1964 年,食品法典委员会在其第二届会议上 ,以接替“欧洲食品法典理事会”,并取代 1963 年第一届会议上设立的“欧洲咨询小组”。
欧洲协调委员会第一次会议于 1965 年 7 月在瑞士伯尔尼举行,来自该地区的 16 个国家参加了会议。
现任协调员为德国,常驻联邦食品和农业部 (BMEL).
- 减少该地区成员积极参与食典委工作的障碍,
- 提高人们认识食典委和食品安全在向可持续食品系统过渡期间的作用,以及
- 促进在抗菌素耐药性(AMR)等优先领域使用食品法典标准。

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland educates small food businesses for World Food Safety Day
As Ireland emerges from COVID19 lockdowns, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) used World Food Safety Day as an opportunity to inform small food enterprises about food safety guidelines and regulations. In a short talk on “How to manage food safety in your business,”, the FSAI’s Lisa O’Carroll noted that many small food businesses might be moving from providing a takeaway service back to a “sit-in” service and, indeed, many people are looking to start new food businesses.
This event [...]
03 June 2021

Poland’s Codex team keeping the country informed on nationwide WFSD activities
This year in Poland, there are two major events taking place: the 5-day Food Fakty e-Forum and an awareness campaign from the country’s Agricultural and Food Quality Inspectorate. The Codex Contact Point in Poland is a key part in this awareness raising, having translated World Food Safety Day promotional materials into Polish and distributed them to all institutions with which they cooperate on a daily basis, be they governmental, non-governmental, research institutes, universities, industry or consumer associations. “We also keep [...]
03 June 2021

Kazakh students wish you all a Happy World Food Safety Day!
Under the auspices of their Professor, Maikanov B. S. and PhD, Auteleyeva L.T., students at the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University in Kazakhstan have made a video especially for World Food Safety Day.
In a series of messages to their compatriots, the students say in the video that “food safety is a guarantee of health of Kazakhstan citizens,” “safe products are a guarantee of the future” and “food safety is the safety of the nation.”
They also emphasise the World Food [...]
01 June 2021

Hungarian food safety office campaigns for food safety as “our common cause”
Hungary’s ‘Nébih’ – or National Food Chain Safety Office – will be embracing World Food Safety Day this year, in a series of events that will make use of the World Food Safety Day slogan, “food safety is everyone’s business” and the theme, “safe food now for a healthy tomorrow.”
Activities will involve a photo collage to be produced as part of an internal Nébih campaign, to which employees will be asked to contribute images of safe food practices. The resulting [...]
29 May 2021

The University of Malta to highlight the impacts of climate change on food safety for World Food Safety Day
The University of Malta news service, Newspoint, will mark World Food Safety Day this year, by highlighting an ‘eye-opening’ project in which the university is a partner. The 3-year-old Project PROTECT, being led by University College, Dublin, is examining foodborne microbial responses to climate change. For its part, the University of Malta’s Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, led by Professor Vasilis Valdramidis, is looking at, for example, the growth of different microorganisms in response to changing atmospheric conditions and [...]
21 May 2021

The Cyprus University of Technology is running a student competition for World Food Safety Day
The Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Science at the Cyprus University of Technology (TEPAK) is organizing a competition on Food Safety in celebration of World Food Safety Day 2021.
All active undergraduate and postgraduate students at TEPAK can participate in the competition either individually or in groups of up to three students. Students are encouraged to produce submissions in the form of a photo, poster, photomontage or photo-history aimed at:
Highlighting right and wrong practices of food processing and preservation
Presenting [...]
16 May 2021

Azerbaijan launches awareness-raising campaign
The Food Safety Agency of Azerbaijan, together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Azerbaijan, has launched a series of awareness-raising events in recognition of World Food Safety Day this year.
The planned activities include the production of a poster that is being strategically placed in the premises of businesses involved in the food chain, whether they are food producers or processors, restaurants or shops. In line with the World Food Safety Day slogan, “Food safety [...]
11 May 2021

Codex Trust Fund / Training on Codex online tools in Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan is among the recipient countries of the Codex Trust Fund. The country started the implementation of its project in January 2021 and in early April 2021, the key stakeholders working with Codex related issues gathered for an inception meeting and planning session. The inception meeting was followed up with a hands-on training on mechanisms and procedures for communication with Codex. The training was held on 29 April 2021 and attended by 16 participants representing State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service [...]
08 May 2021

Republic of Uzbekistan holds first national Codex meeting
On 29 and 30 April 2021, Uzbekistan held the first meeting of the National Commission on Codex Alimentarius, since 2005, when it first joined Codex. The meeting was held in a hybrid, online format, with the participation of representatives of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, the State Veterinary Committee and development of animal husbandry, State Plant Quarantine Inspection and “Uzstandard” Agency.
The meeting agreed that for Uzbekistan to effectively protect the health of consumers from unsafe food [...]
08 May 2021

Kazakhstan hosts webinar on Codex and risk assessment
A series of regional training webinars on food safety based on risk assessment and Codex Alimentarius Standards took place in the Republic of Kazakhstan from 7 to 9 April 2021.
The webinar series was arranged by the Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CSEC) jointly with the "National Center of Expertise" at CSEC and the Codex Alimentarius Group in Kazakhstan. Participants included representatives of business operators of the Kyzylorda region, the [...]
15 April 2021
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