ACT project in Mongolia: Prudent use of antimicrobials discussed among herders
The “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT)” project was presented at the Herders Forum in Mongolia on 2 March 2023, where more than 400 herders, livestock specialists, and local governors discussed the government's policies for the development of the agricultural sector, livestock production and responsible and prudent use of antimicrobial drugs and food safety.
“This was a good opportunity to present the ACT project and discuss the responsible and prudent use of antimicrobial drugs in livestock. Our survey, where we interviewed almost 500 herders in 2021, showed that most herders use antimicrobials, and they acquire the antimicrobials through the local veterinarians, however, without prescription and often without further advice on how to use them“ said Enkhtur Byakharjav, National Project Coordinator in Mongolia, interviewed by the main TV channel of Dornogovi province about the foodborne AMR and its risk.
According to Byakharjav, Mongolia has a low population density and 20 times more livestock than people. He noted that livestock-based agriculture has been a big part of the Mongolian economy for years with agriculture products contributing to 80 percent of the national economy. Livestock herding is a source of income for the majority of the rural population. Byakharjav added that low population density, households in remote locations, and poor transportation infrastructure challenge the delivery of veterinary services. Therefore, most herders end up purchasing over-the-counter medicines, leading to the use of drugs and antibiotics, which is a risk to food safety and AMR.
Because of the uniqueness of the agrifood systems in Mongolia, the ACT project has tailored several different activities in Mongolia to raise awareness of Codex texts, with a special focus on foodborne AMR, especially among herders and veterinarians.
“It would be good to have more training on antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial use. This would help herders to address the challenges they are facing today,“ noted Mungunkhuu Uul-Uvgun, Director of the Veterinary Department of the Dornogovi province.
The ACT project is supporting the implementation of Codex standards related to the containment and reduction of foodborne AMR and monitoring and surveillance of antimicrobial use and resistance. By supporting better management of foodborne AMR in Bolivia, Cambodia, Colombia, Mongolia, Nepal, and Pakistan, the project will contribute to improved access to international markets and protect consumers against the risks posed by foodborne AMR.
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Photo credit © FAOMongolia
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