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Координационный комитет Кодекса по Северной Америке и юго-западной части Тихого океана (CCNASWP), региональный координатор – Фиджи

В ходе 18-й сессии Комиссии “Кодекс Алиментариус”, состоявшейся в 1989 году, было принято решение об учреждении нового Координационного комитета по Северной Америке и Юго-Западному Тихоокеанскому региону, призванного объединить, по словам делегации Новой Зеландии, “дальние страны, у которых много общих интересов”.

Координационный комитет по Северной Америке и Юго-Западному Тихоокеанскому региону представляет невероятно разнообразный по своему составу регион, объединивший страны со зрелой экономикой, такие как США, Канада, Австралия и Новая Зеландия, и 10 малых островных государств, самым крупным из которых является Папуа-Новая Гвинея с населением более 7 млн человек, а самыми маленькими – Острова Кука и Науру с населением около 10 000 человек.

Штаб-квартирой регионального координатора стало Министерство сельского хозяйства Республики Фиджи.

Республика Фиджи готова к внедрению стандартов на национальном уровне и оказанию поддержки всем странам региона – особенно малым островным развивающимся государствам, – которая необходима для создания крепкой нормативной базы, способной обеспечить безопасность пищевых продуктов. Эти инициативы благотворно повлияют на общественное здравоохранение и позволят гарантировать безопасность и определенный уровень качества импортируемых пищевых продуктов и расширить доступ к международным рынкам.

Региональный координатор продолжит поддерживать работу над региональными стандартами и стремиться к расширению участия региона в работе Кодекса. Чтобы обеспечить более активное участие большего количества стран в работе Кодекса, необходимо продолжить наращивание потенциала на национальном уровне, усиливая роль национальных координаторов и контактных лиц.


Новости из региона

CCNASWP17 / Meeting opens in Fiji to discuss food safety and standards for the region

The 17th session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for North America and the South West Pacific has commenced in Nadi, Fiji. The meeting was opened with a traditional Fijian welcome, after which the Honourable Vatimi Rayalu, Fiji’s Minister for Agriculture and Waterways, gave his opening remarks, together with representatives of FAO, WHO and the Codex Alimentarius. “Food safety is not just a regional concern, it is a global priority that represents one of the most pressing challenges in trade, public health [...]
03 February 2025

CCNASWP17 / Interview with the Chairperson

As Fiji gears up to host the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for North America and South West Pacific (CCNASWP) for the last time in this term, we spoke with the Chairperson, Andrew Tukana, about achievements, hopes and expectations for the upcoming meeting. What benefits have you seen as consequence of your work in the region? First of all, I must thank Fiji’s former Coordinator of CCNASWP, Vinesh Kumar, for the great work in hosting the meeting in in 2023 (CCNASWP16). As the Coordinator [...]
31 January 2025

World Food Safety Day/ Food Safety Matters podcast

Food Safety Matters, a podcast for food safety professionals hosted by Food Safety Magazine, hosted an episode on improving food safety in traditional markets on 25 June, 2024. The podcast guests, Caroline Smith DeWaal, Senior Manager at the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), and Richard Pluke,the Food Safety Lead and Chief of Party for GAIN's EatSafe programme described the work to improve food safety in traditional markets, while also striving to encourage healthier diets and sustainable food systems. The [...]
15 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ A Food Loss and Waste Podcast

The United States of America Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Kitchen Sink: A Food Loss and Waste Podcast celebrated World Food Safety Day this year with a special episode on food safety. The host and producer, Nika Larian, USAID Senior Nutrition Advisor for Food Safety, was joined by three experts, Richard Pluke, the Food Safety Lead and Chief of Party for the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) EatSafe project; Roberta Lauretti-Bernhard, Vice President for Programs at Food Enterprise Solutions and [...]
15 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Papua New Guinea Minister opens national event

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05 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Australia Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry symposium

The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is organizing for World Food Safety Day a half-day hybrid event to be held in the nation’s capital, Canberra, and online on Tuesday 11 June 2024. The Department is the lead agency in Australia for Codex Alimentarius and sees World Food Safety Day as an opportunity to promote international food safety standard-setting among partner Codex agencies, industry and consumer organizations and food and beverage businesses. This year’s World Food Safety Day theme, [...]
11 June 2024

The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CNR) celebrates Codex at 60 with style

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20 September 2023

Ngā mihi nui: Celebrating New Zealand at Codex – Past, Present and Future

In mid-June 2023, just weeks after marking World Food Safety Day, New Zealand celebrated 60 years of success in Codex at The Beehive, New Zealand Parliament. The anniversary festivities were attended by the Minister for Food Safety, Hon Rachel Brooking and the Minister of Agriculture, Hon Damien O’Connor.  Representatives from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) also attended, including Director-General Ray Smith, Deputy Director-General (DDG) Policy and Trade Julie Collins, acting DDG New Zealand Food Safety (NZFS) Jenny Bishop, and other [...]
05 July 2023

Childhood diet and behavioural change the focus of World Food Safety Day events in Fiji

World Food Safety Day was celebrated in a high-level event in Suva, Fiji on 7 June. Officials from the government and international organizations gave speeches in the morning, which were followed by two competitions. The Chief Health Inspector of Fiji, Vimal Deo, opened proceedings, offering welcome remarks and an introduction to the day’s events. He then handed over to two chief guests, the Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Vatimi Rayalu, and the Minister for Health and Medical Services, Hon. Dr Ratu Atonio [...]
30 June 2023

American World Food Safety Day webinar to look at the economic and health implications of food safety

Agrilinks, an “online hub where agriculture, food security and development professionals connect” will celebrate World Food Safety Day in a webinar entitled Tiny Microbes with Big Business Impact: The Economic and Health Implications of Food Safety. According to the event organizers, globally, conflict and climate change threaten advances made to reduce hunger and support economic development. Without safe food, we are not able to properly address food security issues. Through biological and chemical contamination, tiny microbes can have big impacts on [...]
28 June 2023
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