4th OIE Global Conference on Animal welfare
After three days of fruitful discussions, the 430 participants of the 4th OIE Global Conference on Animal welfare representing more than 100 countries have endorsed a range of recommendations aimed at furthering the improvement of animal welfare worldwide, one of the OIE’s priority domains of work.
In addition, a draft Global strategy on animal welfare was presented for the first time to the participants to serve as a basis for discussion during the event. This strategy notably recommends the establishment of [...]
13 December 2016

Take part in survey on good practices in feed industry
FAO, the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) and the Standard Trade and Development Facility (STDF) invite inputs on knowledge and use of the FAO/IFIF Manual of Good Practice for the Feed Industry.
This 2010 manual, a guide for managers of feedmills and the feed industry as a whole, provides comprehensive information and practical guidelines for compliance with regulatory frameworks in response to the Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding.
The application of this Code was an important step for [...]
13 December 2016

50 years of the Codex Nutrition Committee
This year marks the 50th anniversary of CCNFSDU.
In the very early days of Codex, in 1965, the fledgling European Coordinating Committee made a proposal to hand responsibility for a new European Committee on Dietetic Foodstuffs to the Federal Republic of Germany due to the experience in this field of the Federal Ministry of Health.
First meeting
The Committee on Dietetic Foods first met in Germany in May 1966. Items on the agenda included matters regarding “gluten free” foods, “foods for nursing mothers, [...]
04 December 2016

London AMR meeting sets direction for Codex taskforce
The working group hosted by UK and co-chaired by the USA and Australia met in London from 29 November to 2 December 2016 to complete the tasks set by the 39th Codex Alimentarius Commission.
Taskforce to tackle emerging global threat
This work involved preparing the work for the Codex Task Force on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) which will begin its discussions in 2017.
Hosted by the Republic of Korea, this body will review and revise Codex texts to address uses of antimicrobials in agriculture [...]
03 December 2016

Risk communication vital for food safety
The Codex Chairperson, Mrs Awilo Ochieng Pernet, attended the Shenzhen China Food Safety Risk Communication Conference which took place in Shenzhen, China on 28th and 29th November 2016.
Hosted by the Shenzhen Food Safety Commission Office, the Food and Drug Administration of Shenzhen Municipality and organised by the Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology (SIST), the Food Safety Risk Communication Conference was attended by more than 400 participants representing stakeholders from relevant sectors including government officials, industry, consumer organisations and academia.
Food [...]
30 November 2016
Chile - Raising consumer awareness about safe and nutritious food
The Codex Chairperson Mrs Awilo Ochieng Pernet and the Codex Secretary Mr Tom Heilandt met with the communications team from the Chilean Agency for Food Safety and Quality (ACHIPIA) to learn about the Chilean experience in raising consumer awareness about the importance of food safety and nutrition.
Everyone's responsibility
With the Agency’s motto being “Safe and nutritious foods, everyone’s responsibility”, ACHIPIA has set out to explain to the general public not only the Chilean national food safety and quality control system, but [...]
24 November 2016

Codex Regional Meeting begins in Chile
These meetings provide an incredibly important opportunity for dynamic discussion on major and emerging food safety and quality issues facing the region.
Dr Kazuaki Miyagishima - WHO
The 20th meeting of the Codex Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (CCLAC) began today in Viña del Mar, Chile. Nearly 100 delegates from the 33 countries in the region are attending as well as Codex representatives from Canada, Switzerland and the United States.
Codex Regions
There are six Codex regions each represented by a joint [...]
21 November 2016

World Antibiotic Awareness Week 14-20 November 2016
Handle antibiotics with care
Antibiotic resistance happens when bacteria change and become resistant to the antibiotics used to treat the infections they cause. It is one of the biggest threats to globalo health, food security and development today.
How can antibiotic resistance spread in food?
When antibiotics are given to food producing animals or crops, the animals develop drug-resistant bacteria in their gut. These bacteria can then reach humans through food, through the environment or by human-animal contact.
World Antibiotic Awareness Week 14-20 November
World [...]
14 November 2016

Codex Chairperson praises work of Codex Secretariat
Los Angeles USA - 48th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene
The Codex Secretariat is commited and dedicated to serving the Codex community
Chair Codex Alimentarius Commission
In the speech that she delivered at the Official Welcome Reception organised by the United States Codex Office on the occasion of the 48th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene, the Codex Alimentarius Chairperson Mrs Awilo Ochieng Pernet paid tribute to members of the Codex Secretariat for their commitment and dedication to delivering [...]
07 November 2016

Committee on Food Hygiene - Los Angeles
The food hygiene committee CCFH has been meeting since 1964 and is responsible for drafting basic provisions on food hygiene applicable to all food.
People have the right to expect the food they eat to be safe and suitable for consumption. Foodborne illness and foodborne injury are at best unpleasant; at worst, they can be fatal.
Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene
Los Angeles - Q&A with Chair Dr Emilio Esteban
As the 48th session of the committee begins in Los Angeles, Dr Emilio Esteban, Executive [...]
04 November 2016
- (11)
- (19)
- (15)
- (3)
- Animal Feed (8)
- Antimicrobial Resistance (45)
- Antimicrobial Resistance (86)
- CAC47 (10)
- Codex Texts (18)
- Codex Trust Fund (1)
- Contaminants (13)
- Contaminants (10)
- COVID-19 (64)
- Elections (6)
- Food Safety (132)
- Labelling (13)
- Monitoring (10)
- Nutrition and Labelling (6)
- Nutrition and Labelling (7)
- Observers (26)
- Pesticides (9)
- Standards (82)
- World Food Safety Day (162)