Revista Mundos Rurales, octubre 2009, n° 1: Autonomías indígena originario campesinas, un nuevo desafío en Bolivia
El primer número de Mundos Rurales incluye artículos sobre:
El largo proceso de Jesús de Machaqa hacia su autonomía indígena originaria
¿Qué tan plurinacional será la nueva Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional?
Hacia las elecciones de diciembre 2009
El acceso de campesinos indígenas a la tierra es estratégico, ¿Qué presupuesto le asigna el Estado?
El rol de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2009 - Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA)
Rural women producers and cooperatives in conflicts settings in the Arab States
Ongoing violent conflicts accentuate the challenges that women and men face in the rural areas of Iraq, Lebanon, and the occupied Palestinian territories. The potential of cooperatives for sharing risk, pooling resources, learning together, generating income, and balancing work and family responsibilities, has yet to be actualized. Cooperatives in the...
Iraq - Lebanon - Palestine
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Tecnología y pequeña producción agropecuaria en la Argentina
Una caracterización basada en el censo nacional agropecuario 2002 y en estudios de caso
Este estudio intenta profundizar el conocimiento sobre los aspectos productivos y tecnológicos de los pequeños productores. En el presente estudio se reelaboró información censal sobre las producciones y tecnologías principales de la pequeña producción y sobre el impacto potencial de algunas tecnologías seleccionadas, y se indagó sobre algunas líneas fundamentales...
2009 - Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación - PROINDER, Proyecto de Desarrollo de Pequeños Productores Agropecuarios.
Газетная статья
Role of livestock projects in empowering women smallholder farmers for sustainable food security in rural Kenya
Women are a major human resource and assure adequate nutrition, health and cognitive development of their households and children in their formative years. However, women are over-represented among the poor, suffer heavy workloads and have little control over resources for family care. Poverty and food insecurity are enhanced by lack...
Landscape Agroecology: managing interactions between agriculture, nature and socio-economy
State of the art GIS and database technologies for landscape scale analysis and the modelling of land use and environmental impacts are presented. These methods have been developed at University of Aarhus in multidisciplinary collaboration with other research institutions throughout Europe; for example during the EU research projects www.mea-scope.org and...
2009 - Green Week Scientific Conference
The India MPA Workshop Proceedings - Social Dimensions of Marine Protected Areas Implementation in India: Do Fishing Communities Benefit?, 21-22 January 2009, IMAGE Auditorium, Chennai, India
‘Social Dimensions of Marine Protected Area Implementation in India: Do Fishing Communities Benefit?’ is a workshop organized by ICSF at Chennai on 21-22 January 2009. This publication—the India MPA Workshop Proceedings—contains the prospectus of the workshop, a report of the proceedings and the consensus statement that was reached by organizations...
2009 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Organic agriculture and fair trade in Pacific island countries
The increased demand for high quality products in export markets, coupled with Pacific Island Countries (PICs) national desire to protect the environment, biodiversity and family farming structures, lead to assume that organic agriculture could offer good prospects for PICs development. Besides market opportunities, organic agriculture could increase PICs food self-reliance...
Cook Islands - Fiji - Kiribati - Papua New Guinea - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Vanuatu
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Red de Acuicultura de las Américas (RAA)
a creación de la Red de Acuicultura de las Américas (RAA) es la concreción de una idea que viene ganando forma y fuerza desde los años setenta entre los países de América Latina y el Caribe por medio del apoyo de la FAO.
Los pasos más firmes hacia la concreción fueron...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - Ecuador - Guatemala - Nicaragua - Paraguay - Uruguay
2009 - Gobiernos de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, República Dominicana, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay y Uruguay
Remembering the Source
The traditional Vietnamese system of social and community organization, called van chai, can be the basis of a viable fi sheries management system
In parts of Vietnam, the van chai is an old, established institution for managing local fisheries and fishing communities. Its principal objectives are: (i) religious functions; (ii) mutual assistance; (iii) specification of the behaviour, rights and obligations of fisheries stakeholders; (iv) catch disposal; (v) governance of fishing operations; (vi) conflict...
Viet Nam
2009 - ICSF
The role of agriculture and farm household diversification in the rural economy
This report was prepared by a consultant, Darryl Jones, with contributions from Catherine Moreddu (co-ordinator) and Toru Kumagai. It was declassified by the Working Party on Agricultural Policies and Markets at its meeting of 23-24 February 2009. The report was prepared for publication by Louise Schets. This study was conducted...
2009 - OECD
Igualdad de género en la agricultura familiar del MERCOSUR
El caso de la Red Andina de Productores de Quinua
A mediados de la década de los ochenta, los derechos de las mujeres rurales emergen en la agenda regional. La denuncia de los movimientos sociales y la gradual profundización de la participación de las mujeres en la elaboración de alternativas políticas, sociales y económicas propiciaron transformaciones en las políticas públicas...
2009 - Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)
Enhancing crop-livestock systems in conservation agriculture for sustainable production intensification
A farmer discovery process going to scale in Burkina Faso
This is a story about how FAO assisted groups of farmers in five farming communities in the moist savannah zone of South Western Burkina Faso to enhance their crop-livestock systems through Conservation Agriculture (CA) practices, including crop diversification, using an innovative farmer discovery process, to bring about agricultural intensification and...
Burkina Faso
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)
The Leap Ahead - Implementation of the Slovenian Action plan for organic farming
The aim of the project is to enhance the implementation of the Action Plan for the Development of Organic Farming in Slovenia until 2015 (APOF), which was adopted by the Slovenian government in November 2005.
APOF was adopted with the argumentation that organic farming benefits biodiversity, environment, supply with quality foods...
2009 - Institute of Sustainable Development
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Agroecology as a science, a movement and a practice. A review
Agroecology involves various approaches to solve actual challenges of agricultural production. Though agroecology initially dealt primarily with crop production and protection aspects, in recent decades new dimensions such as environmental, social, economic, ethical and development issues are becoming relevant. Today, the term ‘agroecology’ means either a scientific discipline, agricultural practice,...
Brazil - France - Germany - United States of America
2009 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development
Gestion de la sécheresse et de la désertification en Méditerranée
Depuis très longtemps, la Méditerranée, de la Syrie à l’Espagne, a su pourvoir aux besoins de ses populations. Toutefois des évolutions rapides au niveau démographique et des modes de vie, ainsi que le changement climatique, engendrent des situations de tensions dans la région sur les questions de l’eau et des...
2009 - Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)
Commercial Value Chains in Zambian Agriculture
Do Smallholders Benefit?
Agriculture and agro-processing are important in Zambia's economy, representing more than 40 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and contributing about 12 percent of national export earnings. Agriculture employs some 67 percent of the labor force and supplies raw materials to agricultural industries, which account for some 84 percent of...
2009 - World Bank
Agriculture at a crossroads
International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development
The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), on which Agriculture at the Crossroads is based, was a three-year collaborative effort begun in 2005 that assessed our capacity to meet development and sustainability goals of:
• Reducing hunger and poverty
• Improving nutrition, health and rural livelihoods
• Facilitating...
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A whole farm analysis of goat production systems in north Sinai, Egypt
The present study was carried out in North Sinai region. Data were collected as part of the project "Multinational approaches to enhance goat production in the Middle East" sponsored by MERC, USAID. Three goat production systems were identified according to water source and type of feeding or grazing: (i) the...
2009 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)
Aprendiendo a criar alpacas con Julián
Cuaderno de trabajo para el 5° y 6° grado de educación primaria
Este material recoge la riqueza tecnológica, agropecuaria y cultural de la provincia de Canchis; mitos e historias son utilizados conjuntamente como herramientas pedagógicas para lograr un aprendizaje que fomente el desarrollo y la modernización de técnicas de crianza, pero que a la vez revalore las prácticas tradicionales de las comunidades altoandinas.
2009 - Soluciones Prácticas
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Accesibility to and consumption of indigenous vegetables and fruits by rural households in Matungu division, Western Kenya
Unacceptably high rates of micronutrient deficiencies persist mostly among resource-poor communities who rely on subsistence farming. In these communities, consumption of vegetables and fruits is the most sustainable way of reducing micronutrient deficiencies. Apart from enhancing dietary diversity, indigenous vegetables and fruits are often easier to grow, resistant to pests,...
Total results:19585