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codexalimentarius > Actualités et événements

WAAW/ ACT project is helping the Plurinational State of Bolivia tackle the threat of foodborne AMR

The FAO-implemented and Republic of Korea-funded Action to support implementation of Codex AMR texts (ACT) project is being carried out in six countries, of which one is the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Here, the Project has made great progress in helping the national authorities improve governance of the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and has supported training to improve surveillance and monitoring of foodborne AMR. Carolina Tejerina is a protagonist in these activities, and we spoke with her to find out [...]
19 November 2024

CCEXEC87/ Codex’s executive rounds off a busy year ahead of the 47th Commission meeting

The 87th session of the Codex Alimentarius Executive Committee (CCEXEC87) has started at the International Conference Center Geneva to discuss issues outstanding before the meeting of the 47th Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC47).  The meeting was opened by Francesco Branca, Director of Nutrition and Food Safety, WHO, who noted that “Codex is a unique platform for driving real change in global food systems. A platform for science-based discussions that lead to immediate regulatory actions and real transformation”. He continued his intervention, by stressing [...]
18 November 2024

CCASIA Codex Workshop on Food Control Systems and Risk Assessment Held in Harbin, China

From 6 to 9 November 2024, over 40 delegates from Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam attended the CCASIA Codex “Workshop on Food Control Systems and Risk Assessment” held in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China. In addition, representatives from Afghanistan, India and the Maldives participated online. China, as the Coordinator of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia, organized this programme. The programme aimed to address the regional Members' needs for optimizing food [...]
12 November 2024

ACT and FF3 projects meet in Cambodia to share experiences and plan together

The Joint ACT/FF3 meeting took place in Siem Reap, Cambodia, from November 4–8. The “Action to Support Implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT)” project, funded by the Republic of Korea, and the FAO Fleming Fund 3 (FF3) global initiative, funded by the United Kingdom’s Fleming Fund, came together for their first joint meeting to share experiences and challenges, foster mutual learning, and plan collaboratively for the year ahead. Cambodia was highlighted as a model country due to its active involvement in [...]
07 November 2024

Codex Procedural Manual / 29th edition now available

The 29th edition of the Codex Alimentarius Commission Procedural Manual has been published, with updates reflecting revisions to the previous edition. This edition builds on the new format and layout unveiled in the 28th edition, reflecting ongoing efforts to ensure consistency, remove redundancies, and enhance usability.  “Every year, the Codex Alimentarius Commission and its subsidiary bodieslook at the Codex Procedural Manual and propose amendments as necessary” – said Sarah Cahill, Codex Secretary – “With this new version, which includes editorial changes [...]
07 November 2024

Importance of Codex standards showcased at the 8th Shenzhen Food Safety Forum

by Awilo Ochieng Pernet, Former Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission The 8th Shenzhen Food Safety Forum 2024, which took place on 5-6 November 2024 in Shenzhen (China) highlighted the importance of ensuring food safety in future in light of the rapid innovations and constant new developments in the food industry. On this occasion, the “Safety Supervision of Food Production” book was also launched. This High-level Forum was hosted by the Shenzhen Food and Drug Safety Commission Office with the full support provided [...]
06 November 2024

CCFL48/ Three key texts forwarded to CAC47

The 48th session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling has concluded in Quebec City, Canada. In his closing remarks Chairperson Parthi Muthukumarasamy thanked delegates for “the great work for the last 4 or 5 days. “We had an additional day of plenary at CCFL48,” he said, “thanks for the great work and thanks to everyone for staying an additional day in order for us to make progress on a number of texts, which we have done, through the collaboration [...]
02 November 2024

Importance of GHP and HACCP for fisheries and aquaculture showcased at FAO virtual training event

The importance of aquatic foods in global nutrition and food security cannot be overstated. Valued for their nutritional benefits and their contribution to livelihoods, the production and per capita consumption of aquatic foods have seen significant growth over the past decades. This trend is expected to continue, highlighting the crucial role these foods play in global food and nutrition. However, with increased production and consumption come associated risks. Understanding the food safety hazards linked to aquatic foods is essential for [...]
01 November 2024

Jamaica expert recounts the benefits of participating in Codex standards setting

When implemented, Codex standards facilitate fair practices in the food trade and protect consumer health. It is therefore expedient for countries to be able to participate in the standards setting processes. However, for a range of reasons, not all countries can or do participate in Codex work. In this interview, Alfred Barrett, Plant Quarantine Officer in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in Jamaica, explains how participating in the Codex procedure for setting the Standard for Yam meant the text is [...]
28 October 2024

CCFL48/ Committee starts work on forward looking agenda

The 48th session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) has commenced in Quebec City, Canada, with first-time Chairperson Dr Parthi Muthukumarasamy presiding. Opening remarks were offered bilingually by Deputy Minister, Health Canada Greg Orencsak in a video message. With his “warm welcome to all delegates and observers from around the world”, the Deputy Minister, made clear that Canada “places a high importance on the work done by Codex.” He continued, “We believe that the work of Codex is imperative [...]
27 October 2024