CCEXEC87/ Codex’s executive rounds off a busy year ahead of the 47th Commission meeting
The 87th session of the Codex Alimentarius Executive Committee (CCEXEC87) has started at the International Conference Center Geneva to discuss issues outstanding before the meeting of the 47th Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC47).
The meeting was opened by Francesco Branca, Director of Nutrition and Food Safety, WHO, who noted that “Codex is a unique platform for driving real change in global food systems. A platform for science-based discussions that lead to immediate regulatory actions and real transformation”. He continued his intervention, by stressing the importance for Codex to have concluded discussions on the standard for follow-up formula and to consider the adoption of the amendments to the Standard for Infant Formula and Formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants (CXS 72-1981). In informing CCEXEC that in December 2024 his tenure in WHO as Director of Nutrition and Food Safety would come to an end, he invited Codex to stand ready to address emerging issues such as the consumption of highly processed foods, the balance between nutritional needs and sustainability, and the integrated assessment of the exposure to multiple compounds in food.
A unique platform for driving real change in global food systems
In a video message, FAO’s Chief Economist, Maximo Torero, underlined the importance of Codex work to the objectives of FAO: “The theme for last month’s World Food Day, Right to foods for a better life and a better future encapsulates ideas that are relevant, of course, to FAO – but that are also inextricably linked with Codex,” said Torero. “Through its statutory purpose of protecting consumer health and facilitating fair practices in the food trade, Codex supports countries to uphold the Right to Food as, indeed, if it is not safe, it simply is not food.” He went on to commend the work of the outgoing Codex Alimentarius Commission Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons and offered his best wishes to WHO’s Director of the Nutrition Division, Francesco Branca.
The Executive Committee will critically review this year’s work of the Codex committees on pesticide residues, food import and export inspection and certification systems, nutrition and foods for special dietary uses, fish and fishery products, residues of veterinary drugs in foods and food labelling. In addition to approving the proposed texts for adoption and proposed new work proposals, the Committee will discuss the latest developments in the next Codex strategic plan, as well as budgetary and financial matters.
Dominique Burgeon, Director, FAO Liaison Office in Geneva, also addressed the plenary recalling that his office frequently references Codex work “through the different dialogue series organized in the area of nutrition and trade”. Burgeon concluded his intervention by stressing that the office of FAO in Geneva is “willing to continue supporting Codex-related activities, leveraging knowledge and maximizing the use and impact of Codex work and standards through the Geneva international platform”.
CCEXEC87 plenary listens to the opening remarks
“We need to keep at the front of our minds the purpose and functions of this Committee, and also the roles and responsibilities we each have here”, said Chairperson Steve Wearne, recalling this would be the last time he would chair CCEXEC. He went on to mention the different items on the agenda and their links to the Procedural Manual: “It’s because I want to ensure that we are at each stage clear about the procedural basis for the issues we consider, the conclusions we reach, and the advice we offer to CAC. This continues to be important if we are to ensure that our discussions, conclusions and advice are well-founded, robust and coherent”.
Codex Secretary, Sarah Cahill, also greeted CCEXEC87, welcoming the results of the workshop on the new Stretegic Plan, hoping that discussions at the meeting could progress in the same "spirit of collaboration and with the active participation of each of you".
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Photo credits © WHO / Pierre Albouy
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