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codexalimentarius > News and Events

Voices from Codex at Pesticide Residues Committee in Beijing

As part of the celebrations for the Codex 60th anniversary, the Codex Secretariat has been gathering memories and stories from delegations attending committees in 2023. During the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues which took place in Beijing, China from 26 June to 1 July 2023, the Secretariat was able to capture the views of three different Codex Members and a member of the invaluable interpretation team. Here are their stories.   Karsten Hohgardt, Germany    Warren Hughes, New Zealand    Steven Mines, Interpreter    Noemi Kiss, Hungary      Learn more Catch up on [...]
06 July 2023

Ngā mihi nui: Celebrating New Zealand at Codex – Past, Present and Future

In mid-June 2023, just weeks after marking World Food Safety Day, New Zealand celebrated 60 years of success in Codex at The Beehive, New Zealand Parliament. The anniversary festivities were attended by the Minister for Food Safety, Hon Rachel Brooking and the Minister of Agriculture, Hon Damien O’Connor.  Representatives from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) also attended, including Director-General Ray Smith, Deputy Director-General (DDG) Policy and Trade Julie Collins, acting DDG New Zealand Food Safety (NZFS) Jenny Bishop, and other [...]
05 July 2023

Leading the way in food safety: Interview with Dr. Yu-Kyoung Oh, Minister of Food and Drug Safety, Korea

Korea recently marked the successful celebration of the 22nd Korean Food Safety Day and on the occasion of this achievement, we had the opportunity to interview Yu-Kyoung Oh, the Minister of Food and Drug Safety of the Republic of Korea. We wanted to delve into the country's accomplishments in the field of food safety management. The minister shared her insights and outlined the plans to ensure that food safety remains a paramount concern in Korea.  Congratulations on the 22nd Korean Food [...]
30 June 2023

Polish Codex Contact Point launches translation of General Principles of Food Hygiene

The Codex Contact Point (CCP) in Poland has completed the translation of a foundation Codex text, the General Principles of Food Hygiene into Polish. “This standard is of the greatest interest to stakeholders in Poland,” said Magdalena Kowalska (pictured second left), “and we have frequently been asked about access to this particular document by food business operators.” The project is part of Polish celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission which coincides with 60 years of the CCP in [...]
27 June 2023

CCPR / Committee plays an increasingly important role in development of international food safety system

Mr. Zhang Xingwang, Vice Minister at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China, (pictured above) opened the 54th session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR), taking place from 26 June to 1 July 2023 in Beijing, China. This committee sets the largest number of numerical standards in Codex and over the past 15 sessions in China has discussed and adopted over 5 000 maximum residue limits (MRLs) for pesticides. CCPR has also revised [...]
26 June 2023

Interview with Greg Noonan: "I had no idea what I was looking at"

As part of the 60th Anniversary Celebrations of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the Codex Secretariat has been talking to experts who lead work in committees to understand their motivation, their work and their views on the world of Codex in general. At the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling, which took place in Budapest, Hungary from 12 to 16 June 2023, we caught up with Greg Noonan who is Director in the Bioanalytical Chemistry Division of the Food and [...]
22 June 2023

New Codex Guideline on Measurement Uncertainty unveiled in Budapest

In 2022 the Codex Secretariat began work on reviewing the formatting and layout of Codex texts to ensure consistency, to meet FAO and international publishing standards and to enhance readability. A digital object identifier (DOI) has also been added to standards as they are published, providing a unique reference that can support tracking and citation of each text. The project is part of the Codex Secretariat’s contribution to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. At the [...]
20 June 2023

Codex60 / Jenny Scott explores the revised General Principles of Food Hygiene

In 2022 the Codex Secretariat began work on reviewing the formatting and layout of Codex texts to ensure consistency, to meet FAO and international publishing standards and to enhance readability. A digital object identifier (DOI) has also been added to standards as they are published, providing a unique reference that can support tracking and citation of each text. The project is part of the Codex Secretariat’s contribution to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Jenny Scott, [...]
12 June 2023

Finland food industry fair confirms Codex is 60 but far from retirement

As part of the global celebrations of Codex Alimentarius turning 60, the Finnish government hosted a session at the annual Food Industry fair in Helsinki, Finland, on 23 May 2023. Titled “Codex – Far From Retirement”, the session attracted over 100 food professionals out of approximately 550 people attending the fair. The session was led by Sebastian Hielm, Finland’s Food safety Director and European member of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and included presentations by Tom Heilandt, Secretary [...]
04 June 2023

Malaysia celebrates Codex 60th anniversary

Codex Malaysia planned a series of events to celebrate the 60th anniversary year of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, including a National Workshop on Enhancing Effective Participation in Codex and a Food Safety Seminar at the country’s Safe Food Expo 2022.  National Workshop on Enhancing Effective Participation in Codex Recognizing the contribution of the secretariats of the National Codex Committee (NCC) subcommittees, who drive and bring national interest to the Codex platform, Malaysia’s NCC conducted a workshop on Enhancing Effective Participation in Codex [...]
26 May 2023
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