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هيئة الدستور الغذائي
08/11/2021 - 14/12/2021 | افتراضي,


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made it impossible to convene physical meetings in 2021 and, in line with the agreement of CAC43, Codex subsidiary bodies and CCEXEC have been held virtually in 2021. FAO and WHO have determined that it is not possible to plan CAC44 as a physical session in 2021 and proposed that like CAC43, CAC44 be held virtually, subject to the endorsement of two-thirds of the Members of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Following the endorsement by more than two thirds of the Members of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), the 44th Session of the Commission (CAC44) will now be convened virtually. The virtual session of the Commission has been enabled by the agreement of the Membership to the suspension of Certain Rules of Procedure, details of which can be downloaded here. Members also endorsed the proposal to conduct elections by secret ballot through in-person voting by appointment in Geneva.

Additional dates have been added to facilitate the virtual discussions. CAC44 will meet in plenary to discuss the agenda items on 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17 November 2021, 12.00-15.00 CET.
Adoption of the report will take place on 18 November 2021, 12.00-15.00 CET. An additional session for the adoption of the report has been added as in the paragraph below.

The Appendices and draft List of Participants are already online.

Additional Session – 14th December 2021: 11:00 to 15:00h CET

To enable completion of report adoption, an additional plenary session (day 10 of CAC44) has been added. Access remains the same as for all previous CAC44 discussions. This final session will address the outstanding items of report adoption namely:
• Item 2 – Section on the CCEXEC recommendations on the path forward for the proposed MRLs on zilpaterol; and
• Item 11 - Other Business
In preparation for the session, written comments to facilitate improvement of the report have been requested through CL80 available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Written comments should be submitted by 23.45 h CET on Friday 3 December 2021.
A revised version of the report will subsequently be prepared by the Secretariat and published on this page in advance of the session on 14th December 2021.


All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the online registration system by accessing the link below, latest by 31 October 2021.

Special note for Members:

In registering your delegation for CAC44 please indicate the individual in the delegation who will serve as your Voting Delegate and the individual who will serve as your Alternate Voting Delegate, noting that these individuals will need to be physically present in Geneva during the dates of the Commission in order to vote in the elections (e.g. individuals based at the Embassy or Permanent Mission in Geneva). Please use the drop-down menu for “Specific Role” in the online Registration Form to indicate this. Further information on the logistical arrangements for voting will be forthcoming. In the case of Members that do not have Representation in Geneva, the Codex Secretariat will be in contact regarding the options available for participation in the elections.


The Codex Secretariat has prepared guidance for members and observers to facilitate the smooth running of CAC44. This guidance is available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. For more information see the Information for Delegates webpage.


All information on CAC44 elections and voting process are available here.

Please find more Information for Voting Delegates here available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

Timeslots for voting are available on the right column.


CAC44 will be streamed in six languages at the links below. Members of the General Public who wish to follow the proceedings can do so via the webstream.


Links to CAC44 Webcast are here available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Last session of 14/12/2021 is available in English only.

All sessions of the CAC44 including the elections will be streamed in 6 languages through the links above. As we have a limitation of 1000 delegates who can join the meeting by zoom we strongly recommend that delegates that are not directly supporting their heads of delegations follow the meeting webstream.

Information event on CAC44

A webinar was held on 21 July 2021 to give countries an update on plans for (CAC44).
Download the webinar audio: English, French, Spanish and read the related news item here.
An informal survey of participants to the webinar on the challenges and benefits of virtual working and considerations for future meetings of codex is available here.

Questions and Answers based on queries arising during the webinar on the endorsement process and the related logistics are available here.

المستندات ذات الصلة

العنصروصفتاريخ التحميل
الوثيقة المرجعية
8.1مصادر الأغذية ونظم الإنتاج الجديدة: الحاجة إلى عناية الدستور الغذائي وتوجيهاته10/09/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/15 Add.1
3التعديلات في دليل الإجراءات10/09/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/2
4.4عمل لجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بنظم فحص الواردات والصادرات الغذائية وإصدار الشهادات لاعتماده أو الموافقة عليه من جانب الهيئة17/09/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/6
8.4حساب أمانة الدستور الغذائي: الدروس المستفادة من جائحة كوفيد-1916/09/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/15 Add.4
4.1عمل لجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بالتوابل وأعشاب الطهي لاعتماده أو الموافقة عليه من قبل الهيئة21/09/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/3
4.3عمل من إعداد لجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بأساليب التحليل وأخذ العيّنات لاعتماده أو الموافقة عليه من جانب الهيئة 22/09/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/5
4.2عمل من إعداد لجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بالملوثات في الأغذية لاعتماده أو الموافقة عليه من جانب الهيئة 22/09/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/4
13.3أنشطة حساب أمانة الدستور الغذائي23/09/2021
8.3تحديث الاستراتيجية العالمية لمنظمة الصحة العالمية بشأن السلامة الغذائية 24/09/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/15 Add.3
4.5عمل لجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بمخلفات العقاقير البيطرية في الأغذية لاعتماده أو الموافقة عليه من جانب الهيئة 30/09/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/7
3.2اقتراح الدورة الخامسة والعشرين للجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بمخلّفات العقاقير البيطرية في الأغذية30/09/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/2 Add.2
4.7عمل لجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بالمواد المضافة إلى الأغذية لاعتماده أو الموافقة عليه من جانب الهيئة 07/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/9
4.6عمل من إعداد لجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بمخلفات المبيدات لاعتماده أو الموافقة عليه من جانب الهيئة 08/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/8
8المسائل الناشئة عن منظمة الأغذية والزراعة ومنظمة الصحة العالمية11/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/15
13.1أنشطة منظمة الأغذية والزراعة ومنظمة الصحة العالمية في مجال تنمية القدرات14/10/2021
13.2الدعم العلمي المقدم من منظمة الأغذية والزراعة ومنظمة الصحة العالمية إلى الدستور الغذائي: تقرير عن الأنشطة والمسائل المالية والمتعلقة بالميزانية15/10/2021
1جدول الأعمال المؤقت18/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/1 Rev.1
4.8عمل من إعداد لجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بتوسيم الأغذية لاعتماده أو الموافقة عليه من جانب الهيئة 24/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/10
5التعديلات التحريرية في نصوص الدستور الغذائي بناءً على اقتراح أمانة الدستور الغذائي22/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/12
7المسائل المالية والمتعلقة بالميزانية الخاصة بالدستور الغذائي: التقدم المحرز في الفترة 2020-2021 25/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/14
2تقرير الدورة الثمانين للجنة التنفيذية لهيئة الدستور الغذائي25/10/2021
4.9فريق المهام الحكومي الدولي المخصص التابع للدستور الغذائي المعني بمقاومة مضادات الميكروبات 27/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/11
102المعايير والمبادئ التوجيهية الإجرائية للجان هيئة الدستور الغذائي وفرق المهام الحكومية الدولية المختصة التي تعمل بالمراسلة29/10/2021
6المسائل ذات الصلة بالأجهزة الفرعية الأخرى التابعة للدستور الغذائي من إعداد أمانة الدستور الغذائي 02/11/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/13
10تحديد البلدان المسؤولة عن تعيين رؤساء الأجهزة الفرعية للدستور الغذائي 03/11/2021
CX/CAC 12/44/17
2.5تقرير الدورة الحادية والثمانين للجنة التنفيذية لهيئة الدستور الغذائي06/11/2021
9انتخاب الرئيس ونواب الرئيس والأعضاء المنتخبين على أساس التوزيع الجغرافي08/11/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/16
109Comments of the Good Food Institue on Agenda Item 8.110/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/9
105Proposal for the Development of a Codex Standard for Yeast28/10/2021
CAC/44 CRD/5
10360th Anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission: 1963-2023 Codex standards: Science, policy and practice for consumer health protection and fair practices in the food trade25/10/2021
CAC/44 CRD/3
107Comments of Ecuador and Costa Rica on Agenda Item 228/10/2021
CAC/44 CRD/7
101Division of Competence between the European Union and its member states05/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/1
106Comments of Panama on Agenda Item 2 of CCEXEC8128/10/2021
CAC/44 CRD/6
141Comments of Ecuador, Costa Rica, Uruguay (Argentina, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Saint Lucia, Paraguay and Trinidad And Tobago) on Agenda Item 4.5 12/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/41
3.1Comments on Amendments to the Procedural Manual13/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/2 Add.1
4.32Comments on draft Standards and related texts submitted by the 41st session of the CCMAS41 for final or step 5 adoption 24/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/5 Add.1
8.2New FAO food safety strategy 2022-2031 – update of the status20/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/15 Add.2 Rev.1
4.11Comments on draft standards and related texts submitted by the 5th Session of the CCSCH for final or step 5 adoption21/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/3 Add1
4.41Comments on draft standards and related texts submitted by the 25th Session of the CCFICS for final or step 5 adoption11/10/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/6 Add.1
104Comments of Thailand on Agenda Item 2 of CCEXEC8126/10/2021
CAC/44 CRD/4
108Comments of Thailand on Agenda Item 528/10/2021
CAC/44 CRD/8
4.71Comments on draft standards and related texts submitted by the 52nd session of CCFA02/11/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/9 Add.1
4.21Comments on draft standards and related texts submitted by the 14th session of CCCF06/11/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/4 Add. 1
4.51Comments on draft standards and related texts submitted by the 25th session of CCRVDF06/11/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/7 Add. 1
4.61Comments on draft standards and related texts submitted by the 52nd session of CCPR06/11/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/8 Add. 1
4.91Comments on draft standards and related texts submitted by the 8th session of TFAMR06/11/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/11 Add. 1
110Comments of El Salvador on Agenda Item 306/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/10
4.82Comments on draft standards and related texts submitted by the 46th session of CCFL07/11/2021
CX/CAC 21/44/10 Add. 1
111Comments of Ghana and Philippines on Agenda Item 4.106/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/11
112Comments of El Salvador, Ghana, Philippines and Thailand on Agenda Item 4.206/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/12
113Comments of El Salvador and Ghana on Agenda Item 4.306/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/13
114Comments of El Salvador, Ghana and Philippines on Agenda Item 4.406/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/14
115Comments of El Salvador, Ghana and Philippines on Agenda Item 4.506/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/15
116Comments of El Salvador, Ghana, Morocco and Philippines on Agenda Item 4.606/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/16
117Comments of Ghana and Ecuador on Agenda Item 4.706/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/17
118Comments of Ghana on Agenda Item 4.806/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/18
119Comments of Morocco on Agenda Item 4.906/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/19
121Comments of HealthforAnimals on Agenda Item 206/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/21
120Comments of Thailand and IUFoST on Agenda Item 8.106/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/20
122Comments of Dominican Republic on Agenda Item 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 5, 8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9, 1007/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/22
123Comments of Singapore on Agenda Item 8.107/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/23
124Comments of Guatemala on Agenda Item 3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.907/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/24
125Comments of African Union on Agenda Item 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.908/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/25
126Comments of Nigeria on Agenda Item 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.8, 4.908/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/26
127Comments of Peru on Agenda Item 4.808/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/27
128Comments of Philippines on Agenda Item 4.908/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/28
129Comments of Republic of Korea on Agenda Item 2, 8.408/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/29
131Comments of Saudi Arabia on Agenda Item 4.1, 4.7, 4.908/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/31
132Comments of Indonesia on Agenda Item 2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 8.108/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/32
130Comments of India on Agenda Item 1, 3, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.7, 5, 608/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/30
133Comments of CropLife International on Agenda Item 4.608/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/33
134CRITICAL REVIEW - PART 2 (CCRVDF25 AND CCPR52) Coordination of work between CCPR and CCRVDF on issues of common interest 08/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/34
135Comments of European Union on Agenda Item 8.109/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/35
136Comments of Ecuador on Agenda Item 4.2, 4.5, 4.6, 4.909/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/36
137Comments of National Health Federation on Agenda Item 4.6, 4.909/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/37
138Comments of Senegal on Agenda Item 1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 8.1, 8.2, 8.309/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/38
139Comments of the European Union and its Member States on Agenda Item 4.510/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/39
140Comments of CropLife International on Agenda Item 4.6, 4.911/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/40
142Comments of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, China, European Union, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, Russian Federation, Singapore, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan on Agenda Item 2.14/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/42
143Comments of NHF on Agenda Item 215/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/43
144Comments of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Agenda Item 215/11/2021
CAC/44 CRD/44
145Request for comments on Agenda item 2 Zilpaterol and Agenda item 11 Other Business of the CAC44 draft report13/12/2021
CRD 45
146All files zip collection