1964 年,食品法典委员会在其第二届会议上 ,以接替“欧洲食品法典理事会”,并取代 1963 年第一届会议上设立的“欧洲咨询小组”。
欧洲协调委员会第一次会议于 1965 年 7 月在瑞士伯尔尼举行,来自该地区的 16 个国家参加了会议。
现任协调员为德国,常驻联邦食品和农业部 (BMEL).
- 减少该地区成员积极参与食典委工作的障碍,
- 提高人们认识食典委和食品安全在向可持续食品系统过渡期间的作用,以及
- 促进在抗菌素耐药性(AMR)等优先领域使用食品法典标准。

Lisbon workshop raises awareness on full stakeholder engagement in Codex
On January 9, 2018, a training course was held in Lisbon, Portugal, with the objective to reorganize and strengthen the participation of national representatives of different committees in Codex work, as well as, to raise awareness concerning the need to engage all stakeholder groups (Non-governmental organizations, consumer organizations and industry associations) and partners (Ministry of science, health, trade and foreign affairs) in Codex work.
This training was organized and conducted by the General Directorate for Food and Veterinary / Food Safety [...]
18 January 2018

Working together to build national Codex capacity in Bishkek
On November 28, 2017, a workshop took place in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic to raise awareness about the importance of the work of Codex for members of Parliament and high level government employees.
This workshop was organized and conducted by the Center for Standardization and Metrology under the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic in cooperation with the WHO country office The meeting was also supported by the FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund as part of the Kyrgyz project on improvement of [...]
29 November 2017

New Chair for CCMAS Dr Marót Hibbey
On Monday 8th May the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling holds its 38th session in Budapest Hungary.
Dr Marót Hibbey will chair the meeting for the first time and ahead of the meeting he took part in a Question and Answer session.
Dr Marót Hibbey
Q1 This meeting will be your first as Chair, can you tell us a little about your professional and personal background?
I graduated as a vet in the Szent István University of Veterinary Sciences in Budapest, and [...]
06 May 2017

Codex Chairperson Joins Kazakhstan Colleagues at Almaty Marathon
The Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Mrs Awilo Ochieng Pernet joined the General Director of the Kazakhstan National Center of Expertise (KZ-NCE) Mr Kanat Balykbayev to run the Almaty Marathon in Kazakhstan on 23.4.2017.
Almaty Marathon in Kazakhstan
The “Codex Runners” were supported by an outstanding “Codex Almaty Marathon Team” led by the Director of the Almaty Branch of the KZ-NCE Mr Sanat Saptaev and his Deputy-Director Mr Jumash Sandykbayev. The project to have a “Codex Team” at the 42 Km [...]
26 April 2017

50 years of the Codex Nutrition Committee
This year marks the 50th anniversary of CCNFSDU.
In the very early days of Codex, in 1965, the fledgling European Coordinating Committee made a proposal to hand responsibility for a new European Committee on Dietetic Foodstuffs to the Federal Republic of Germany due to the experience in this field of the Federal Ministry of Health.
First meeting
The Committee on Dietetic Foods first met in Germany in May 1966. Items on the agenda included matters regarding “gluten free” foods, “foods for nursing mothers, [...]
04 December 2016

CCEURO meeting in Astana
The FAO/WHO RCCs provide an incredibly important opportunity for dynamic discussion on major and emerging food safety and quality issues facing the region.
There are six Codex regions each represented by a joint FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC).They meet every two years. Each committee is responsible for defining the problems and needs of the region concerning food standards and food control. By working collectively at the regional level countries are able to highlight regulatory issues and problems arising from food control [...]
30 September 2016
Video Message
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