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National Standardization Agency of Indonesia recognizes technical committees for national standards development


prepared by the Codex Contact Point of Indonesia

In celebrating World Standards Day, the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN) organized the Herudi Technical Committee Award, November 21, 2024, at the Jakarta Convention Center. This event was held to recognize technical committees involved in the development of the Indonesian National Standards (SNI) for their outstanding performance. The event brought together stakeholders from the standardization and conformity assessment sectors, including the food sector.

The event was officially opened by Chairman of BSN, followed by video messages from three international standardization organizations which were delivered by: Philippe Metzger, IEC Secretary-General & CEO; Sergio Mujica, ISO Secretary-General; and Sarah Cahill, Secretary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Five technical committees were honored for their excellent contribution to the development of SNI, namely technical committee on fisheries products; food product sensory analysis, disaster management, solar energy, and geographic information/geomatics. This prestigious award aims to encourage continued excellence and inspires further development in Indonesia’s national standardization efforts. By recognizing their achievements, BSN hopes to inspire further innovation and excellence in the development of SNI.


Photo credit © National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN)