En 1964, en su segundo período de sesiones, la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius estableció el Comité Coordinador para Europa, que sucedería al “Consejo Europeo del Codex Alimentarius” y sustituiría al "Grupo Consultivo para Europa", creado en su primer período de sesiones en 1963.
La primera reunión del Comité Coordinador para Europa se celebró en julio de 1965 en Berna (Suiza) y a ella asistieron 16 países de la región.
El coordinador actual, Alemania, tiene su sede en el Ministerio Federal de Alimentación y Agricultura (BMEL).
Las prioridades fundamentales de Alemania como coordinador son las siguientes:
- reducir los obstáculos a la participación activa de los miembros de la región en los trabajos del Codex;
- aumentar la sensibilización sobre el papel del Codex y de la inocuidad de los alimentos en general en la transición hacia sistemas alimentarios sostenibles;
- promover el uso de las normas del Codex en los ámbitos prioritarios como la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (RAM).
Con el fin de abordar estas prioridades, el coordinador aprovechará las sinergias de las actividades internacionales y regionales de la Secretaría del Codex, la FAO y la OMS, así como de los observadores del Codex.
For the third time FoodFakty organized a Polish initiative: FoodFakty Safety Week (FFSW) – the cycle of five online sessions around World Food Safety Day - and thus joined the global celebrations. The official theme of the event this year was: "Food standards save lives", which was the start for a broader perspective of global challenges contained in the WHO global strategy for food safety 2022-2030, paying particular attention to emerging threats.
Additionally, this year, together with the Contact Point [...]
On 19 June, and for the second consecutive year, fruit drinks producer, Sumol+Compal, promoted World Food Safety Day, with a talk open to all employees. The objective of the event was to promote and consolidate the culture of quality and food safety in the organization.
The talk had the theme “Impact of the evolution of standards on the food industry”. There were two invited speakers, André Santos and Maria Noémia Gomes, who answered some questions about the topic of the talk.
The company [...]
The FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and the WHO Regional Office for Europe (EURO) co-hosted a World Food Safety Day webinar on 28 June to address the linkages between One Health and food safety.
Welcome remarks were given by Raimund Jehle, Regional Programme Leader, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, who said: “Food safety authorities have long worked to manage food safety issues through a set of key principles including a risk-based approach, applying controls from [...]
Students of the Department of Veterinary Sanitation of the Faculty of Veterinary and Husbandry Technologies at the S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University, together with their lecturer, Associate Professor Laura Auteleyeva, created a ‘flash mob’ video for World Food Safety Day. Set to a rap sound track, the students can be seen wearing World Food Safety Day T-shirts and laboratory coats, as well as dark glasses, as Professor Auteleyeva walks into shot to front the ‘mob’ scene.
Watch the video
The Risk Assessment Conference, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) Scientific Committee, was held on 7 June, in the AESAN headquarters in Madrid.
The Scientific Committee is the Risk Assessment Board in charge of providing risk assessments and scientific reports on food safety and nutrition, defining the scope of the research work necessary for the fulfilment of its functions and coordinating the work of the groups of experts that carry [...]
On 7 June, FAO in Albania celebrated World Food Safety Day in collaboration with the EU-funded Food Safety Project and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The joint event brought together representatives from the tourism sector, associations, agrifood regulators and consumers.
In a video message recorded for the event, Raimund Jehle, FAO Representative for Albania, talked of the role of food safety in achieving healthy diets, in enhancing market access and economic development and in ensuring food and nutrition security. [...]
As a national Codex Contact Point (CCP) for North Macedonia the Food and Veterinary Agency (FVA) for the fifth time joined the global campaign to mark 7 June, World Food Safety Day. The aim of the initiative was to bring together different stakeholders involved in the food chain and through public debate to raise awareness for food safety as well as inform the public about the importance of prevention, detection and handling of food poisoning, thus contributing to food security, [...]
The Codex Contact Point (CCP) in Poland has completed the translation of a foundation Codex text, the General Principles of Food Hygiene into Polish. “This standard is of the greatest interest to stakeholders in Poland,” said Magdalena Kowalska (pictured second left), “and we have frequently been asked about access to this particular document by food business operators.”
The project is part of Polish celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission which coincides with 60 years of the CCP in [...]
The LSG Group celebrated World Food Safety Day with various activities happening at LSG Sky Chefs facilities around the world. Celebrations were held everywhere, and employees not only highlighted the importance of this issue, but also showed their commitment.
Operating in airline catering, food safety is at the core of what LSG Group does. "By following legal standards and our company food standards we provide safe products to our customers. By guaranteeing every day anew that our food is safe, we [...]
In a World Food Safety Day webinar the Spanish food safety consultancy, Ainia, provided an overview of good food safety practices.
The event had a participation of 150 attendees and focused on exposing some aspects of the 5 basic elements:
Make sure they are safe
Ensure safe planting
Keep them safe
Understand what is “safe”
Create food safety teams
In addition, three strategic pillars to achieve the vision: "Safe food for people everywhere" were discussed. This included:
1. Benchmarking and harmonization: integration of legal/regulatory requirements with those of [...]