World Food Safety Day / Codex Vice Chairpersons
On the 2nd World Food Safety Day the Codex Vice Chairpersons share their messages.
Mariam Eid, Lebanon
The celebration of the World Food Safety 2020 take place in a moment when everyone's efforts are needed to continue and contribute to shaping the future of humanity. What the world faces today is directing attention to the Codex Alimentarius Commission which within the framework of its strategy can lead to a community with fewer food losses, less foodborne diseases, less poverty and less hunger but with more social security and more confidence in our planet.
In Lebanon, we have tried to take advantage of this day to turn it into an opportunity to inform the Lebanese consumer that their food is monitored to ensure it is safe and to raise confidence in Lebanese food. We have highlighted some of the efforts that those involved are making to keep food safe but at the same time we call on consumers to play their role and take responsibilty because food safety is everyone’s business – and reaching this positive goal can only be achieved if we work together.
Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Indonesia
The theme of World Food Safety Day, "Food Safety, Everyone's Business" is very appropriate. Not only that the theme is very important to manage food safety nationally, but also very relevant to the increasingly important international food trade. With the development of international food trade, food safety problems that arise now involve more and more countries. In this case, using the apporach of "from farm to table" model, we must remember that the "farm" where food is produced may be located in country A, while the "table" where food is served might be located in country B, or C. As a result, if we want to manage global food safety, then joint efforts between all countries involved along the global food supply chain are needed. So, food safety is truely everyone's business.
The importance of ensuring food safety is even more critical in this pandemic situation. Specifically, governments need to provide operational guidelines or protocols - and, if necessary accompanied by training - for everyone involved in the food system. These guidelines or protocols are important, not only to prevent and avoid the spread of Covid-19 (providing protection for workers), but also to ensure that the food system continues to operate effectively producing safe and nutritious food. Download the Indonesian Food and Drug Agency guidelines.
Steve Wearne, United Kingdom
We are marking the second global World Food Safety Day at a time of huge change. I'd like to recognise and thank all of the Food Heroes who have played their part in keeping food safe during these times. From farmers and people working in food manufacturing and processing, food protection professionals, through to supermarket workers and delivery drivers.
Here in the UK, pubs, cafes and restaurants have been shut down for the past couple of months. Many of us have been spending more time in the kitchen and trying to manage our food better while at home in lockdown - there are an estimated 503 million additional meals being eaten at home in the UK, each week.
The theme for this year's World Food Safety Day is 'Food safety, everyone's business'. As consumers, we too need to play our part in ensuring the food we prepare and share at home is safe. That's why we at the UK FSA have pulled together some advice to help you safely make the most of the contents of your cupboards and fridges. Check out
Read more
Chairperson Guilherme da Costa’s message on World Food Safety Day
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