1964 年,食品法典委员会在其第二届会议上 ,以接替“欧洲食品法典理事会”,并取代 1963 年第一届会议上设立的“欧洲咨询小组”。
欧洲协调委员会第一次会议于 1965 年 7 月在瑞士伯尔尼举行,来自该地区的 16 个国家参加了会议。
现任协调员为德国,常驻联邦食品和农业部 (BMEL).
- 减少该地区成员积极参与食典委工作的障碍,
- 提高人们认识食典委和食品安全在向可持续食品系统过渡期间的作用,以及
- 促进在抗菌素耐药性(AMR)等优先领域使用食品法典标准。

University POLITEHNICA Timisoara, Romania holds poster competition
The Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, University POLITEHNICA Timisoara, Romania is joining the WHO and FAO campaign on World Food Safety Day by organizing the Youth and Food Safety Competition. Because the day is 7th of June, 7 themes on food chain components that greatly impact food safety are proposed to middle school, high school and college students for a poster presentation.
The aim is to raise awareness on food safety importance, to inform and to involve more and [...]
08 June 2020

Luxembourg launches online quiz for World Food Safety Day
Luxembourg has launched an online quiz (www.secheriessen.lu) on food safety topics (from 3 until 14 June, available in French and Luxemburgish) to celebrate the World Food Safety Day edition 2020.
A press communication (in French) accompanied the launch of the quiz and shares the links to the EFSA website, to the new F2F strategy and to the results of the Eurobarometer 2019.
The press release was also published on the national food safety website using communication materials of the WHO and FAO campaign [...]
06 June 2020

“Food Safety and COVID-19, Connection or Obsession?” A webinar by FEDALCYTA
This year, to mark the second celebration of World Food Safety Day, FEDALCYTA, the Food Campus of the University of Barcelona and FEDNU, are holding a webinar on 8 June.
The webinar “Food Safety and COVID-19, Connection or Obsession? Exploring reality based on risk analysis” aims to provide an outlook of the changes required to prevent the impacts of COVID-19 impact on consumer health, global food trade, local markets and the food supply chain.
Save the Date
8 June, 16:30 CEST
Register at: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/dmia-2020/register
Follow [...]
05 June 2020

European Food Safety Authority live Twitter Q&A 8 June 15:00 CET
Working to raise awareness of food safety and inspire action that helps prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks, the European Food Safety Authority will be hosting a Twitter Q&A on Monday 8 June 2020, 15:00 CET.
Questions will be answered live on line by Bernhard Url, EFSA’s Executive Director and Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt
Read more about EFSA’s commitment to World Food Safety Day here.
Get involved on Twitter with the hashtag #AskEFSA
We look forward to answering your questions with #CodexSecretary Tom Heilandt [...]
05 June 2020

Tajikistan to celebrate World Food Safety Day with comprehensive communications campaign
Food safety is a priority by the government of Tajikistan. In commemoration of the day, the government plans to roll-out a comprehensive communications campaign with the purpose to: (i) raise awareness of the population on the WHO five keys to safer food; promote food safety as everyone’s business; improve food safety in markets and outlets; strengthen intersectoral collaboration; convene government agencies to take necessary policy decisions to strengthen the national food safety system.
With the support of WHO, the Ministry of [...]
04 June 2020

Five Keys to Safer Food - Five Kilometres to support Food Safety
Safe food, balanced nutrition and physical exercise are necessary to stay healthy. In Germany, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) as well as the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) have joined forces to organise an annual World Food Safety Day charity run.
Not only will the 5K run help raise awareness of the importance of food safety for every individual, but also money for small-scale food safety projects [...]
29 May 2020

Danish food solutions to heighten global food quality and safety
Denmark are planning World Food Safety Day activites on and around June 7 with a focus on Danish food solutions to heighten global food quality and safety.
Denmark will also hold a webinar on June 8 for Danish exporting food companies where a panel including Esben Egede, Executive Director, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Søren Tinggaard, Vice President, Pork Export Strategy & Marketing, Danish Crown and Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation will explore how to use quality and food safety as [...]
27 May 2020

Czech Republic plans a series of World Food Safety Day publishing activities
Here are the planned activites for World Food Safety Day in the Czech Republic.
26 May 2020
The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish a short article containing WFSD original key messages on www.bezpecnostpotravin.cz with refence to FAO and WHO activities; and promo materials on social media - Facebook, Twitter (following EFSA activities when key messages and promo materials (images) will be rolled out on social media in a pre-phase starting on 25 May 2020).
2 June 2020
The Ministry of [...]
25 May 2020

Codex Euro Region responds to the challenge of cancelled meetings
If you review the history of Codex committees since 1963 there are occasional gaps in the meeting schedule and most of these in the early years of Codex as the programme gradually developed and expanded. Some committees do not meet every year and so the average number of sessions through the 1970s, 80s, 90s and up to the present day has grown from less than 10 in any calendar year up to 20 in 2019.
What then to make of the [...]
13 May 2020

EFSA / communication and common ground key to working together
A team from the FAO Food Safety and Quality Unit together with representatives from the Codex Secretariat and the FAO Nutrition Department travelled to Parma, Italy today to meet with the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA). The meeting was an opportunity to find common ground and share insights on a range of issues including scientific opinions, risk communication and possibilities for cooperation on major campaigns such as World Food Safety Day and the International Year of Plant Health.
Bernhard Url, Executive [...]
28 January 2020
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