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CCRVDF27 / "Well positioned to address new challenges on the safety of veterinary drug residues"


The Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF) takes place in Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America from 21 to 25 October 2025. The Committee will be chaired for the second time by Dr Brandi Robinson, USA. In the lead up to the meeting, Brandi sat down with the Codex Secretariat to talk about the committee and its work.

Brandi, thanks for your time. You have been involved with CCRVDF for many years now. What’s your take on the Committee?

I’ve been involved in the CCRVDF for some time and have seen the Committee accomplish a lot in that timeframe including completion of the Guidelines for the Design and Implementation of National Regulatory Food Safety Assurance Programme Associated with the Use of Veterinary Drugs in Food Producing Animals (CAC/GL 71-2009), establishing MRLs for many compounds, addressing compounds with specific human health concerns through risk management recommendations, and establishing a new approach to extrapolate existing Codex MRLs to additional species. CCRVDF has shown its willingness to be creative in providing much needed risk management advice to members. I believe that CCRVDF has an important role and is well positioned to address new challenges relating to the safety of veterinary drug residues in food while ensuring fair practices in trade.

Talking about this point, how is CCRVDF helping Codex to achieve its statutory purpose of protecting consumer health and facilitate fair practices in the food trade?

CCRVDF has been tackling issues related to veterinary drug residues in food through our traditional elaboration of MRLs and it has developed new approaches to provide standards for species and tissues where data are lacking and unlikely to become available. The last CCRVDF meeting advanced extrapolated MRLs for 10 veterinary drugs to cover residues in tissues for all other ruminants and 2 veterinary drugs to cover residues in fin fish tissues. This CCRVDF could see additional extrapolated MRLs advanced through the Step Process. CCRVDF also continues discussion on approaches to provide additional MRLs to cover camelids and other edible offal tissues. The new approach to extrapolation of Codex MRLs relies on the scientific advice from JECFA and provides additional standards for safety and trade for species and tissues which are consumed but for which data are limited.

This is also going to be your second time serving as Chair of CCRVDF. How are you preparing for it?

I’m preparing for the meeting in the same way I am sure most delegations are. I’m reviewing the documents and the comments we’ve received through the electronic working groups and circular letters. I’m also meeting with our working group chairs and with many delegations to better understand the goals and issues that members will bring to the discussions at CCRVDF27.

Going to the agenda of the Committee, what are the highlights?

The 98th JECFA has provided CCRVDF with recommended MRLs for three compounds which we will discuss. Additionally, the Committee will consider proposed extrapolated MRLs for residues in fin fish. CCRVDF will also continue discussing application of the extrapolation criteria to cover additional species and tissues. Specifically, criteria to allow extrapolation of MRLs to cover camelids will be discussed as will the topic of extrapolation to cover residues in edible offal tissues other than liver and kidney. CCRVDF will also continue discussion of risk management approaches to address residues of veterinary drugs in food of animal origin resulting from unavoidable and unintentional veterinary drug carryover of non-target animal feed.

CCRVDF27 will also have the opportunity to develop a new Priority List for Evaluation or Re-evaluation by JECFA, including veterinary drugs for consideration for extrapolation of existing Codex MRLs. The Priority List is our opportunity to work plan for CCRVDF28 and beyond and I look forward to seeing what delegations bring to the discussion.

There is also a unique case of two different Codex committees working together currently going on. Can you tell us more about it?

There is a Joint EWG operating between CCPR and CCRVDF to address issues which overlap between the committees. The Joint EWG is currently aiming to harmonize MRLs for compounds which have MRLs as pesticides and as veterinary drugs but which have differing standards in similar tissues. CCRVDF will have the opportunity to hear updates on the work of the group as well as proposals for how the two Committees can discuss and decide on the recommendations in parallel.

Any final thoughts you would like to share with Codex delegates attending CCRVDF27?

I am looking forward to welcoming delegates to Omaha for another productive session.


Read more

CCRVDF27 webpage


Photo © FAO / Codex Roberto Sciotti