The Harlem Globetrotters and FAO unite to promote the right to foods
The world-famous Harlem Globetrotters took Rome by storm during World Food Day and Junior World Food Day

FAO Director-General QU Dongyu on stage with Darnell ‘Speedy’ Artis and Arysia ‘Ace' Porter of the Harlem Globetrotters during the Junior World Food Day and WFF School Assembly.
©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti
Rome - The Harlem Globetrotters teamed up with FAO to raise awareness about food security and healthy eating.
Players Darnell ‘Speedy’ Artis and Arysia 'Ace' Porter inspired children to think about what they eat while highlighting the importance of reducing food waste and ensuring the right to foods for all.
The Globetrotters are no strangers to making a difference, and this time, they did it with style in Italy’s capital, following their recent impactful involvement in a lively conversation on nutrition at the UN General Assembly in New York.
World Food Day
On World Food Day, 'Ace' and 'Speedy' shared the stage with fellow FAO Champions and Food Heroes like Goodwill Ambassador Rodrigo Pacheco, Ebru Baybara Demir (winner of the 2023 Basque Culinary World Prize), Ricardo Frugoli, Nissa Wargadipura, Matteo Ward and Judy Kipkenda following an address from King Letsie III of Lesotho, FAO Goodwill Ambassador for Nutrition. Afterwards, the Globetrotters didn’t just sit quietly in the wings; they spoke with journalists, appeared in FAO’s videos, and shared their message about proper nutrition and the right to foods.
Junior World Food Day
The next day, on Junior World Food Day, the dynamic duo charged up the atmosphere again at headquarters. As the doors of the Plenary Hall burst open, the sound of their iconic, remixed theme tune Sweet Georgia Brown filled the air, and the crowd of 1000 schoolchildren erupted with excitement.
'Ace' and 'Speedy' took to the stage, dazzling the audience with their famous tricks, alongside the FAO’s Director-General, QU Dongyu.
That afternoon, ‘Ace’ and ‘Speedy’ headed to Tor Bella Monaca, a neighbourhood in the east of Rome, for an unforgettable session of fun and games with the students of Via Acquaroni Institute. The day was filled with laughter, friendly challenges, and plenty of hugs, all the while driving home a crucial message: fight food waste and remember, the right to foods is a basic human right.
“We’re here to emphasise the importance of the right to foods for a better future, especially for the little ones”, 'Ace' explained. “They [the pupils] are the next generation, and it’s important they understand how to take care of their bodies.”
'Speedy,' who grew up in a challenging Philadelphia neighbourhood, felt a personal connection to the kids he met in the Roman neighbourhood. “This isn’t a privileged area. These kids grow up with few resources, and that hits home for me. We wanted to give them an afternoon of fun and a memory that will inspire them to follow their dreams and achieve something amazing.”
Claudia Bernabucci of the CRESCO association, which helped organize the event, expressed her gratitude to FAO: “We’re in a neighbourhood facing significant challenges, but we never stop working with young people. For us, World Food Day takes on a much deeper meaning—reminding these children that elsewhere in the world, kids their age are living in war zones and suffering from hunger.”
FAO captured the heartwarming event on film, which was also followed by several national press agencies.
A global mission to promote nutrition
The visit of ‘Ace’ and ‘Speedy’ continues the Harlem Globetrotters' event-based partnership with FAO. Earlier this year, members of the team visited a school-feeding project in the Dominican Republic (as featured on their Emmy Award-winning TV show Play It Forward on NBC) and in March, they stopped by headquarters to film a social media campaign promoting good nutrition and food waste reduction with schoolchildren in Rome.
With their unique blend of athleticism, entertainment, and heart, the Harlem Globetrotters continue to leverage their global reach to champion causes that align with FAO’s mission to end hunger and improve food security.