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FAO Food Safety Foresight Technical Meeting Report published


FAO has published the report of the 2023 Food Safety Foresight Technical Meeting, along with a series of video interviews and an infographic. The report explores three focus areas addressed at the meeting – plant-based food products, precision fermentation and 3D food printing.

FAO aims to support its Members in preparing for the arrival of new foods on the market by providing sufficient information to protect consumer health and implement fair trade practices. Through foresight approaches, FAO has been monitoring this emerging sector and evaluating the opportunities and challenges it brings for agrifood systems, especially in the context of food safety.

In a series of videos recorded during the meeting, experts discuss the safety of new food sources and production systems.

Angela Parry-Hanson Kunadu, Senior Lecturer at the University of Ghana, said, “We believe that FAO, WHO and Codex have set up the groundwork or the foundation for food safety to be managed properly by providing science-based information, for example standards and guidelines that are freely available to all using evidence-based strategies. And these tools help competent authorities and all stakeholders, including producers, processors and the end user, to understand these new foods and apply the risk analysis principles to identify food safety risks and manage them appropriately.”

The meeting report delves into the key food safety issues, nutritional characteristics, environmental aspects, and consumer perceptions related to plant-based food products that mimic animal-derived foods, precision fermentation and 3D food printing.

Read more

Download the meeting report, infographic, summary report and watch the videos.
FAO Food Safety Foresight


Photo © FAO/Alessandra Benedetti