1 | Provisional agenda | 09/01/2020 | | CX/MAS 21/41/1 |
4.2 | Review of methods of analysis in CXS234: fats and oils workable package | 12/03/2021 | | CX/MAS 21/41/5 |
2.1 | Matters referred by the CAC and other Subsidiary Bodies | 15/03/2021 | | CX/MAS 21/41/2 |
3.1 | Endorsement of Methods of Analysis and Sampling Plans for Provisions in Codex Standards | 15/03/2021 | | CX/MAS 21/41/3 |
7.1 | Revision of the General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG50-2004) | 18/03/2021 | | CX/MAS 21/41/9 |
4.1 | Review of methods of analysis in CXS234: dairy workable package | 23/03/2021 | | CX/MAS 21/41/4 |
6 | INFORMATION DOCUMENT: Guidelines on measurement uncertainty (Procedures for the estimation of measurement uncertainty) | 06/04/2021 | | CX/MAS 21/41/8 |
5 | Revision of the Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty (CXG 54 - 2004) | 07/04/2021 | | CX/MAS 21/41/7 |
8 | Discussion paper on criteria to select Type II methods from multiple Type III methods | 09/04/2021 | | CX/MAS 21/41/10 |
4.3 | Review of methods of analysis in CXS 234: cereals, pulses and legumes workable package
| 16/04/2021 | | CX/MAS 21/41/6 |
7.2 | Replies to CL 2021/10/OCS-MAS | 05/05/2021 | | CX/MAS 21/41/9-Add.1 |
101 | Division of Competence between the EU and its Member States | 15/05/2021 | | CRD01 |
118 | Comments from Uruguay on Agenda Item 4.1 | 15/05/2021 | | CRD18 |
125 | Comments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Panamá, Paraguay, Trinidad y Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela on Item 4.1 | 19/05/2021 | | CRD25 |
| Report of the 41st Session of the Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling | 16/06/2021 | | REP21/MAS |
103 | Information and comments submitted by AOAC and ICC supporting replacement of AOAC 2009.01/AACCI 32-45.01 with AOAC 2017.16/ ICC Standard 185 in CXS 234-1999 as a Type I method for the measurement of Total Dietary Fibre | 01/04/2021 | | CRD03 |
104 | Updated information submitted by AOAC, ISO and IDF | 01/04/2021 | | CRD04 |
105 | Comments of AOAC, ISO and IDF on the Measurement of Sweet Taste in Follow-Up Formula | 19/04/2021 | | CRD05 |
106 | IDF/ISO comments to Dairy Package | 30/04/2021 | | CRD06 |
3.2 | Endorsement of Methods of Analysis and Sampling Plans for Provisions in Codex Standards | 07/05/2021 | | CX/MAS 21/41/3 Add.1 |
107 | Comments of New Zealand on Agenda Item 3 | 10/05/2021 | | CRD07 |
108 | Comments of GOED on Agenda Item 4.2 | 11/05/2021 | | CRD08 |
109 | Comments of Thailand and AOCS on Agenda Item 4.2 | 11/05/2021 | | CRD09 |
110 | Comments of Nigeria on Agenda Items 3, 7 and 8 | 11/05/2021 | | CRD10 |
111 | Comments of Nigeria, Thailand and AAFCO on Agenda Item 5 | 11/05/2021 | | CRD11 |
112 | Comments from IACST(International Association of Cereal Science and Technology) on Agend Item 2 | 11/05/2021 | | CRD12 |
113 | Comments of EU and Thailand on Agenda Item 6 | 12/05/2021 | | CRD13 |
119 | Comments of EU on Agenda Item 2, 3 and 5 | 15/05/2021 | | CRD19 |
117 | Comments of NMKL on Agenda Item 3, 4.1 and 4.2 | 14/05/2021 | | CRD17 |
115 | Comments of EU on Agenda Item 8 | 15/05/2021 | | CRD15 |
114 | Comments of El Salvador and EU on Agenda Item 7 | 12/05/2021 | | CRD14 |
121 | Comments of India on Agenda Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 | 16/05/2021 | | CRD21 |
120 | Comments of Senegal on Agenda Items 5 and 7.1 | 16/05/2021 | | CRD20 |
122 | Comments of Mali on Agenda Items 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5 and 7 | 17/05/2021 | | CRD22 |
123 | Comments of Chile on Agenda Items 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5 and 8 | 18/05/2021 | | CRD23 |
124 | Comments of Brasil, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Panamá, Trinidad y Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela on Agenda Item 5 | 16/05/2021 | | CRD24 |
102 | The report of WG on endorsement | 19/05/2021 | | CRD02 |
126 | All files zip collection | | | |