World Food Day/ Codex helps countries uphold the right to food
The theme for this year’s World Food Day (WFD) is “Right to foods for a better life and a better future”. There are multiple ideas bound up in this simple phrase. The Right to Food is recognized as a human right and is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and two legally binding international covenants. The pluralization of “foods” carries with it ideas around the diversity we need for a well-balanced and nutritious diet as well as the [...]
16 October 2024
Training on Codex food standards and antimicrobial resistance held for food producers in Mongolia
On 4 October 2024, a training session on "Codex Alimentarius International Food Standards and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)" was organized by the FAO-implemented and Republic of Korea-funded Action to Support Implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT) project, in collaboration with the Mongolian Food Industry Union. The event took place at the "Suu" joint-stock company, with the participation of more than 50 representatives from the food production and import sectors.
The primary objective of the training was to enhance participants' knowledge and understanding [...]
10 October 2024
FAO Food Safety Foresight Technical Meeting Report published
FAO has published the report of the 2023 Food Safety Foresight Technical Meeting, along with a series of video interviews and an infographic. The report explores three focus areas addressed at the meeting – plant-based food products, precision fermentation and 3D food printing.
FAO aims to support its Members in preparing for the arrival of new foods on the market by providing sufficient information to protect consumer health and implement fair trade practices. Through foresight approaches, FAO has been monitoring this [...]
09 October 2024

CCFFP36/ Discussions by correspondence are under way
The 36th session of the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products (CCFFP) started on Monday 7 October, by correspondence. Vigdis Synnøve Veum, Chairperson of the Committee opened the proceedings on Monday and explained the mode of working and how the report adoption will take place, virtually, on Thursday 17 October. The meeting itself will run for six days, 7–11 October 2024. This mode of working takes place in discussions online, using the Codex online forum. Delegates are given timeframes [...]
07 October 2024
CCNFSDU44/ “Thank you for the hard work and constructive discussions!”
With the adoption of the report of the 44th session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU), the Committee’s Chairperson congratulated delegates “on such a successful meeting.” She continued: “This was a very intense week of work; thank you for staying engaged to the very end, for all the work and the constructive discussions.”
Commenting on the achievements of the week, she said “I am happy that we took a great step forward on NRVs [...]
06 October 2024
CCFFP36 / Codex Committee meets for the second time by correspondence
The Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products begins its 36th session on Monday 7 Otober 2024. Meeting for the second time by correspondence via the Codex online platform, CCFFP36 is set to complete work on the Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products (CXS 94-1981) to include the fish species S. lemuru in the list of Sardinella species.
We sat down with Chairperson Vigdis Synnøve Veum, Norway, to learn more about the work ahead.
Vigdis, thanks for your time. CCFFP is working by correspondence for the [...]
04 October 2024
Workshop in Uzbekistan raises awareness on the role of the Codex Alimentarius in improving food safety
On 3–4 October 2024, in Samarkand, a workshop was organized for food safety officers and scientific research institutes from national and regional levels, within the framework of the project on “Strengthening National Capacities for Sustainable Implementation of the Codex Alimentarius in Uzbekistan". The project is funded by the Codex Trust Fund Project of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and aims to strengthen national capacities for sustainable implementation of the [...]
04 October 2024
CCNFSDU44/ “Use this meeting to find good consensus”
The 44th session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU44) has opened in Dresden, Germany, with high-level contributions from relevant ministries and co-chaired by Martine Püster and Carolin Bendadani.
In a video message, the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Mr Cem Özdemir, highlighted the importance of Codex work generally and CCNFSDU work specifically. “Conflicts, wars and the climate crisis are threatening food security. Codex Alimentarius … bear[s] a special responsibility since safe food is [...]
02 October 2024
Understanding Codex Becomes Part of Standard Training for Young Korean Government Officers
Since 2022, Codex secretariats and FAO officers have been providing specialized training to new government officers entering the field of Codex work. This year, four Codex and FAO officers participated in a training programme organized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of the Republic of Korea, held on 26 September. Nearly 40 young officers from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries attended [...]
02 October 2024
ACT Project showcased at the 4th Global Conference on Foodborne AMR
The FAO-implemented and Republic of Korea-funded Action to support the implementation of Codex AMR texts (ACT) Project was featured at the 4th Global Conference on Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance (GCFA), held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on September 24–25, 2024.
At the conference opening, Yu Kyung Oh, Minister of Food and Drug Safety for the Republic of Korea, underscored the importance of the One Health approach, which links human, animal, and environmental health in tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Minister Oh reiterated Korea's [...]
27 September 2024
- (11)
- (19)
- (15)
- (3)
- Animal Feed (8)
- Antimicrobial Resistance (45)
- Antimicrobial Resistance (86)
- CAC47 (10)
- Codex Texts (18)
- Codex Trust Fund (1)
- Contaminants (13)
- Contaminants (10)
- COVID-19 (64)
- Elections (6)
- Food Safety (132)
- Labelling (13)
- Monitoring (10)
- Nutrition and Labelling (6)
- Nutrition and Labelling (7)
- Observers (26)
- Pesticides (9)
- Standards (82)
- World Food Safety Day (162)