




Regards croisés sur l’avenir de l’agriculture familiale

De par le monde, les difficultés rencontrées par les agriculteurs familiaux sont souvent similaires et face à celles-ci, les organisations paysannes poursuivent leurs activités de défense de l’agriculture familiale dans leur pays et de façon internationale également. Ce chapitre présente les points de vue de personnes qui travaillent chaque jour...
2015 - CSA-Be

El FRM (Foro Rural Mundial) recibe el premio Jacques Diouf de las Naciones Unidas en reconocimiento a su labor en favor de la agricultura familiar

El Foro Rural Mundial recibe en un acto celebrado en Roma este lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015, el premio Jaques Diouf de la FAO, en reconocimiento por su apoyo al diálogo entre las comunidades rurales y por su aporte en la promoción de la Agricultura Familiar en el mundo. 
2015 - Foro Rural Mundial (FRM)

How Farming Families Benefit from Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture

Efforts to enhance smallholder farmers’ involvement in agricultural markets under the World Food Programme (WFP) Purchase for Progress (P4P) programme have led to a variety of nutrition-sensitive activities. In many rural communities where P4P and partners work, these context- and country-specific efforts have begun to increase farming families’ access to nutritious...
Afghanistan - Ethiopia - Guatemala - Honduras - Malawi - Mali - Rwanda - Zambia
2015 - World Food Programme (WFP) Purchase for Progress (P4P)

Más de 350 agricultores cooperativos desde la Región de Coquimbo a la Región de Los Lagos participaron en el Seminario Internacional de Cooperativismo Agropecuario y Pueblos Originarios

El viernes 28 de agosto se realizó el primer Seminario Internacional de Cooperativismo Agropecuario para el emprendimiento y desarrollo rural, en la ciudad de Temuco, Región de la Araucanía.El evento reunió a más de 350 personas entre autoridades regionales y dirigentes nacionales, además de agricultores y agricultoras desde la Región...
2015 - Confederación Nacional de Federaciones de Cooperativas y Asociaciones Silvoagropecuarias de Chile (CAMPOCOOP)

Régimen de compra a la agricultura familiar para fortalecimiento del sector (Fondo de Compras a la Agricultura Familiar)

Proyecto de Ley
Este proyecto de ley, en su artículo 1 del Capítulo I propone: "Créase el Régimen de compras a la agricultura familiar, a través del Fondo de Compras a la agricultura familiar, de aplicación en la totalidad del territorio de la Nación Argentina, cuyas finalidades serán las siguientes: Promover mediante esta ley, los...
2015 - Honorable Cámara de Diputados de la Nación

Silo Bio Ouest: A Cooperative Solution to Ensure the Quality of Organic Grain

The wide diversity of different grains produced by organic farmers, as a result of their long-term crop rotation systems, means a significant number of dedicated silos are needed to meet the enhanced requirements for quality and traceability. These are often unavailable in the existing storage facilitates used by the conventional...
2015 - IFOAM EU Group

Guía para la elaboración de un Plan de Desarrollo Departamental

Un Plan de Desarrollo Departamental en pocas palabras, es un documento que sintetiza las aspiraciones de la población de cada Departamento; y debe ser producto de un ejercicio democrático, en el que los distintos sectores de la sociedad participen con opiniones y aportes, apoyando de esta manera el trabajo de...
2015 - Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (MADR)

A case of forestry cooperative in the Philippines

The Philippines case examines the results of a shift in government policy from a system in which forest resource rights were granted to large-scale industry to one where rights were transferred to community organisations to carry out forest management. In this case, the co-management system is undercut because the standard regulations are...
2015 - Forest and Farm Facility of the UN-FAO

Strengthening public forestry institutions

This brief describes the changing context within which public forestry administrations operate and outlines concrete steps they can take to adapt to this changing context and to strengthen their capacity to fulfil their mandates.
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Talentos locales son necesarios para mejorar la extensión rural en América Latina

Durante el II Foro de Innovación Agraria (INNOVAGRO), organizado por el Ministerio de Agricultura de Chile, a través de la Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA), Cecilia Leiva, presidenta de la Corporación PROCASUR destacó la importancia para los países el establecer modelos de extensión agraria y rural, que superen el...
2015 - Corporación PROCASUR

Senegal’s lessons towards State-owned food procurement schemes

How PAA Senegal is contributing to build an agenda for public sponsoring of local food procurement for school feeding programmes.
11 September 2015, Dakar/Accra - In Senegal, an operational model linking local food production to school feeding programmes is showing the power of public food procurement schemes associated to technical support to smallholders’ agricultural production. Building upon technical principles and knowledge of the Brazilian public food acquisition program, the PAA...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

"Il riso di Alice" (Alice's rice)

Professional documentaries on young farmer’s winners of the third edition of the "New factors of Success," which selection best practices in rural development by young farmers who have benefited from the EAFRD. The documentaries are produced by young professionals selected thanks to the involvement of the best film schools in...

The Little Milk Company: A Group Marketing Initiative by Organic Dairy Farmers

Dairy farmers generally produce either summer or winter milk, depending on their farm’s calving system, with few exceptions, where milk is produced all year round. Due to its higher production costs, especially the price of organic feed, winter milk attracts a higher price premium than summer milk. Although some organic...
2015 - IFOAM EU Group

Promoting Sustainable Rural Development through Agriculture in South Eastern Europe

The 14th Agricultural Policy Forum (APF) “Promoting Sustainable Rural Development through Agriculture in South Eastern Europe was held in Kopaonik, Serbia in the period of 14th – 17th October 2014. This Forum provided an opportunity to review the accomplishments achieved by the APF process over the past period, while considering...

Oberá: Entregaron aportes en el tercer Encuentro nacional de Ferias Francas y Mercados solidarios

El Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación, a través de la Secretaría de Agricultura Familiar realizó el tercer Encuentro Nacional de Ferias Francas y Mercados Solidarios, en el que participaron 3.000 expositores y feriantes organizados. Agricultores y agricultoras provenientes de 22 provincias argentinas y de países vecinos,...
2015 - Misiones Online

Газетная статья
Investment Climate of Kazakhstan: Current Status and Prospects

Agriculture still remains a little attractive to most of investors. Modern investment into agrarian sector of Kazakhstan and growth of its investment appeal restrains an acute shortage of financial resources, poorly developed material base, low solvent demand of the population therefore growth of investments is one of major factors of...

Bio connect: Coordinating Research and Knowledge Transfer Amongst Organic Stakeholders

Research priorities are often defined by policy makers without involving stakeholders sufficiently, or with ineffective measures put in place to disseminate the final results. Responding to this problem, the Dutch organic sector set up Bioconnect in 2005, with the aim of reorganising the coordination of organic research and knowledge transfer...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2015 - IFOAM EU Group

Les fellahs d’Oran marquent leur passage à une agriculture moderne

L’abondance de la production végétale et animalière enregistrée ces dernières années à Oran marque selon des spécialistes le passage à une agriculture moderne à la faveur du soutien de l’Etat à ce secteur stratégique.

Who Wants To Quit Agriculture And Why?

Agriculture the backbone of Indian economy that engages more than 50 percent of the country’s workforce, is losing its preference as the most desired profession. Research shows that more than 40 percent of farmers dislike farming as a profession because of low profits, high risk, and lack of social status,...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Destaca FAO apoyo del gobierno mexicano a agricultura familiar

A fin de analizar temas de comunidades rurales, mejorar la capacidad de autoconsumo, intercambiar conocimientos sobre medicina tradicional, gastronomía, entre otros fue inaugurado el Foro-Taller Agricultura Familiar, Campesina e Indígena. El Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Social (Indesol), la Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la FAO y...
2015 - 20 minutos
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