FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme
Established in 2006, the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme (FTPP) focuses on achieving food security and combatting rural poverty in countries of the Caucasus and in the Central Asia subregion through projects operated at the national, multi-country and subregional level. The programme has supported countries in the areas of food security, food safety,...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Assessment of RDP Results: How to Prepare for Reporting on Evaluation in 2017
Starting in June 2016, and each year until 2024, Member States shall submit to the Commission an Annual Implementation Report (AIR). The AIR provides information about the implementation of the rural development programme (RDP), as well as the evaluation plan. The AIR submitted in 2017 (hereinafter: AIR 2017) shall also...
European Union
2016 - European Commission
Engaging women in family farming to eradicate hunger
Despite the potential of the agricultural sector, many regions of Uganda still suffer from hunger. As everywhere, the serious problem of hunger is linked to climate change, unequal resource allocation, illiteracy, attitude towards farming and poor policy implementation. One of the root causes is also the uneven access of women...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Газетная статья
El rol de la pluriactividad en la persistencia de la producción familiar láctea en la cuenca de Abasto Sur de Buenos Aires
Durante las últimas décadas la producción láctea argentina ha sufrido modificaciones relevantes, ligadas a fuertes procesos de cambio tecnológico y concentración de la producción, que han llevado a una reestructuración de la actividad, con profundos impactos negativos sobre los estratos más pequeños de la producción. Al respecto, una de las...
2016 - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (CONICET)
The total organic area in the EU-28 (i.e. the fully converted area and the area under conversion) was more than 10 million ha in 2013 and accounted for 5.8% of the total UAA. The size of the organic area differs substantially among Member States. In absolute terms 4 Member States...
2016 - European Commission - DG agriculture and Rural Development
Promoting the Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Rural Areas
The manual overviews existing European policies on integration of migrants and looks at examples of successful social inclusion approaches in different EU Member States. It further provides practical guidance for NGOs to develop and implement effective strategies for the integration of migrants in rural areas.
European Union - Greece
2016 - European Academy for Sustainable Rural Development
European forest ecosystems
State and trends
The importance of forests with regard to supporting human needs is considerable. Forests are rich in biodiversity and valuable for recreation, water regulation and soil protection. As well as for providing timber and other non-wood forest products, forests are important for mitigating climate change and for the renewable energy sector....
European Union
2016 - European Environment Agency
Guía técnica para la planificación e implementación de prácticas productivas que favorecen la conservación de la diversidad biológica y cultural
Documento elaborado en el marco del Proyecto GEF SNAP: “Creación de un Sistema Nacional Integral de Áreas Protegidas para Chile: Estructura Financiera y Operacional”
Esta guía ha sido elaborada con el propósito de promover y favorecer la conservación de la diversidad biológica y cultural en territorios de alto valor por la biodiversidad que alojan, especialmente en áreas de soporte (es decir, paisajes de conservación, corredores biológicos y zonas de amortiguación), áreas protegidas e iniciativas de conservación privadas...
2016 - Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)
Bluefin tuna and ICCAT 50 years on.
Time to correct historic wrongs, and return rightful access to small scale fishers.
The Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE) Platform calls on ICCAT contracting parties to establish a dedicated, non-transferable, ring fenced Bluefin tuna quota for small scale low impact fishers.
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe
Strengthening cooperation between farmers
Association of private farming of the Czech Republic became a part of the CO-Farm project ERASMUS +, which is focused on strengthening cooperation between agricultural enterprises. The first kick-off meeting was held in Thurles, Ireland, in the middle of November 2016. The hosting organization was Limerick Technological Institute for higher...
2016 - Association of private farming of the Czech Republic
Medium-term prospects for EU agricultural markets and income 2016-2026
This report presents the medium-term outlook for the major EU agricultural commodity markets and agricultural income to 2026, based on a set of coherent macroeconomic assumptions deemed most plausible at the time of the analysis. The projections assume a continuation of current agricultural and trade policies.
These assumptions imply relatively smooth...
European Union
2016 - European Commission
Decent rural employment, productivity effects and poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa
Promoting decent rural employment, by creating new jobs in rural areas and upgrading the existing ones, could be one of the most efficient pathways to reduce rural poverty. This paper systematically investigates the impact of decent rural employment on agricultural production efficiency in sub-Saharan African countries, taking Ethiopia and Tanzania...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rapport annuel sur l'agro-écologie - 2015
Le projet agro-écologique porte une ambition claire : dépasser les oppositions autour de la question du modèle de croissance de notre agriculture et inscrire l’évolution de notre agriculture et des filières agricoles et agroalimentaires dans un cadre tourné vers l’avenir et adapté aux nombreux défis que nous devons relever. Cette approche...
2016 - Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt
Ordering local food through social networks
Social networks are becoming more and more popular, but did you know that you can even use them to order local, fresh fruit and vegetables? It has become possible thanks to a network of Finnish volunteers called REKO using Facebook to organize the deliveries of local products directly from farmer...
European Union
2016 - REKO
New opportunities for European agriculture
Association of private farming of the Czech Republic is a member of European farmers’ organization COPA, which represents more than 23 million farmers and their families from all over Europe. Together with COGECA European organization for agri-cooperatives organized Congress of European Farmers close to Athens in Greece. The title of...
2016 - Association of private farming of the Czech Republic
FoodAfrica Programme has taken a major step – FoodAfrica II is now officially up and running
FoodAfrica Research for Development Programme Newsletter, September 2016
2016 - Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
International Course on Landscape Restoration
The general objective of the course is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the major challenges, inherent concepts, management perspectives, and methodological approaches that are important for the planning and implementation of the restoration with emphasis on agricultural and forest landscapes in Latin America.
The target audience includes professionals in charge...
2016 - Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) and WRI
Mainstreaming ecosystem services and biodiversity into agricultural production and management in East Africa
Practical issues for consideration in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans to minimize the use of agrochemicals
This Technical Guidance Document addresses the need for mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services into agriculture, at the national level. More specifically, it is aimed to assist countries in developing and implementing their National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSA Ps), to consider ecosystem services – and opportunities for their management...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Young farmers: CAP progress is ‘still not enough’
In an interview with EurActiv’s partner EFE, the president of the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), Alan Jagoe, called for more aid for people new to the industry and criticised national governments for doing more for veteran farmers than their younger counterparts.
Although Jagoe conceded that the current Common Agricultural...
European Union
2016 - CEJA
Fédération des AMAP de Picardie - Une recette pour le changement
Les expériences et points de vue exprimés montrent que le partenariat en AMAP est une recette composée de nombreux ingrédients : une réflexion sur ce que nous mangeons, une nouvelle logique d’approvisionnement local, un apprentissage mutuel à travers des échanges, notamment de plats à cuisiner, le plaisir des repas, la découverte...
2016 - AMAP
Total results:20489