, seja o entendimento das tendências de consumo e lifestyle vindas de lá. O mercado global de...
2017 - Revista Globo Rural
Symposium on Agroecology and Family Farming
The video provides a brief summary about the First Symposium on Agroecology and Family Farming that took place in Santiago (Chile).
Organized by the Institute of Agricultural Development (INDAP, for its Spanish acronym) and FAO's Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Symposium brought together agroecological practitioners, representants from...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Producción de proteína en una cuenca del sur de Santa Fe, Argentina
El concepto de cadena agroalimentaria se utiliza para describir un sistema que agrupa actores económicos y sociales interrelacionados, y que participan articuladamente en actividades que agregan valor a un bien o servicio, desde su producción hasta que este llega a los consumidores, incluidos los proveedores de insumos y servicios, transformación,...
2017 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias
National statisticians of Europe, Central Asia gear up for agricultural censuses
Reliable, comprehensive statistics take the guesswork out of decision-making, and nowhere is this truer than in the agricultural sector. Beginning today, national statistical experts from 20 countries of the region are in Budapest for a week-long roundtable introducing FAO’s new guidelines and data-collection methodologies for the World Programme for the...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
GEOPOS: livestock geo-localisation through satellite
Due to the mountainous topography of the Basque Country, livestock breeders often lose a lot of time by going to seek their herd in the mountains every day, which is especially stressful for part time farmers. Thus, the livestock breeders expressed a need for change in the livestock management. This...
2017 - Euromontana
Viva S ol: Case Study from a S eries on Access to Land for Communit y Connected Farming an association of cheese eaters and producers
A national association of cheese eaters and producers established to support the development of solidarity between urban and rural people, and to encourage the settlement of small farmers and artisans in rural Lithuania.
Viva sol has started a farmers’ market in Vilnius, a box scheme, environmental training and activities to support...
2017 - Access to Land
El buceo en la pesca y la acuicultura en América Latina y el Caribe
Orientaciones operativas, legislativas, institucionales y de política para garantizar condiciones de empleo decente
El presente documento incluye los estudios-país del estado de situación del uso del buceo en la pesca y acuicultura en los países seleccionados - México, Honduras, Colombia y Chile; así como los resultados del taller referido, con recomendaciones legislativas, de política y operativas para mejorar la seguridad ocupacional en aras...
Chile - Colombia - Honduras - Mexico
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Family farms: Outperforming corporates in operating returns
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences data show large family farms generally outperform corporates in terms of operating returns.
ABARES compared the rate of return of corporate and family farms earning more than $1 million for five years to 2015-16. The analysis included capital appreciation of assets —...
Smart farming hinges on e-skills and rural internet access
The digitisation of agriculture could help Europe address food security and environmental issues at the same time. But realising this vision will require e-skills, proper broadband infrastructure and big data management, experts warn.
2017 - EurActiv
Future of CAP: Feeding the world
According to the United Nation's world food security report, 815 million people faced serious hunger in 2016 – that is more than one and a half times the entire population of the European Union. There are numerous reasons why so many millions are affected by this issue, from conflict to...
European Union
2017 - European Commission
Targeting social protection and agricultural interventions: potential for synergies
There is evidence that the impacts of social protection programmes and agricultural interventions can mutually reinforce each other when they are implemented jointly. Nevertheless, they often operate in isolation. A recent article by Cirillo et al. (2017) discusses how an alignment of their targeting mechanisms can help boost programme coordination...
2017 - International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG)
Le pastoralisme, un mode de vie résilient face à de nombreux défis
Notes de la C2A
Une estimation récente avance le chiffre de 120 millions d’éleveurs et agropasteurs dans le monde. Quelques 50 millions d’entre eux se situent en Afrique subsaharienne, où le pastoralisme est une pratique largement utilisée dans une zone allant du Sénégal à la Somalie. Les communautés pastorales africaines sont aussi nombreuses dans...
2017 - Coordination Sud
Strategic work of FAO to help eliminate hunger and malnutrition
The Organization supports governments in the development of coherent and evidence-based policy and programmes with stronger focus on food security and nutrition, including greater commitment and allocation of human and financial resources for implementation and stronger and more inclusive coordination across sectors and stakeholders.
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:21439